I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1685 Conditions (End, Sleep, So Hungry)


The place where Wuque's people stand is not close to the river, because they are cautious.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

So they huddled together, chatted and waited.

And other groups of monks are basically based on sects or families. If they are casual cultivators, there are always friends and old friends in small groups, and there are very few real single people.

These people are actually scary.

"Look, it's Mang Mountain Sword Lin Mang."

"He must have benefited a lot from Hailing in Xuejian Mountain."

"That's natural, after all, he is a master in the transformation stage."

"Look, there are a lot of people, people from Huayuan Kingdom are here, Wan Qu and Chi Yan's hand Lin Suo!"

"What is the kingdom of Huayuan? This time, we are the king of Baili! Only Haina has some confidence."

"Brother, this is an exaggeration. No one in the Seven Kingdoms just said that he is the number one. What if a monster is born?"

Soon, word spread.

"Hai accepts thousands of rivers, flowers and kites offer sacrifices to ten thousand forests, the Wuliu at the end of the Three Kingdoms, the mirror flow reflects the painting building, and the sword face of the Great Qin Dynasty?"

"Then what about my Baili Kingdom?"

The Baili Kingdom is the most powerful, with many sects, and the three sects dominate the audience.

First of all, it can be seen that there are the most people on the other side, and there is a vast area. The three groups dominate the three best areas, but they are all close to the river. Because of the large number of people, there is no fear of the river monster.

"Three sects, Tianhu Zong Yuan Xingguang and others you all recognize, the second sect Luqiu Mingduan from Chixiao Tower, you have also met, and Ziyangzong Wu Tai and others, although meeting does not mean understanding, but Not entirely unfamiliar, I'm reminding you of the others."

Feixi still has the heart of the old lady of the intelligence officer, and earnestly said, "Let's talk about Chixiao Tower first, people like Lu Qiu Mingduan are not the top leaders among the true disciples in Chixiao Tower, Yu Gui and Zhao Bize are the two. .”

"As for Zi Yangzong, the eldest grandson Yunhong alone is the champion, and no one can match him."

"Besides the three sects, the average strength of the hundred sects in the Hundred Mile Realm is also far superior to other kingdoms, with a vast territory and many disciples. Their Baili Kingdom alone has a low-rank list, a middle-rank list, and a top-rank list. List."

The Tibetan list sounds strange, but it is actually the ambition of the Baili Kingdom as the strongest kingdom for the selection of Tianzang. In all previous dynasties, the Baili Kingdom has basically been selected the most, with the best results, and even the sum of the seven kingdoms, so powerful , Naturally have the capital to establish a Tibetan list.

Only those who are on the list can enter the reserve service.

Because it has already been selected.

As for the difference between upper, middle and lower, it is only because of the difference in the length of practice, so it is actually the division of the young, middle and old.

Feixi collected the information of the three major collection lists and handed them over to everyone.

"Learn for yourself, don't have to ask."

The disciples nodded, and after taking the information, they were surprised for a long time.

Because each collection list has nine places, and the lower-rank collection list, Tianhuzong's first yuan starlight only ranks last.

Even if he lost miserably to his elder brother, this person is not weak.

It is only in the ninth rank of the lower rank.

And what about them alien kingdom geniuses?

Of course, they are not talking about themselves, but about Jing Qianchen and Min Hualou. . .

Speaking of Min Hualou.

"Oh, I'll go." Yan Zhao's face suddenly turned ugly.

Because it is said that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here.

"Miss Qingqiu, I haven't seen you for a long time. Why are you so weak?"

Min Hualou, who was holding a big watermelon, came. When he saw Qin Yu's appearance, he was so distressed that he was dying. He looked concerned and ran quickly, like a second fool who fell in love and couldn't extricate himself.

Wu Que's juniors looked at each other, and stood in front of the adult wall in unison.

Yan Zhao took the initiative to stop the man, but before he stopped, the opponent's figure flashed and he was perfectly offside.


Min Hualou flashed in front of Qin Yu. . . .

Haven't spoken yet.

The fifth knife feather came, a long knife across the waist, even the knife and sheath.

"Friend Daoist Min."


"What do you think of my knife?"


Min Hualou: "..."

Domineering side leakage, hate it!


Min Hualou still didn't have a chance to talk to Qin Yu because someone came.

A person who makes the noisy crowd quiet when he arrives.

There is only the sound of the rushing and turbulent river.

Who is it?

"The number one beauty recognized by hundreds of sects of cultivation in a hundred miles."

"Fu Xia."

Fu Xia is this woman, the iceberg beauty is cold and beautiful.

It was really cold.

Like flying snow for thousands of miles, the snow clothes are gorgeous, and the beauty of the face even drives back the desolation and fierceness of Daoxia, adding a lot of beauty.

Of course, there are countless beautiful female cultivators here, but she is the only one who crushes them. . . . Did not overwhelm Wuque.

As soon as she appeared, everyone paid attention to her at the first moment, and then noticed another thing at the second moment——Wu Que is so strange, so counterattacking, but also so beautiful.

That side is tolerant.

He was not under Fu Xia at all.


"The beauty of a beautiful woman is not in the picture, and it is difficult to compare. If you want to compare, you must be present at the same time. It is a spring flower and autumn moon. It is a joy to watch."

Which one do you like more? Which do you think is the most beautiful?

Not really, Fu Xia also noticed the discussion among the crowd, glanced sideways, and happened to see a small group of people on Wuque's side. In the corner, two women stood together, as if they were talking about something. facing sideways.

Seemingly sensitive, aware of everyone's attention, the very curvaceous woman in the warm yellow thin skirt looked sideways, took a look, smiled, and turned her head to speak to another woman.

The woman turned around.

They looked at each other.

Fu Xia froze for a moment, his heart fluctuated slightly.

But he didn't make a statement, just nodded slightly, and the latter also nodded slightly, then turned his head and replied to the woman.

Fu Xia is the most powerful but most beautiful true disciple of the first sect of the Baili Kingdom. He has a lot of followers wherever he goes, but those who practice must take this kind of thing lightly, so she didn't care too much. After Zong's side, he came to a young man.

"Big brother."

The eldest grandson Yunhong was dressed in a purple robe. When he saw her coming, he nodded slightly and asked, "How do you feel?"

what does it feel like Which of the two is better looking?

Fu Xia: "Stable."

one word.

She felt that Fang Yourong, who was flawless, was a person who was so stable that he had no flaws.


On the other side, what did Qin Yu say?

She just saw Fu Xia coming, and said with a smile: "Baili's Fengshui is very nourishing."

What Fang Yourong replied to her was: "Indeed, in comparison, I, Da Qin Wuque, are a little barren, and I have made you thinner, Junior Sister."

Qin Yu calmly said, "I won't be thinner than you, Senior Sister."

Is this conversation meaningful?

Jiaojiao thinks they are driving, he has evidence, he is recording!

after. . . Hehehe, let Xixi and the others listen!

The two of them were chatting, and they only knew Fu Xia's proud daughter these days, and it was impossible to see through it if they wanted to meet each other.

Qin Yu didn't think so either.

Because she knows.

"In fact, there is no need to distinguish between the lower, middle and upper grades of the list."

"Because they will all come."

Qin Yu downplayed it. Yan Zhao and the others, who were trying to digest the blow, were stunned. Then, they saw streamers flying down from time to time around the horizon.

A master of the middle-aged and old age.

Here they come.

"Could it be...they will also participate? Or send someone to participate?" Yan Zhao has some bad acceptance, trying to see sons, daughters, grandchildren and so on around these masters.

But no.

This group of masters obviously came for themselves.

They reached the river, suspended in mid-air.

With a strong momentum, he suppressed the rampant river monster at the bottom of the river.

Fifth Dao Ling calmly swept over them, "Has anyone ever told you that Tianzang's Choice is just for young people to fight?"

"This is everyone's war."

Huge benefits, an unlimited future, and—absolute benefits to the sect.

Even some masters of the sect will participate, as long as they meet certain conditions.

What conditions?

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