I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1689 Maze Treasure Chest (End, more will be added tomorrow depending on the situation)

Everyone listened to Qin Yu's instructions and began to follow Fifth Dao Ling to climb the wall. Of course, they were also assigned according to the previous small groups, in groups of three or four.

When they went up, Qin Yu was watching from below. She was assigned to Fang Yourong's place by default.

Seeing that her fingers were still on the wall, Fang Yourong endured it, probably because of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and struck again, pulling Qin Yu's hand back.

Qin Yu: "???"

Fang Yourong spoke slowly, "I know, but I forgot I was there."

Qin Yu: "..."

Fang Yourong: "You think you're a pickle, and if you drain the water and turn it into a dried vegetable, it will be easier for me to take it with you?"

Everyone was stunned by this description.

Qin Yu himself was also stunned.

But Fang Yourong didn't seem to be joking.

Qin Yu was embarrassed, and explained softly: "I didn't mean to..."

Fang Yourong: "Then next time you purposely do something else, let me see."

Women are born with the ability to speak ironically and threaten.

Qin Yu shut up, put his hands in his sleeves, put his hands behind his back, and behaved like a horse.

Everyone: "..."

But the well-behaved little senior sister Qingqiu was obviously not favored by fate.

After going up the wall, she followed Fang Yourong closely, even though they carefully avoided, they still encountered the teleportation channel on the wall.

when being sent.

Qin Yu: "Senior sister, please don't leave me behind."

Fang Yourong: "Let go of my belt."

Qin Yu let go of Fang Yourong's belt, and grabbed Fifth Daoling's belt.


Send it over.

The delicate Qin Yu instantly appeared in a dark water drop hole.

look around.

Jiaojiao: "I know it! I know!"

Qin Yu supported his forehead.

Jiaojiao: "You alone! Only you!"

Qin Yu sighed.

Forget it, accept your fate.

It's okay to be alone, don't have to hide it.


"Come in, just come in, and then go out, Yuyu, let's go straight out of this broken mountain gorge."

"Why do you think I came in?"


Jiaojiao froze for a moment, then suddenly realized.

"It's good?!"

Qin Yu didn't answer, but took a few steps, stretched out his hand and pressed it on a seemingly ordinary stone, the left hand was injected with the secret technique, and the stone highlighted the lines, which turned out to be a small seal.

Hey, there must be something in it!

Jiaojiao's eyes are bright

Qin Yu quickly removed the small seal, and the speed of removal was very fast, less than three breaths.


The small seal was untied, and the contents inside. . .

Screaming, the terrifying bloody ghost head rushed towards Qin Yu's face.

Whoops I'm going.

This is terrible, terrible. . . Jiaojiao patted it with her paw.

With a puff, it was shot into ashes.

"What a silly thing, scared the baby to death, Yuyu, hug~"

He trembled with his plump delicate body, hugged Qin Yu's nose, weeping and pretending to be weak.

——The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

This is how the golden wall is described.

but. . . Qin Yu took out the small box inside and took a look.

"Hey, not bad, there are still three Jade Spirit Ginseng."

Jade spirit ginseng is a high-grade medicinal material. Qin Yu has it himself, but it is very expensive. In terms of value alone, these three plants are basically worth 30,000 middle-grade spirit stones.

Of course, it is not expensive to Qin Yu, but extremely expensive to others.

"I thought Tianzang Zhixuan was very generous, but I didn't expect it to be so generous. It gave benefits on the way to sign up. No wonder so many people flock to it."

"Hey, Yuyu, have the secret art spirits you just tried to find these treasures? Otherwise, why did you deliberately remind them to enter the maze on the wall?"


Qin Yu denied it, "I just think that the river monster in a river has already played the role of blocking the test, why bother to spend so much effort and supernatural powers to design the mountain wall of Tiedao Gorge, which is a vortex and forces people to go up the wall , that means there must be something in the wall that they want us to experience.”

"It can be to show off their supernatural powers and test methods, but it's just a registration. Excessive showing of power will increase the awe, but only the benefits are eternal, and it will make people really chase after it."

So, one slap and one sweet date.

This is a very normal method for the upper echelon to control the subordinates.

Tianzang's Choice is no exception.

Therefore, Qin Yu guessed that there are nine out of ten good things in this maze.

Sure enough.

The benefits are paid off.

"Next, I will unseal the seal. You check the space principle here. Anyone who feels empty, tell me and I will investigate. This will force me to use secret techniques to gain insights faster."

"Those river monsters are so ugly, I have to wash my eyes."


They are going to send a wave!

Jiaojiao squinted her eyes and smiled wretchedly.

The golden wall is silent.

It had a hunch that Qin Yu's net worth would increase by at least ten times after Tianzang chose to serve as a reserve.


Qin Yu and Jiaojiao frantically searched for the treasure chest, just like cheating players pushing dungeons all the way to make a fortune.

But there are also dangers, just like the bloody head that popped out after the seal was unsealed, it is a kind of ghost, crisis and wealth coexist, this is the norm in the cultivation world.

However, Qin Yu reckoned that this treasure was not easy to get.

"The others are fine. If those two idiots Yan Zhao and Xie Shuling didn't stay with people like Fang Yourong, then the result might be..."

On Qin Yu's side, crazy KO treasure chests increase wealth resources, and on the other side, Yan Zhao and Xie Shuling have already started their days of wandering together.

"Why is that you!"

"I also want to ask this question, and me? What happened to me?! I still despise you!"

"Can you beat me?"

"You! But I'm smarter than you!"

"Smart you hammer!"

The two scolded each other while wandering around, and then. . . .

They met Ying Ruoruo and other small groups.

To be precise, it was Ying Ruoruo and others who found them.

"After all, there are not many people who can fight with ghosts and scold them at the same time."

Ying Ruoruo said coldly and softly.

Two people: "..."

"By the way, Senior Sister Qingqiu doesn't know what's going on."

Everyone was silent for a while.

Compared to them, the weak Senior Sister Qingqiu must be very dangerous now.

"Senior Sister Qingqiu is such a gentle person, and now she is seriously injured, and she is very unlucky. There are people trying to deal with her everywhere, and she will definitely be bullied."

The disciples were very worried - even though they were not protected by Yun Chuxiu and Fang Yourong.

the other side. . . .

"Senior Sister Fang, aren't you worried about Qingqiu?" Yun Chuxiu asked.

Fang Yourong broke the seal, turned his finger, and killed the ghost with the small sword formation. After taking the treasure box, his expression was indifferent.

"I'm more worried about you."


"We, separate."

Yun Chuxiu raised her eyebrows, "Why? Senior Sister Fang doesn't want to protect me?"

"With me here, you can't grab the treasure, and you can't grab it. If I divide you, you will be quite humiliated. You shouldn't be together."

"But just in case I'm in danger..."

"If you can't even live here, you don't have to go to Tianzang's Choice."

So cold.

Yun Chuxiu really didn't want to be with Fang Yourong, but seeing Fang Yourong walking away alone, she rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Senior Sister Fang, if Junior Sister Qingqiu is here..."

"Give her the treasure box."

Yun Chuxiu: "???"

I just want to tease you, why are you so obviously discriminated against?

Be yourself, Senior Sister Fang.

"She needs these materials."

So you just gave it?

"Will pay a high price for it."

Yun Chuxiu was taken aback for a moment, and when he realized it, Fang Yourong had already left.

She was silent for a moment, then smiled.

No Que? . . The most correct way to say it is Fang Yazheng's third female cultivator, Fang Yourong Qingqiu Zhanlan.

In fact, there is only one real one.

But my Gudao Qingqiu, who is both a junior and a senior sister, may not necessarily be a person who needs protection from others.

Although she was curious about what the other party would encounter. . . .

In fact, Qin Yu's treasure-digging journey was interrupted at this time.

Because she saw a very special treasure chest.

Absolutely great treasure chest.

But the problem is. . . Others noticed it too.

The other party also saw her.

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