I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1793 A few words of praise? (There will be an update at 12 o'clock, I will schedule it

Originally thought that this was a unique secret technique, and it was not suspicious that a monstrous genius had this method. How could there be a second one as powerful as this.

"Whether it's the immobilization technique or other techniques, from basic to advanced, the starting time of the technique has its own fixed time, and it can be reduced only by the strength of the spiritual knowledge, and it has nothing to do with the cultivation of spiritual power, unless you master more advanced and effective techniques." Law."

But the technique she uses is just like that, and others can do it too, but the operation time is longer than her.

A spell lasts for one second, and a dozen spells in a row last for more than ten seconds. Let alone the first chance, even the extra time is enough to use more spells.

These are soft skills and soft advantages.

Shen Tuxiu was not a fool either, knowing that he would definitely lose if he went on like this, he panicked.

Steeply received a sound transmission.

"Use the flame removal technique."

It's Senior Sister Fu Xia!

Shen Tuxiu was ecstatic, but he also knew what was good and bad, so he obediently used the technique of removing flames immediately.

As soon as the unloading technique came out, Ying Ruoruo was shackled.

Because the other party didn't compete with her for the length of time, and directly drew the salary from the bottom of the pot-seeing through her advantage not only came from the spell time, but also from the attributes. In this icy world, her ice spirit root is unique!

Ying Ruoruo was struggling, but she didn't panic, because Senior Sister Qingqiu who sent her the sound transmission smiled softly.

"Senior sister?"

"My senior sister is also here, so I said I won't take advantage of him."

"Um, okay."

"Don't panic, use ice melt."

Ying Ruoruo immediately used ice melting.

It's time to compete in spells!

Everyone soon discovered that the frequency and intensity of the two people's shots were increasing, and the speed of response was getting more and more ruthless.

Like behind. . . .

"Heh! You two are so sensitive, they react so fast!"

There are people here in the Tianzang Realm who have been in charge of the competitions in each arena. Each arena is assigned two referees. They know the details of the competitions on the stage. voice guidance.

"That Qingqiu is bold, and he joined the sound transmission from the very beginning."

"Ha, it's not ordinary people who can make His Majesty specifically let Xiao En and the two personally take care of them, let alone look at the points she got in the entrance examination, whether she got it by killing others or she solved it herself The ones that come out are all impressive."

"It's great, but I don't know who will win and who will lose under the guidance of her and Na Fuxia."

In fact, it didn't take long.

Only ten seconds passed.

The result came out.

Because of an advanced technique.

"Flying cloud and ice waterfall."

"She was just out of her body, but..."

Everyone was surprised, but quickly relieved.

There was a Qingqiu before Wuque, who could use advanced spells in the Nascent Soul stage, so it is not surprising that there is one in the out-of-body stage now.


Shen Tuxiu was defeated, completely defeated, and collapsed in one blow, but it was also because of the disadvantages accumulated before, and the loss was too much.

"How could this be, she should have spent more than me, why..."

Shen Tuxiu couldn't believe it, but also felt guilty, and apologized to Fu Xia when he stepped down.

"Senior Sister, I...I lost."

Fu Xia glanced at him and said lightly, "I lost too."

Shen Tuxiu was in a hurry, "How can it be your fault, senior sister? It's because I'm not good at learning."

"Compared to that Ying Ruoruo, you are indeed not good at learning, but compared to others, I am not very good."

Fu Xia would not go to counsel the psychological problems of her disciples, she directly bypassed the crowd and walked to the opposite side.

"Miss Qingqiu..."

Ying Ruoruo was stepping off the stage at this time, accepting the cheers of the crowd, full of joy, suddenly saw the pure version of the iceberg beauty approaching, and suddenly became quieter.

Could it be that you are here to ask for trouble?

Fei Xi and the others already knew about Qin Yu's voice transmission to help win Ruoruo, so they thought Fu Xia was unwilling.

As a result, although he was indifferent, he kept his etiquette and congratulated Ying Ruoruo when he came up to him.

They are all ice and snow beauties, if Ying Ruo is a little fairy, she is a big fairy, pleasing to the eye.

After the social etiquette, Fu Xia asked Qin Yu, "Daoist Qingqiu, the technique used by Miss Ruoruo just now was your original creation?"

After a pause, she said, "If you think this question is inappropriate to answer, you don't have to answer it, I'm just curious."

Most people will avoid this kind of question involving hole cards, unless they want to show off.

But obviously, Miss Qingqiu didn't show off.

"Fellow Daoist Fu Xia seems to have a good opinion of me, do you actually think I can create unique spells?"

Qin Yu has always used molesting methods to deal with people who don't know the enemy and the righteous, and they are mostly effective.

At least His Royal Highness Haina couldn't bear to be molested.

So the number one beauty in a hundred miles. . . .

Her expression didn't change at all, she just replied coldly: "I have nothing to say about Fellow Daoist Qingqiu, I just think you are amazing."

It's like a brazen and extremely narcissistic person insists on molesting a woman from a good family, but the woman from a good family turns out to be the dean of the Department of Political Science and Law.

Basic national conditions Seek truth from facts The party's program. . .

Qin Yu paused and stabilized. To deal with this kind of person, just follow the actual route.

"Not original, just with some changes."

"Have you modified the technique?"


Fu Xia was silent for a while, didn't say any more, and turned around to leave.

But suddenly she heard fellow Taoist Qingqiu calling her behind, Fu Xia thought what the other party was about to say, turned around, saw that she had a serious face, but she was holding the fat and soft cat with great demeanor.

What will you say?

"Fellow Daoist Fu Xia, you didn't intend to say anything?"

Fu Xia was startled, what did you say? Shouldn't she have something to say?

"What do fellow Taoists Qingqiu mean?"

Fu Xia's temperament is already extremely cold, if his complexion is a little more indifferent, it will be even more snowy in winter.

Could it be that a war is about to start?

Many people's attention was attracted, especially when they saw Wuque Qingqiu and Fu Xia facing each other, as if facing each other, the atmosphere. . . .

After a while, someone suddenly smiled, and said softly: "I thought Fellow Daoist Fu Xia would praise me again, but I didn't expect to leave like this. Hey, it's really disappointing."

Fu Xia was stunned for a moment, thoughtfully: "What fellow Taoist Qingqiu means..."

She wondered what this man meant.

"She didn't mean anything else, she was teasing you."

There was a charming sneer from behind, it turned out that Baili Xianshang came, surrounded by a group of dignitaries behind him, with a luxurious posture and no restraint.

Also, she is almost the queen of Baili now.

The dignity of the royal family is at her feet.

Fu Xia was a little shy about this person, and when he heard this, he glanced at Qin Yu again, and said coldly, "Your Highness, the eldest princess, just joked."

"Do you think I'm joking?" Baili Xianshang smiled, and suddenly put his hand on Fu Xia's shoulder, moved closer, with the back of his hand facing Fu Xia's cheek, and gently stroked his fingers, "Then if I let you praise me Two sentences, isn't it normal?"

Is this also teasing? This is not molesting, this is harassment!

Jiaojiao felt that this woman was really indiscreet, in broad daylight, in the ice and snow, she was so frivolous, she was insane!

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