I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1803 I don't want to (thank you Li Lisu 089033 for the reward, I owe two plus more, dep

Qin Yu looked complicated, and said: "It's a ban, but the higher the cultivation level, the years of tempering, especially after each thunder disaster, have filled their bodies with strength, and they can burst out terrifying power without spiritual power."

Jiaojiao stroked her chin, "If it wasn't for your blood-refining physique, then their cultivation should be at least above the fusion stage, maybe they were in the tribulation stage."

"I don't know, under the ban, it's hard to detect, anyway, I can't afford to mess with it."

Qin Yu thought for a while, and touched Jiaojiao's stomach, "I have a hunch that everyone locked in this mountain forest prison is far stronger than that son of the lord."

She glanced at the two who were fighting fiercely at high altitude with their physical strength.

"Perhaps the deepest part of this dungeon is the core of Wuque's strongest combat power."


Those two people were fighting fiercely, Qin Yu just watched it for a while, and then led Jiaojiao to the inner side of the path, but this time she carefully avoided the wall of the pagoda, not because she was afraid of it, nor because she wanted to hide herself , she was just digesting the memory that had just been imprinted.

Her soul can bear this thing, but it is a long distance, what if it is close? It's better to digest and familiarize yourself with one or two before making plans.

——This Wuque really hides quite deeply.

——The Pagoda Wall alone is definitely one of the top secrets in the world of Tianzang.

Although Qin Yu felt that the Buddha Wall was extremely dangerous, he didn't expect it to be so aggressive.

"How to say?"

——Does your own soul have no points?

——If you look at your soul from such a distance, you will almost be dizzy. Can its specifications be high?

——In other words, the method used by the soaring Tianxu old man to raise the demon seed can only make you dizzy for a while before the breakthrough, what about it?

It seems to say that, the compulsion is very high, even higher than the level of the devil.

And the devil seed is already the highest danger in the Tianzang world.

This standard of comparison is reasonable.

"Danger also means opportunity. Existence is valuable. This thing is a bit interesting."

Qin Yu was planning in his heart, but on the surface he was elegant and gentle, and he came here with a fish soup pot.

There is a large open space in front of the pagoda wall, with a concave space and a protruding platform. Interestingly, the shadow is cut. The concave part is gloomy and dark, and the convex part is scorching with sunlight, which is ridiculously bright.

Darkness and light?

Anyway, when Qin Yu saw such a picture pattern, his heart skipped a beat.

Its existence made her care more than the first person she saw on the balcony.

Of course, at a second glance, there were about seven or eight people on the balcony, and as far as the eye could see, there were both men and women, young and old.

But Qin Yu immediately locked four people.

One is a white-haired old man in a red-brown robe, who looks vigorous and indifferent, domineering and restrained.

One is a red-haired middle-aged man with a rigid face, sitting in a corner without saying a word and looking into the distance.

One is a woman in her thirties and forties, with a decent appearance, but her eyes are very cold, like a dean.

Generally speaking, from the perspective of appearance and presence, these three people are in the whole world of comprehension, and there is nothing special about them, but that is the effect of the naked eye. From the perspective of soul throbbing, Qin Yu feels that they are It's scary, maybe even more powerful than that old woman before.

But no more scary than the fourth person.

He has a slender and broad body, a head of black hair, sharp sideburns, and a white robe, dressed like snow. When you first see him, you think he is an old man, but at the same time, you feel that this old man is old and deep inside, and sharp and indifferent outside. , is a terrifying figure that combines the pines and the abyss.

At this time, this person was sitting on a chair, holding a knitting needle in his left hand and a knitting needle in his right hand. Between the knitting needles was a partially knitted sweater, and there was a ball of cloth between his legs. cotton balls.

He was knitting a sweater by himself, indifferent and withdrawn, as if there was no one around him, and it seemed that the sun around him was useless.

At this time, the Great Elder was standing in front of him, bowed slightly, and was talking about something.

As if there was nothing to say, this person raised his head, glanced at the Great Elder, and replied: "Death is the destiny of man, and greed is to demand too much."

The Great Elder looked steady, and said: "Practitioners, this life is all about forcing, either asking themselves to live a long time, or asking others to live a long time. This child is very good, and he shouldn't die so early."

"Dead is dead, there is no right or wrong."


"I don't want to, that's the only reason."


The Great Elder frowned, and finally said deeply: "She didn't die for Wuque."

Wouldn't that make it even more impossible to save?

The old gods around were there, as if they didn't have any feelings about a person's death or life, and they were just watching the fun.

The law enforcement officer who watched the sect begged for a prisoner.

"She died for the morality she insisted on."

The other party was still indifferent, Gao continued to knit a sweater, and asked casually: "What morality? Longevity or grievances?".

The Great Elder pointed out, "She is that Daoyi."

Morality. Qin Yu: "???"

Qin Yu had been watching for a while, and was suddenly pointed out by the elder, and smiled at everyone who was watching.

"Seniors, this junior just came from a doctor's mother-in-law. It's noon and there is stewed fish soup, so I brought some over."

In the novel, as long as the hero and heroine get something to eat, such as barbecue, hot pot, etc., it seems that they can get a lot of people's favor.

Qin Yu seldom takes this route, because even if she cooks food, nine times out of ten, she will suddenly eat the stomach of the little prince in her arms. Besides, if she makes some food specially. . . The purpose is not to attract people with food.

Of course, it didn't attract either.

The prisoners in the deepest part of Wuque Prison were all extremely cold and ignored her at all.

Qin Yu was also very casual, and didn't care about the indifference of these people. He walked over with the pot and saluted the elder.

The Great Elder withdrew his hand and repeated to the man in white, "It's her."

This damn old man, I can't do anything good, I'm responsible for everything.

Qin Yu scolded and chirped in his heart, but smiled on the surface, "Hi, senior, Qingqiu, junior."

She ignored her, moving his hands back and forth, more and more threads were knitting the sweater, but he moved slowly and said something.


This word is either domineering, pretentious, or aggressive.

It was the first time Qin Yu saw such a calm and elegant expression from the mouth of this person, and she subconsciously turned her head to look at the elder.

The great elder stopped talking and looked at Qin Yu instead.

Qin Yu: I'm paralyzed, look what I do.

Great Elder: Fang Yourong died because of you, do you want to save her? Did you agree to risk your life for Senior Sister Fang?

Qin Yu: You can't do anything to the prisoner in your custody?

Great Elder: There is no other way.

Qin Yu: Fuck you mother!

I have been away on errands for the past two days, and I only wrote chapters tonight. I guess I don’t have time to add updates. After these two days are busy, I will add updates. Thank you Li Lisu, little fairy 089033, for your reward.

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