I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1805 Great Dan Furnace


Qin Yu quickly followed the Great Elder and the man in white. Walking in the darkness, only the faint icy light from the ice coffin was left. As he walked, Qin Yu's expression suddenly became serious.

Because the clothes of the man in white walking in front seemed to have turned black for no reason, and his black hair also became white. . .

As for breath. . .

The Great Elder suddenly sent a voice transmission, "Do you know who he is?"

Qin Yu: "I don't know which generation of peak master I am lonely."

Great Elder: "The ninth generation before your master."

Qin Yu counted the time, his expression collapsed, "Five thousand years?"

Great Elder: "It doesn't matter how long the practice is, what matters is what he did."

Qin Yu: "I still hope that the Great Elder will popularize it."

Great Elder: "He slaughtered the entire lineage of Gu Daofeng, and he once said that he would make Gu Daofeng extinct."

Qin Yu: "..."

If you are paralyzed, then you still let me in!

Great Elder: "Don't panic, I've been imprisoned for so many years, and my temper should have recovered."

No, I don't think so.

Just as Qin Yu was thinking this way, he suddenly heard a chilling sentence in front of him.

"Of course it will improve your temper if you get out of the sun, but it won't be so when you can't get out of the sun."

Qin Yu and the great elder stamped their feet at the same time, and also saw the man in white walking in front turn around.

Black clothes, white hair and blue eyes, cold and cunning like a snake.

At that moment, the Great Elder's body froze, and Qin Yu quickly hid behind the Great Elder, tugging on his sleeve.

"Great Elder, go!"

Great Elder: "..."

The atmosphere seemed to die all of a sudden.

The air was chilly and it was hard to breathe.

After a while, the other party slowly said: "Today is the anniversary of her death, I am willing to give your life to please her."

"So, I won't kill you."

He turned around and continued to walk forward, his steps were silent, like a ghost.

A drop of cold sweat rolled down the elder's forehead.

Qin Yu touched his wrist, it was cold.

Just now, it was very close to death.


There is nothing else in the cave, just a bedroom, and there is a room of Hei Bulongdong next to the bedroom, and there is a Great Dan furnace in it.

"Great elder, is this senior an alchemist?"


The Great Elder seemed to be very taboo, and they had just been detected through the sound transmission, so he didn't want to say anything more.

And he suspects that this stinky girl Qingqiu is deliberately inducing him to say something. . .

After probing her so many times, it is impossible for her not to find out, and she should take some revenge.

Um. . . This is like the descendant of Gu Daofeng.

Walking to the front of the Great Pill Stove, the man pressed his palm down slightly, and the ice coffin fell to the ground.

He raised his hand again, and the pill furnace was sealed and rotated, revealing that it was so black that it could almost fit into a person's mouth.

Then he turned and looked at the two of them.

It's creepy to watch.

Qin Yu decided to take the initiative, "This alchemy furnace looks very powerful. I don't know what alchemy materials the seniors need. The juniors have some materials on hand, which may be useful."

The other party: "I don't make alchemy, and I don't need medicinal materials."

Qin Yu: "Senior, did you use an alchemy furnace to make weapons?"

The Great Elder felt that every generation of Gu Daofeng's descendants had a wild characteristic in their bones.

Commonly known as courting death.

The other party stared blankly at Qin Yu, "Refinement."

Although he had already guessed, Qin Yu felt as if he had been sharpened by a blunt knife in his heart, and he caressed the ice coffin with lowered eyes, "Senior Sister Fang has worked hard, you have to die..."

She wanted to find the feeling of the female version of Zhou Botong crying in mourning.

The man in black: "Hard work?"

He tilted his face, "She doesn't need to go in, it's someone else's loyalty to extract vitality to help me revive her."

Usually this bad thing. . . brush! Jiaojiao looked at Qin Yu for the first time, her eyes seemed to say: It's over, you are dead.

Qin Yu: "I don't know who the senior is talking about, but the junior will go out and arrest him now."

She turned to look at the elder.

The Great Elder was expressionless: "I'm not a wood-type person."

You are.

The man in black was expressionless, "I just searched, and there is no one in Wuque who is more powerful, young, durable, and vigorous than you."

I always feel that your description is like driving a small car.

But searched again? Under the ban, he can still search the whole Wuque?

This sentence made the Great Elder's expression stiff, as if he was worried about something.

When Qin Yu was thinking silently, the first elder still had some conscience, "Senior, she is also a good child, if she really wants to trade her life for Fang Yourong, I'm afraid Fang Yourong won't be willing."

Qin Yu was startled, thinking that the old man had taken the wrong medicine, and she was a little moved. . . Although Senior Sister Fang must be reluctant to part with her, it is also true.

The man in black: "Who said she would die?"

The Great Elder was stunned, and quickly raised his hands in a bow, "Then I will leave it to you, Senior."

Then he said to Qin Yu earnestly: "Qingqiu, you go in quickly, just practice and you'll be fine."

Both Qin Yu and Jiaojiao glanced at him with flat squinting eyes.

Scum! Pooh!


But Qin Yu didn't refuse to go in.

Anyway, relying on the other party's means, if you really want to kill her, you don't need this great alchemy furnace.

She has a hunch - it's not a bad thing for her.

"Then what else do I need to prepare?"

The man in black glanced at her, "Bring more water, in case you are thirsty."

Oh, does the roast duck bring its own water into the oven? incredible.

Qin Yu smiled: "Thank you for the reminder, I will."

Before going in, the Great Elder came to him with deep eyes, "Take care of yourself, this sentence is sincere, although you probably doubt the sect's intentions for you now."

Qin Yu smiled at the mouth of the pill furnace, "I know the sincerity of the Great Elder, and as for the intentions of the sect towards me... I also know."

She blinked, playful and graceful, "The assessment of the elder sister is nirvana, and not everyone is qualified for it."

The Great Elder was stunned for a moment, with a strange expression on his face, but he didn't say anything.

Qin Yu didn't care either, "Please trouble the elder to take care of my cat."

She handed Jiaojiao over, and the Great Elder caught her, lowering her arms and frowning.

Oh, it looks fat.

It was really heavy to hold.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, senior, but can you ask me for your name, after all, this junior can't always be ignorant of your identity."

"Zhou Xuanqing."

Karma! The mouth of the alchemy furnace was closed.

Jiaojiao, who was hugged by the First Elder, wasn't too worried at first.

Dan furnace, what are you afraid of, my Yuyu is not even afraid of Abi Hell!

Watching the pill furnace seal, the Great Elder was silent for a moment, and said: "I hesitated just now, I don't know if I should tell her that Chang Ting Wan is her assessment, and now this...not."

Jiaojiao: "???"

so. . .

Zhou Xuanqing on the side rolled up his sleeves, exposing his snow-white and handsome arms, and looked up, "I want to see how hard this generation's heir to Gu Daofeng is, and I'll know how hard it is to burn it in the stove."

Indifference, gloomy, deceitful, pale face, bright red lips, all reveal the fact that he is a pervert.

Jiaojiao was startled, and she quickly sent a mourning voice to Qin Yu: "Wow!! Yuyu! These two scoundrels outside did it on purpose!! Be rough! Otherwise, you'll really turn into a grilled fish! No, I'll go in Get you out!"

Qin Yu's response was very strange.

"No, it's pretty good here, and this week Xuanqing... I know who he is."

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