I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1808 Breakthrough? attack! (Thank you Xiaoqing Xiaoqing, Qi Shutong and Shibi, the later cha


The sound of the flute is long and long, it seems to have words, but it seems to be silent.

Someone once said that companionship is the best long-term relationship, but in fact, communication is very important during the time of companionship.

Practitioners, exaggerated words, lingering words of love, this is unlikely, there is always deep affection between mountains and seas, and in the end it is mostly sacrificed between the eyebrows, or. . . Take pleasure in appealing more.

Therefore, nine out of ten couples cultivating immortals have a musical instrument they are good at, which can not only express emotion, but also express elegance.

However, the level is high or low, and the realm is deep or shallow.

A person like Zhou Xuanqing, who is willing to slaughter the common people after losing his love forever, has a door deep in his soul.

This door cannot be opened, everything is cloud and smoke, once opened, his memories are like white horses in the gap, blue sky and white clouds, mountains and seas green, among the grass, in the bamboo forest hut, there is a woman walking around leaning on the green wood, raising her hand to weave Sweater, hearing the sound, raised his eyes and smiled plainly at him.

That smile amazed and heard his thousands of years of discipline and restraint.

Then it fades away and turns into misty rain of ink.

The loess solitary tomb, the surrounding trees have not been covered for a hundred years, the mountain flowers are silent, and the fragrant colors have not been dyed for thousands of years.

she died.

many years.

He became quiet, the scarlet in his eyes faded, he just stretched out his hand to pull the chair, and sat down weakly and exhausted.

That sit.

The mountain towers collapsed, and hundreds of miles were decadent.

Then silence.

Only inside and outside the Great Dan Furnace, the viscous Suzaku flames that were like eighteen levels of purgatory wrapped Qin Yu heavily. Since she broke through the out-of-body period, from the early stage of the out-of-body period to the peak, it was just a matter of time for her to digest her spiritual power. It's just that it has been damaged before, so it must be recovered before improving its cultivation.

But this prison changed her plans.

First, Chang Tingwan repaired the most secret damage foundation for her, and then this week, Xuanqing boss. . .

It took her two days to recover to her peak state in the alchemy furnace.

Then began to absorb spirit stones and resources.

It was pushed to the peak in five days.

But during these seven days, she has deduced more than half of the relief sculptures in the Great Pill Furnace.

Seven days is enough? Isn't this thing very compelling? Why is seven days enough?

is enough.

In fact, for epiphany, time is the most meaningless.

Enlightenment can be a moment of ten thousand years of glance, and the achievements of ten thousand years of understanding can be achieved with one glance of epiphany.

Enlightenment can also be achieved by sitting for thousands of years to achieve an instant inspiration, and to complete ten thousand years of thinking with a moment of transparency.

But if you don't comprehend but stay for thousands of years, it can only show that you are unfavorable and incompetent in this area, just like some people are destined not to be able to cultivate to distraction, not to mention transforming gods into one body to overcome calamity and so on.

The good fortune of heaven and earth is not achieved in a day, but it is close to fate.

Qin Yu's life was not good, but she had the will to fight for her life, and by virtue of this will, she won the capital to fight for her life.

A secret flow of soul growth gave her the capital to change her life against the sky.

Just like now, the sound of a flute in purgatory eliminated the murderous intent of the boss outside, and she was sitting cross-legged in Nanming Lihuo, with countless bodies climbing on her body that was constantly melting and repairing. The condensed secret lines, of course, these secret lines are also further fused.

Fusion to a certain extent is demigod.

Demipower reintegrates. . . Supernatural powers?

She is already in the realm of achieving supernatural powers through fusion of demigods.

It's a state.

When the state reached the most perfect state, she opened her eyes and folded her hands, full of vitality and undisguised, because she knew that the outside world needed it now.

But the boss outside is silent? Don't be obsessed with memories and can't extricate yourself.

This is not acceptable.

Her family Fangfang is still lying in the coffin.

Qin Yu didn't dare to remind the other party, for fear that the other party would not reduce his killing intent after waking up.

Then you can only rely on yourself.

Qin Yu immediately chose to be self-reliant. Anyway, Zhou Xuanqing has already achieved 99%, and she can do the remaining 1%.

Although you may have to pay more, take a risk.

But it doesn't matter.

Qin Yu lowered her eyes, mobilized half of the vitality in her body, and followed Zhou Xuanqing's previous method of pumping vitality. She has always been eager to learn and put it into practice, and now she is doing well.

After all, vitality is her vitality, after leaving the alchemy furnace, it landed on the ice coffin and entered Fang Yourong's body.

After one call, Qin Yu released his breath and officially entered the state of crossing the catastrophe.


In the Great Qin Kingdom, there is a flying boat hovering in the sky, the speed is neither too fast nor too slow, Xie Shuling and others on the deck are quite excited.

In fact, it has only been a few months since they left, but they miss their hometown very much.

"I don't know how the sect is doing now."

"Some time ago, I heard that Senior Sister Zhanlan has started to rebuild. I don't know how it is now."

"Senior Sister Qingqiu should have arrived already."

"I don't know how her injury is now."

"And Senior Sister Fang..."

After a while, Yan Zhao couldn't help but said, "Why do you miss all the senior sisters..."

Xie Shuling rolled her eyes, does this still need to be asked?

Yun Chuxiu, who was playing chess, said coolly: "Your senior brothers are all as hard as stone and wood, but are your senior sisters soft and fragrant?"

Well, that's not true.

"Of course, you can't touch it either." Yun Chuxiu had a smirk on his face.

All the juniors blushed and dodged.

Yun Chuxiu is an unscrupulous person who teases the juniors with his words, Fei Xi and Jing Dongmen can't do anything about her, but they can't let her go.

Fei Xi: "Actually, I was a little surprised that we were safe all the way."

Speaking of this, everyone was actually a little surprised.

"Yeah, I thought someone would assassinate us on the way home."

"Even if people from other kingdoms don't do anything, that..."

Ying Ruoruo hesitated to speak, but Yun Chuxiu spoke out for her.

"The Baili Kingdom has lost such a big face this time, especially Zi Yangzong, it's a bit strange that there is no movement. Could it be that they are laying an ambush outside the country?"

After Yun Chuxiu finished speaking, Fifth Daoling standing at the bow turned around and said, "No."

Won't? What's the meaning?

"No one will assassinate us, no matter where we are, no matter what side we are from - including the Lord Ye clan."

Ye clan's lord family? Everyone was startled, Yun Chuxiu put down the chess piece in his hand, his face was solemn.

Speaking of which, Lord Ye's troubles had nothing to do with Wu Que's initiative, but the problem was that their Senior Sister Fang died because of it.

There are grudges.

Big hatred.

Did Fang Yourong die because of Qingqiu?


It was the son of the lord who killed her! !

They Wuque naturally hated it, but the other party was of the Lord's family after all, even in the current situation, they were still huge, they could only suppress their hatred and act calmly.

But what if the other party holds a grudge?

The mysterious master couldn't find out, so he took his anger on Wu Que.

Of course, they don't feel innocent, it's just that they will lose the time of dormancy and will not be able to retaliate in the future.

But why did the elder brother say that the Ye clan would not do anything?

"Could it be that you are very generous?" Yun Chuxiu himself thought this sentence was ridiculous.

Just because of Ye Xuan's vicious heart of murdering Bingfeng Xuannv, the word "magnanimity" does not exist in him.

"Could it be..." Yun Chuxiu was more ruthless. The bad result that people like Qin Yu would think of in the first moment, she thought of in the second moment.

She stood up abruptly, and accidentally swept away many chess pieces in her sleeves.

"Damn it! They will directly attack the sect!!"

The chess pieces fell to the ground one by one, crisp and sound, but it was like boulders hitting the heart again and again.

Everyone was shocked.

The originally idle atmosphere suddenly became solemn and tense.

Also this moment.


The huge light curtain came out from nowhere, but it did appear in the distance instantly.

Into the eyes of everyone.

It covers the entire Mount Jialuo with thousands of feet and hundreds of veins.

This month's monthly pass is very poor now, I hope everyone saves up to see the double monthly pass at the end of the month, if there is no double or double again, I will not be able to return to the ranking, I will cry~~

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