I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1811 Good Means

"La la la! The one who wants to kill me Wuque?"

"Oh, here it is."

Alone, here he comes.

He came with a happy smile and the huge spiritual power that had been lifted.

In the prison, under the pressure of Zhou Xuanqing and those super bosses, he can only pretend to be cute, and now he is finally released from prison, that kind of mood. . .

It's so fucking complicated.

Floating, floating, he really floated.

So much so that when he was suspended in the air, he spread his feet and ran wildly.

The posture is graceful and enchanting.

At that moment, Han Hai Chaoyi seemed to see a runaway super wild horse.

No Que. . . There is also such a person?

What emerged in her subconscious mind was either the Fifth Dao Ling, a perfect elder brother like the prototype of a god, or another kind of perfect Fang Yourong, the two of them were statue-like existences without flaws, or the third one, that Gentle and elegant to the bone, but hypocritical and varied.

In addition, there are first-class disciples of Wuque's true biography, who seem to be different, but in fact they all look decent and elegant.

To put it bluntly, no matter what the inside is, anyone who comes from Wuque can always put on an elegant and upright demeanor.

But this person in front of him is different.

Specifically where is different. . . Hanhai Chaoyi didn't have the heart to investigate.

She doesn't know this person, and she doesn't have the desire to know him, she just knows that there is nothing wrong with it.

"Is this person Wuque?"

She sent a sound transmission to ask the old Taoist in Huangpao.

The old man in yellow robe had a strange expression at this time, as if he was thinking about something, but he didn't respond for a while.

Instead, Tian Dazhuang said, "Yes, it's me, I'm Wuque, beauty, you don't know me!"

This person talks a lot, forcing him to babble, while chatting with Han Hai Chaoyi, he made a move

A shot. . . . I only felt that the tigers and leopards roared wildly in Mangshan Mountain, and giant statues were formed. There were more than a dozen descending tigers and more than a dozen forest leopards, as ferocious as giant monsters.

What means?

Nascent Soul Dharma Form? Not like it.

But it is undoubtedly very powerful. The fastest downhill tiger came down with its paws, and with a buzzing sound, it instantly killed a fusion period. The brilliance shattered and scattered like spring rain, which turned into a stream. Lin Leopard jumped into the stream, and the water created waves, blocking the attack that everyone jointly launched.

boom! bang.

After a wave of attacks, the tiger and leopard jumped out and went ashore to kill, beheading and seriously injuring several peaks of the transformation stage in an instant.

Ye He's complexion changed, and he immediately counterattacked. The majestic and tyrannical Luowang Ruiguang shot out from his hand, meeting the giant tiger and leopard statue, facing the pressure from both sides across the tide.

With a glance of surprise, the light flies away.

When fighting against each other, there are always strengths and weaknesses in terms of strength.

When Hanhai Chaoyi saw the brilliance shattered, Yehe's pressure dropped suddenly, and she understood why the Taoist in yellow robes, who were elderly and experienced, kept secrets about Wuque.

"Wu Que!!!" Ye He screamed before being killed, as if he wanted to use his last chance to tell the world something.

But what would he shout?

Is Wuque a master of tribulation?

"Not only is he a master of the tribulation period, but he is also a master of the tribulation period who is good at the ancient way of controlling beasts." Han Hai Chaoyi's expression was rather complicated.

The Tribulation Transcendence Period is not a very special existence for her, and it is also a bit more in the Lielu Dajing State, not to mention that she was born in a higher and stronger region.

It's just that she didn't expect that Wuque, who seemed weak and dangerous, would suddenly appear such a tyrannical master of the tribulation period.

And this master of the tribulation period. . .

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to take him in two tribulation periods, and the Beast Guard is...very rare."

Yehe was still dead, before he died, the gray light escaped and turned into an extreme streamer and fled to the north.

But at the back Tian Dazhuang grinned and made a move.

"First kill me alone, Wuque, to disperse the soul, and dare to destroy the sect, just leave?"

"Come back to me, you!"

The giant tiger, leopard, and elephant suddenly merged into one, and turned into a giant elephant. The giant elephant opened its mouth, swallowed, and even swallowed the gray light of the soul.

Even people's souls are not spared.

The rest of the Ye clan were horrified when they saw this, they didn't know how powerful their opponent was, and they fled in all directions, but Tian Dazhuang escaped from the predicament today and got the order, which is equivalent to Shang Fang's sword in his hand, and he immediately let go of his hand to kill wildly, laughing loudly, Tigers and leopards roared, beasts galloped, hunting and killing all the masters of the transformation stage and fusion stage, and even the souls were not spared. Anyone who escaped from the soul was swallowed.

In such a bloody killing, Han Hai Chaoyi suddenly raised his eyebrows, "Where are the others in Wu Que?"

The yellow-robed Taoist was contemplating before, but now he was reminded and noticed it. He was startled, his eyes swept away, and then he looked at Hanhai Chaoyi's eyes.

"You didn't see anyone?"

Han Hai Chaoyi had a delicate expression.

Her celestial pupils have been opened, and she can see through the mask and Wuque's many forbidden methods, and which buildings she has passed, she is stunned. . . Didn't see many people.

That would be interesting.

Obviously, Wu Que had already prepared for today, which is not surprising, there are many smart people in this sect.

Because he had a premonition that the Ye clan would come back to exterminate the clan, so he transferred the troops ahead of time?

No, based on Hanhai Chaoyi's understanding of Wuque's style, this sect is on the safe side. It knows a strong enemy is coming, and it has a great master like Tian Dazhuang hidden in it. It is more than enough to protect itself, and there is no need to transfer people. In the land of Lielu Dajing State, where else can it be hidden from the Ye clan's eyes and ears, and if it is moved rashly, it will be easily divided and attacked.

What's more, from what she saw with her fairy eyes, most of the people staying in the sect today are young disciples, as well as some old and weak women and children, and most of the elite backbones are absent. The weak and the related women and children are passed on as the torch, but the elite backbone left behind to fight to the end.

That's not transfer.

Neither transfer nor absence, there is only one possibility.

Han Hai turned his gaze towards Yi, and looked towards the border.

"Good method..."


On the border, whether it was the southern or the back border area, a large army battle did break out.

Really open and kill.

Also really saw the blood, and then. . .

There's no after that.

Suddenly a lot of people appeared.

Monks, a bunch.

Look at the robe. . . With just one glance, people from the Three Kingdoms Mixed Domain recognized each other.

"Wuque!" He Wuliu and others were shocked when they saw Wuque's disciples.

If there were only one or two disciples who could be regarded as Wuque scattered outside, but such a huge group, all of them were elite backbones, and there were two peak masters among them, it would be terrible.

Wasn't he being sealed off by the masters of the Ye clan to exterminate the sect?

Kill his grandma's legs! People are all on the frontier!

"No, no, this is a trick!"


That's too late.

When Wuque was unstable and "virtual", no one in the Three Kingdoms mixed domain dared to send troops. They just knew that Wuque's combat power was not weak, so they didn't dare to take risks.

Now that the main force of the people is really pouring out, they know. . . This is so much more than not weak.

It's just as strong as a horse.

escape! Can't escape, the opponent is too strong and there are too many people.

There is no mask to block it, and people are besieged to death.

Siege and kill.

The heroes of the four directions hibernated once, waiting to destroy one family and one country today.

But the ending is reversed.

The moment when Wuque's masters were all out, boom! The gate of the frontier city burst open, and the cavalry army inside rushed out.

The drums are beating, and the wind is blowing up long smoke.

When the fighting was fierce, someone looked up in blood, and suddenly realized that the north and the south are actually the same.

there. . . There are also unquenchable people.

That is to say, Wuque's main combat power is actually divided into two parts, and they are still so tyrannical after they are separated.

They were slaughtered.

Bloody wild.

After the First World War, all bones are destroyed?

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