I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1815 Reckless! (Domineering can be leaked? Please support~~)

What Ye Xuan wants is for Qin Yu to be entangled in pain!

Do you choose to protect yourself, or give up to be Yourong?

Without even hesitation, Qin Yu directly re-injected his soul, peeled off and devoured the curse seal.

— are you crazy?

"It's hard to plan so hard before participating in the Lord's War for that dog."

"The soul-removing curse, I just accepted it."

"Fang Yourong must live!"

far away.

In the large operating room of the Ye clan's resident, several Ye clan's humerus men, some with white hair and old men, and some with fierce lords, all of them were wearing the clan uniforms of the lord's lineage, sitting in it solemnly. In front of him is a blood-robed young man sitting in a huge pool of blood curses. This person is the person who cast the curse, and he is also one of the most important figures in the Ye clan. Therefore, he has the talent for soul curses. He has always been the Ye clan Vigorously cultivate, of course, this person is also the number one in the previous two Tianzang selections.

The wings have been formed, and the dry fit period is not a problem.

He is also the future master that Ye Xuan vigorously cultivated - he wants to keep the position of master in their Ye family forever, so that the family's honor will last forever.

Such a talent of soul and Taoism can only be killed if he curses and kills You Rong with all his strength. . . .

His brows are cold, and there is only endless murderous intent.

Because of Fang Yourong and Qin Yu, Bei Mingying killed the backlash, and all Ye's lineages were backlashed, and their strength was greatly reduced. Even the lord had to be forced to participate in the battle of the lord while he was weak. The honor of the lord's lineage is about to be lost, why is this bloody feud.

"I don't know if that person will touch this curse seal? If he doesn't touch it, only a mere female cultivator will die, how can it be worth the damage of my Ye clan!"

"Extremely! This time, our Ye family has suffered heavy losses, and the battle with the Yaozu ahead is very difficult..."

These people were full of hatred, but the blood-robed young man said indifferently: "This person claims to be powerful and good at making plans. He will never give up Fang Yourong. He will only try to break my spell. As long as she touches it, I will Just win."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Sen Leng curse mark floating on his palm shone with a faint light.

Obviously, the other party really touched the curse mark!

The blood-robed youth flashed his eyes, sneered, and sealed his hands, boom! Blood energy lingered and howled, forming a blood-colored python coiled around him.

He cast it with all his strength, and drove the soul-removing curse deeply into the soul of Qin Yu who was far away in Wuque. . .

The moment of entry.

Something is coming back.


Exactly the same, even stronger Soul-removing spell.

It hit his soul directly.

The face of the blood-robed youth turned pale in an instant, and his soul also changed dramatically.

He tried to save himself.

But the reverse of the soul-removing curse also entrains other things by the way.

Like a thunder from the abyss.

boom! ! ! !

Most of the operating room and all the buildings within a kilometer radius were razed to the ground, causing countless casualties.

For example, there is another sentence of Sen Sen's coldness.

It lingers in the ears of everyone in the entire Ye clan resident.

"act recklessly."


Qin Yu's heart can be as gentle as a spring breeze and drizzle, moistening things silently, but she is paranoid, and if she has hatred, she will be extremely vicious.

She wanted to save Fang Yourong, and finally succeeded, but the person who killed the latter once wanted to kill him a second time.

He even wanted to kill two birds with one stone and kill her together.

Is she angry?

Don't be angry.

She just resisted the soul robbery, and cast out the same soul-removing curse, and by the way, seduced the thunder robbery that had not dissipated in the great alchemy furnace, don't ask her how she did it.

She just did it.

Learn everything, do everything, seemingly miscellaneous learning without rules, but in fact, accumulating less makes more, the means to achieve the sky.

Every penny must be compared, and every grievance must be repaid.

In fact, there are no skills, no rules, no planning, this time it's a real tough one!

She has accumulated to this level.

After doing all this, she turned her palm and crushed a soul seal.

The moment this soul seal was crushed, it was far away in the southwest of Lielu Dajing Prefecture, where the monster race and the human race fought.

On the battlefield, a bloody young man sensed it and took out another soul seal.

It was given to him by Qin Yu when the tree hole parted that day.

He is Brother Xiaoniao, but she is still Qin Yu.

The biggest connection between them is Fang Yourong.

Brother Xiaoniao was an iron-blooded murderer with no expression on his face, but his mind fluctuated when he sensed the soul imprint.

Some nervous.

Is something wrong?

"Before the battle, Ye Scrophulariae must have used secret methods to transfer and cover up the base of the Ye clan. You haven't found it yet, have you?"


"I'll tell you its correct space location, and you lead people to kill it. There is a guy who is good at soul spells, and he is seriously injured. You must catch and kill him, and break his Ye family's foundation forever. After that, there is only one night left." Mysterious."

Qin Yu didn't say much, and after he finished speaking, he passed on the other party's space coordinates, and then the soul seal was also destroyed.

Because she can only make such a one-time long-distance soul seal now, it will be gone after one use, but it is enough.

This is the time to prepare for this.

She has always planned for a rainy day.

He had already planned to use Brother Xiaoniao and the Yaozu to destroy the Ye clan.

Since the other party has bumped into it, then. . .

Brother Xiaoniao didn't ask how Fang Yourong was doing, because he knew he would find out sooner or later, but what was certain was that Ye Shi must have made another move, and angered his unfathomable friend.

So he wrote down the location and contacted several monster clan bosses.

"Directly attack the Ye clan?"

"The location is accurate?"

"Is there an ambush, and is the Tianzang Realm a shelter?"

Brother Xiaoniao just said: "Accurately, Tianzang Realm originally wanted to use us Mie Ye clan, and also use us to stir up the situation in Lielu Dajing Prefecture, and other people from the human race will hold back the main force of the human race for us."

Who is it?

The monster bosses smiled.

Those who plot and have the ability to be the next lord of Lielu Dajing State.

They will definitely help.

Before Ye Xuan came out from the lord battle, destroy all his families, leaving no one behind, um, this is a good idea.



After Qin Yu finished all this, his soul was exhausted and weak, but Fang Yourong was still a little bit closer to returning to his place.

And because she was cast under the Soul Removal Curse when she returned to her throne, even though Qin Yu quickly peeled her off, it still caused some changes in her soul.

It was very tricky, and Qin Yu had a headache, but he could only continue. . .

"Her soul is about to mutate. It's a big chance and a dead end."

"You're not skilled, not yet. I'll do it, and you can do it yourself."

"Niexu Jie is not easy to deal with."

It was Zhou Xuanqing.

When the boss spoke, Qin Yu was overjoyed, but he let go, and was dragged into the abyss of soul by Nie Xu Jie.

"Then please, senior."

Zhou Xuanqing was noncommittal, and when he started, he was indeed much more skilled than Qin Yu. On the premise that Fang Yourong's soul had mutated, he still abruptly put her back in place.

As soon as it returns to its place, the soul mutates.

Also at the same time, Qin Yu also ushered in the final catastrophe of the Niexu Tribulation.

Light, two lights.

A soul radiance that is extremely weak but also endures the robbing light of a strong and extremely powerful soul.

A soul radiance that has returned to its original position and is almost revived, but is always mutated and destroyed.

The beauty of the soul is like flowers blooming and falling.

Either wither or bloom.

Either leave or come back.

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