I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1825 Thank you (second update.)

There are also rankings of the four selected works in the intelligence, and Qin Yu remembered the name of the other party after only recalling it.

Beitang Nuannuan, I heard that she has an older brother who is also in the top ten.

The real master family, so powerful, is more terrifying than that of Pingjin.

So no one dared to sit on the side.

Qin Yu's eyes slowly turned from them to the stage.

The auction has started.

The little boy confiscated it before, and the list was indeed good. Qin Yu looked down at the auction items on the list, and she had secretly remembered many of them, but the last three lines were unknown.

Keep it secret.

Qin Yu didn't give any hope to the last three lines, and planned his fortune in his mind.

——I made plans according to your instructions, and you can buy the fifteen items above.

Qin Yu originally decided on the same fifteen things, and after discussing with each other, he changed two materials and reached the best plan.

"Let's match it like this first. There should be a better plan, but I guess the materials here don't match."

- Can't match? Do you want to use Dibao or Tianbao to buy the formula?

"Want to buy."

——You are so willing.

Qin Yu smiled, "I'm in the dungeon now, you first use my authority to apply for a formula transaction, no matter how much the price is, I must get something that will help my soul, help me communicate with the gold house system, and use the best resources at hand Exchange for what is best for me."


Qin Yu was used to being omnipotent, and when the golden wall was rarely used, he immediately worked hard when he heard Qin Yu's orders.

As for Qin Yu, he only calculated his property.

In terms of spirit stones, there are a total of 2.2 million middle-grade spirit stones.

In fact, there should have been more than two hundred and nearly five million, but it was consumed by her repeated reshaping of the body when she broke through the distraction and crossed the catastrophe. Now there are so many left because she also spent a lot of treasure resources.

Right now, there are 2.2 million middle-grade spirit stones and some remaining treasures.

It's good when it's over.

to make more money.

Thinking so, Qin Yu raised his hand and called out the first price.


Auctions, in fact, can be very simple or very complicated. The plots in novel games are generally very complicated.

If it's a male protagonist, he will naturally meet a few goddesses, and either fight or appreciate them because of the fight.

If it is a heroine, she will naturally meet a few male gods, and either let the male gods fight for her, or appreciate them because the male gods fight for her.

To put it simply, it's all about tricks.

It is also a way of making money.

Money clears the way, nothing happens.

She forcibly won eight treasures at twice the market price, spending a total of 700,000 to 800,000 middle-grade spirit stones. Five-star masters like Jin and Grandma Baitou are also a little unsteady.

This ink is white. . . Although they were wealthy in the past, the number of transactions is by no means the majority in today's dynasty. Could it be that they made their fortunes somewhere?

Four-star and five-star are not in the same class, and they don't have a deep friendship with this Mobai, and it's not easy to bow their heads and look for trouble.

But you can't just watch this person buy so many treasures, even though the auction total is as many as fifty.

When the ninth auction item, Qing Ge Essence, came out, everyone had a strange atmosphere and subconsciously looked at one place.

"One hundred and fifty thousand."

She made an offer, and she made an offer again!

Finally someone couldn't help it.

Beitang Nuannuan: "Mobai, isn't it, you have such a big appetite, are you going to wrap up all the treasures in the future?"

Qin Yu: "No."

Beitang Nuannuan couldn't help frowning when she heard her coldness. Is she a genius? She has her own arrogance, but she feels that the other party is more arrogant, but she is troubled by the other party's words without being overly arrogant.

You ask, she answers, there is nothing excessive, if you are annoyed and picky about it, it will appear that you are not big enough.

He was born noble, and has been educated since he was a child, so he will not fall into his own status, not to mention that there are elders around him, so Beitang Nuannuan stopped talking and just stared at Qin Yu, wondering if the other party was too strong for him to beat the point.

Grandma Baitou didn't care, she just took one more look at Qin Yu.

When her cultivation has reached that level, although she still needs these materials, she has not reached the point where it is absolutely necessary, and there is no need to talk too much. When it is necessary, she just does it directly.

The seniors have the style of the seniors, and they really don't like to fight, but the juniors may not be able to bear it.

Beitang Nuannuan insisted on her identity, but Hua Yuesheng, another seed player selected from the southern part of Tianzang, was eccentric, "Your Excellency Mobai is so rich, why don't you tell me what else you need, so we can avoid it, so as not to make you look up If the price is lowered, more money will be spent.”

He wanted to stir up everyone's dissatisfaction with Qin Yu, but he didn't expect it. . .

"Chenximu, Lingluoye, Jiangliguo, Shilanlu..."

She really signed up, and after finishing the report, she took a look at Hua Yuesheng, "Thank you."

She also said thanks! ! !

Can Hua Yuesheng still bid for the auction later? If you shoot it, it is tantamount to turning your back on your promise and turning your face on someone.

Once a cultivator turns his face, it will be a fight and murder.

Those present in the crowd watched the show more and had more temptations, and naturally some people laughed out loud.

Hua Yuesheng's face was gloomy, and his eyes flicked to the scoffers.

At first glance, his face became even uglier.

"It's him."

"He came anyway."

"It's spring flowers, autumn moon flowers, and no cultivation."

Calling a name with a nickname prefix means that this person is very famous, or that the news is very popular.

Flowery clothes and a fan, a young man with a fair face, Qin Yu has good eyes, and found that the other party has put on a self-cultivation version of lipstick, her lips are pink and tender, like a little fresh meat on camera.

It looks fancy, but in fact, this person's name matches his strength-his ranking in the Southern Tianzang Selection is higher than Beitang Nuannuan and Hua Yuesheng.

Huayuesheng is 10, Beitang Nuannuan is 9, and flowers are not repaired is 8.

Everyone is the top young talent in the south, equal to VIP, speak arrogantly.

Hua Buxiu is such an arrogant person, after seeing Hua Yuesheng's hatred, he smiled, waved his fan and said contemptuously: "In matters of business, money has the final say, why should people without money ask more questions."

Not only Hua Yuesheng, but even Beitang Nuannuan ridiculed.

By the way, this person also looked at Qin Yu with a smile on his lips, "It's just a coincidence that I didn't want anything with Your Excellency Mo Bai before, but now these things from now on are all what I want , if you wait to compete for the auction price, your Excellency must not..."

He covered his face with a fan, squinted his eyes, and smiled, seemingly kind, but in fact he was not easy to get along with.

"Don't cry."

Hua Buxiu is well-known, but not a good one. First, he is playful and messes with men and women. He can be called a scumbag fighter in the southern cultivation circle. Second, he has a cheap mouth, offends people everywhere, and is very vicious.

However, this person has the capital to be so arrogant - his family is very rich, he is a high-level member of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, and he happens to be a part of the subjective business force, and the auction house has members from other people, so naturally the money is like water, and he is extravagant.

So Qin Yu was also humiliated.

Qin Yu ignored him, anyway, the next auction happened to be Ling Luoye.

Ling Luo Ye is a leaf of a high-spirited arbor, which is used to stimulate the soul of other soul treasures. It is very rare, and it is divided into years. What Qin Yu needs is the thousand-year Ling Luo Ye.

It just so happens that today's auction is of 1,500 copies, and there are only three pieces in total.

Small number.

The starting price is relatively high.

The starting price is 50,000 yuan, 50,000 yuan per piece.

Qin Yu was the first to make an offer before, but this time it was Huabuxiu.

"One hundred thousand."

It was one hundred thousand at the beginning.

Fighting for money?

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