I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1827 No money

Even if there are failed products, the loss from her failure is not as good as the purchase of the whole fruit.

So this thing is not necessary to Qin Yu, but it is too valuable to others.

You see, the starting price was 300,000 middle-grade spirit stones. As soon as the auctioneer quoted the price, someone shouted a price of 400,000.

This price is very high, and it is really not affordable by ordinary people. You must know that the normal net worth of a fusion period is only at the level of a million middle-grade spirit stones. It costs nearly half of the net worth to buy a fruit, and most people can't afford it.

As for Beitang Nuannuan, who has a background, although his cultivation base is far from reaching the fitness stage, but because he is favored by the family, he also has a net worth of nearly 100, let alone flowers.

But the whole fruit is indeed not their consumption object.

Grandma Baitou, Ping Jin and Zhai Hau have such a purpose, of course, there is another person.

Guanlong, another five-star master from northern Xinjiang, no one knows where he came from. He is an anonymous killer just like the Mobai created by Fang Yourong.

These four people held their own identities before and were very cool and glamorous, but now they all opened their mouths and quickly raised the price to 500,000 middle-grade spirit stones.

Still going up.

"If you buy it, even if you don't use it yourself, you can make a fortune by reselling it."

Qin Yu felt very sorry, but he didn't plan to leave.

——Anyway, if you can’t afford it, what’s the use of seeing it?

"Yes, I have."

Qin Yu rested his head and said casually: "When the auction is over, we have to give others time."

Jinbi didn't say a word.

"Seven hundred thousand." The white-headed grandmother's voice was hoarse, but extremely strong.

Pingjin and Zhaihau hesitated for a while, but still felt that the price was inflated, and they didn't want to offend Grandma Baitou, so they finally gave up.

but. . . . Guanlong opened his mouth suddenly.

"Eight hundred thousand."

The audience was shocked.

Grandma Baitou frowned, and took a deep look at Guanlong, "Your Excellency Guanlong is richer, congratulations."

Guanlong casually said: "It's okay."

Qin Yu was slightly surprised by Guanlong's tone and demeanor, especially when she noticed the behavior of some people around her. . .

In her opinion, this insight is not as powerful as the old woman, the white-headed grandma.

The strength of the individual is not as good as that of the latter, not to mention that the family background of the latter is far superior to his own. How to offend him so easily is still under the condition of the other party being polite.

This is a kind of madness.

"This idea may be a whole fruit bought for someone else."

Huang Jinbi was surprised by Qin Yu's judgment, but soon found out.

——These people were very surprised by his attitude, which showed that he was still very polite to Grandma Baitou before, but the sudden change of attitude could only be because he found a backer.

A backer who is not afraid of the white-headed grandma.

——But why is it buying for others, why can't it be arrogant after finding a backer?

Qin Yu: "He is not an alchemist or a craftsman."

— how do you know?

——Have you seen through his spirituality?

——You didn't seem to be able to do it before.

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, "It wasn't possible before, but now it's possible... Bibi, recently I found that my soul seems very interesting."

Huang Jinbi knew that Qin Yu was always very good at hiding, and he probably spent several days studying it until he figured out something strange before he was willing to explain.

——It was Fang Yourong who mutated, not you.

——The secret flow of growth has been improved?

Qin Yu: "I don't know. Anyway, since the day the stove came out, I found that I can directly see through some people's spiritual attributes and soul breath, which is a bit like clairvoyance."

——When you first came out, you looked like Fang Yourong?

Fang you a hammer.

Qin Yu: "This is just a description..."

——So who are you seeing through?

Qin Yu: "..."

Qin Yu was silent for three seconds, before he said in a bad mood: "Don't think about it. After you get out of the oven, you will see a group of big bosses. I can't see through Zhou Xuanqing. Fang Yourong's soul has mutated, which is a bit special. I also I can't see..."

——Changting late?

Qin Yu: "If you continue to act like this, I'll ask Jiaojiao to give you a picture of going up the river during the Qingming Festival, do you believe it?"

—Certainly not her, you are not such a person.

"Anyway, I can see the rest of the people. If I focus on it deliberately, I can also see a bit of reality in the hole in front of me."

Qin Yu didn't think that this was a great ability, it was just convenient sometimes anyway.


Guanlong took the whole fruit, and finally it was the last three unknown mysterious treasures.

When the auctioneer asked someone to bring it up, the audience became restless.

Because it is a superb spiritual weapon.

But it's not an attacking top-grade spiritual weapon, but a pair of silver light soft armor.

Defensive armor at the top-grade spiritual weapon level is second only to offensive weapons in value. Judging by the aura of this spirit pattern, it is definitely a treasure, worth at least a million middle-grade spirit stones.

The best spiritual weapon is rare in the entire Lielu Dajing Prefecture. At present, Qin Yu has also seen it in Hanhai Chaoyi, Shaozong of the Suiyu Mountain Range, Baili Xianshang and a few people. Among them, the one in Hanhai Chaoyi is the strongest , but she is not a deer person, not counting, the rest are actually very few.

On Qin Yu's body was a floating golden armor from the Broken Feather Mountain Range, in terms of strength, it might not be much stronger than this soft silver armor.

Qin Yu was thoughtful, her eyesight was controlled, her pupils were dark and unpredictable, she locked on to the silver armor on the red cloth, and after looking at it for a while, she frowned.


"Like the handwriting of the Broken Feather Mountain Range."

Huang Jinbi was stunned. The Broken Feather Mountain Range used to be a huge monster to Qin Yu, and seemed to be a difficult target for Wu Que, but now it is like a joke. Both Qin Yu and Wu Que have the ability to kill each other.

But don't want to. . .

"There may be some changes in the Broken Feather Mountain Range. Although it hasn't targeted me yet, I always feel that there will be hidden dangers."

Qin Yu secretly had murderous intentions in her heart, and decided to go to the Broken Feather Mountain Range to investigate, because she had a premonition that the appearance of this silver armor would be a change in the Broken Feather Mountain Range.

The battle for Yinjia was indeed terrifying. Qin Yu was sent away, and a Guanlong with a mysterious backer came. Fortunately, this time Guanlong did not fight for Yinjia, and finally let the white-headed grandma take it for 1.2 million. Down.

Many people guessed that she was going to give this treasure to Beitang Nuannuan.

The second thing came up.

Because there is a top-grade silver armor in front, everyone has high expectations for the two treasures in the back, but they didn't expect the second one to be. . . .

an egg.

It is indeed a basketball-sized egg, covered with ancient patterns, it does not look like a modern one.

But Huang Jinbi's attention was on the egg, trying to find out its origin, but Qin Yu turned his head, looking straight past the crowd of people in the seats, and only followed the backstage where the auction items came out.

What was that like just now?

Before the egg was delivered, she seemed to feel something moving.

This kind of movement came from the ice ring, it was subtle, but it was still noticed by her sensitive.


The stone that was taken away by Liu Rushi before and then traded to Qin Yu was the Tianxu Nine Palace Demon Seed Cage.

It actually had a throbbing feeling.

Qin Yu actually did some research on this stone. He knew something about the magic pattern and tried to attack it, but it didn't make any progress. Sometimes it looked like an ordinary stone with no characteristics, and sometimes it seemed like a solidified secret Body, so she can not guess.

It remains unresponsive.

I didn't expect it to be here. . . Is it this egg?

Qin Yu's eyes drifted back to the egg, but he quickly denied it.

If it wasn't it, it was another treasure of the auction house.

maybe. . . The last treasure, escorted out together with this egg, is ready to appear at the end.

Then it is bound to be auctioned.

she wants.

But there is no money, what should I do?

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