I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1837 Awesome

Shu He smiled even more, "It's because Guanlong didn't understand etiquette, so he made a move first. This matter is nothing, and I'm here too. After seeing the whole story, I will explain it to the Northern Xinjiang Alliance for you, senior, but when it comes to playing. ... Seniors, are you interested in coming to our Shiwei building? The master in my building will sweep the couch to welcome you."

Those who are called masters in the cultivation world are generally masters in the Mahayana period, because they have reached the limit of their practice and can be called masters.

However, Shuhe's backhanded selling can be regarded as a model.

"Are you leaving again? I just got on the boat! Bai Bai, I don't want it, I'm playing for a few days, let's go after a few days!"

Jiaojiao tugged at the hem of Qin Yu's clothes, Qin Yu showed helplessness, rubbed his head with his palm, and smiled apologetically at Shu He.

"Three kings come and go in and out of the Shiweilou boat, and there are rules. I am afraid that your boat will leave today, but my Ayan has a temper. Let's talk about it another day."

Shu He looked at Jiaojiao, and he was startled when he saw it, because the child's mother couldn't see through it, that's all. . .

He was puzzled in his heart, not embarrassed on his face, and became more gentle and modest, "Of course, it's best to do whatever you want, the son of the senior is so cute, and it's time for me to play around. Come to my Weiwei building some other day. There are delicious and fun, and I will give it to you personally." As a companion, by the way, this Shiweilou Keqing Order is still useful, but all consumption of properties under the name of Shiweilou is free, and there is no need to queue up, what you want, you are here on call, and please accept it.”

Shu He took out a token, brought it to her in person, and bent down to hand it to Jiaojiao.

Because he believes that the other party loves the child very much, and it is the child who really grasps the trend.

Adults might consider the tradeoff of rejecting tokens, but kids are easier to please. . . .

Sure enough, Jiaojiao was very tempted and turned to look at Qin Yu eagerly.

Qin Yu took a deep look at Shu He and nodded slightly.

Jiaojiao immediately took the token, and said crisply, "Thank you, big brother Shuhe."

Satisfied, Shu He stood up, "I see people from the alliance are here, seniors don't like socializing, let me handle it."

Qin Yu: "Thank you."

This smile is really as beautiful as the fragrance of thousands of snow and hundred miles of flowers.

Before Shu He could respond, he heard the child say, "No, no, it's time for that pastry shop to open. Hurry up, or they will be sold out later."

Immediately afterwards. . . He disappeared.

The child disappeared from the spot in an instant, and appeared on the roof at the other end of the street, bouncing around, and the pendant of the tiger hat was also bouncing.

"Bai Bai, come on, come on!"

Qin Yu smiled apologetically at Shu He, walked down the steps, and glanced at him as he passed by Bai Ze.

Bai Ze saw the smile in the eyes.

He didn't understand at the time, but a long time later, when he knew who this woman who turned the situation around with a light talk and a joke was. . .

Only then did he truly understand the deep meaning in this look - how old are you, I think you are a fool with a big heart.

After Shu He left, after Qin Yu left, Bai Ze also left, bloody and staggering, but the strange thing was that no one dared to stop him, and no one wanted to fight with the wheel anymore.

Perhaps they are still in shock at the turn of events.

It was even more shocking that Shuhe, who made them polite and respectful in the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, would be so polite and respectful to another person in turn.

It's very real.

Grandma Baitou arrived at the scene and patted Beitang Nuannuan on the shoulder who came up to her. The latter understood and stopped talking, but the young people around Grandma Baitou caused quite a commotion.

"It's him!"

"He's still in northern Xinjiang! I thought he'd already traveled abroad."

Hua Yuesheng and Hua Buxiu all stared at this young man with fear and concern.

They were looking forward to it, expecting this young man to kill Bai Ze.

because. . . This might put him in a confrontation with that Mrs. Bai.

But the young man quietly watched Bai Ze walk by, his eyes met, Bai Ze's face was expressionless, blood was all over his face.

After Bai Ze left, the young man looked down.

The Eastern Tianzang's selection, Bai Ze's ninth, the eldest Sun Yunhong's strength may not be much different from him, but the fifth Dao Ling may far surpass him.

The knife is intended to be successful, and it must be terrible.


"Fish, how was my performance just now?"

"Not bad, very fat."

"Ah? Humph! Say it again!"

"It's great."

Huang Jinbi still approves of this person and cat's repeated play just now.

——In terms of doing bad things and pretending to be X, your cooperation is almost perfect.

Just pretend you're praising us.

Golden Wall is a sincere praise

Killing someone in front of everyone in broad daylight and asking the other party's backer to pay for you is amazing.

only. . .

Jiaojiao was also very curious, "Yuyu, what magical powers did you use before? It's amazing!"

Qin Yu: "Of course it's amazing. Two-thirds of my spiritual power and soul power are used to produce the strongest demimagic power."

Jiaojiao: "Oh, it's not a supernatural power yet, but it looks like a supernatural power."

As for why Qin Yu's semi-supernatural powers can be compared to supernatural powers, we need to think more, because her spiritual power, body and soul are strong enough to directly exert her semi-supernatural powers close to supernatural powers.

Of course, the premise is that her semi-supernatural powers are already close to supernatural powers.

The limit is approaching.

——I want to know more about whether you have supernatural powers.

The Golden Wall God made a fortune.

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows, and said lightly: "If you are too awesome, you will be struck by lightning. Could it be possible that you can suddenly realize supernatural powers by entering a furnace? What are you thinking about?"

Gold Wall is noncommittal.

——Anyway, it doesn't matter whether you have magical powers or not, as long as you have such combat power.

——But it can only explode for a moment. Those people can't see that you have the power to kill a hole at the moment, and it will be hard to say in the future.

——For now, you should raise your cultivation base first, at least it is not difficult for you from the initial stage of distraction to the peak.

Qin Yu: "It wasn't difficult at first, but now there are no spirit stones."

Jiaojiao: "You have it! That scaled corpse... It's a pity, he couldn't take away Guanlong's corpse just now, he must be very rich."

In order to pretend to be coercive and to maintain the status of a coercive person, you can't do low-level things like killing people and seizing corpses for money.

One person and one cat expressed 12 points of regret for this.

Huang Jinbi posted a row of eye-rolling emoticons.

"But Yuyu, you didn't intend to help this Bai Ze at first, why did you help later? It must not be because you want to get back the face of the East."

"It's nothing, the main reason is that he is still valuable."


Or the gold wall responds quickly.

——His talent and temperament are good, he is good at fighting, and he can also fight.

——If you don’t help him, he will surely die. After you help him, after this incident, he will understand one thing.

Jiaojiao rubbed her double chin, "What's the matter? Yuyu is a female hooligan?"

Qin Yu pinched his face, and said casually: "In the current situation, unless you are an evildoer, everyone who travels outside should have a workplace, otherwise it will be difficult to get along."

Jiaojiao finally understood, "No, if he had a sect behind him, the people from Beijiang City wouldn't be so shameless and engage in wheel wars! But what does it have to do with you, Yuyu? No , once he understands this matter, he will find a sect to join him, and this sect..."

A person like Bai Ze who is aloof and arrogant would definitely disdain to look for sects outside the east, but if they are within the east. . .

Zi Yang? Akasaka?

"He will choose Wuque."

Qin Yu smiled slightly.

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