I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1855 Buy one get two free


Qin Yu put away the sword, and the two surgical lights were agile, fixed and exorcised the evil spirits, stopping the wriggling picture of the viscera of a living corpse.

Qin Yu didn't care about its bloodiness and horror, so he went up to check it out, and frowned after watching it.


"Are they living people? Obviously they are all corpses."

Jiaojiao just pretended to be weak before, and after she really knew what was in front of her, she was no longer afraid, and carefully studied these corpses before she went.

Well, it is indeed a corpse.

Not the flesh and blood of a living person, because there is no living soul.

"Deprived, someone drained their vitality, sealed the body inside, the tongue..."

Qin Yu suddenly noticed that the tongues of these corpses were gone.

If eating is a process, then everyone’s tongue should not be lost at the same time, unless eating is at the very beginning or before eating. . . Their tongues have been eaten.

"It is estimated that so many tongues have been bred by using this method to obtain tongues, but this burrow has existed for thousands of years, and it has been nearly half a year since these living people were taken away."

When Jiaojiao heard this, she was surprised, "Isn't that what happened when someone went down this hole? It stands to reason that there would be traces, but we didn't find any of them."

That's scary.

Qin Yu is the best at this.

"Is there any other reason, the other party's Taoism is higher than mine, or it's a deceitful way that is best at it."


Jiaojiao subconsciously thought of a person, obviously Qin Yu also thought of it, but they didn't mention it, because although Chang Tingwan was a person in the cunning way, he was trapped in the prison. evil.

Qin Yu himself knows all kinds of evil arts, so he can't be too double-standard.

"If you want to know more, just look inside."

Jiaojiao watched as Qin Yu directly burned these hopeless living corpses, exposing the bottom layer. . . He couldn't help complaining.

"It's like durian mille-feuille, a layer of mille-feel, a layer of cream and a layer of durian..."

Qin Yu and Huang Jinbi couldn't hold back, "Can you put it another way?"

"Mango Melaleuca??"


Jiaojiao hummed and chirped, but did not give another example.

Anyway, all he could think of was some food. . .

They soon came upon the last floor beneath the wall.


So many heads?

Moreover, these heads are all embedded in a square array.

"This... seems to be a tricky skull formation? It's an evil formation in the deceitful way."

Although Qin Yu is not a person in the cunning way, she knows the formation, so she understands it a little bit. After recognizing the formation, her expression immediately became subtle.

"I know the way—looking at the physical strength of these corpses, I'm afraid they are all practitioners. Someone captured many practitioners, sealed them with the method of internal organs, and used their tongues to create Tongues, the remaining bodies and living corpses eat each other, and finally only the head is left. The plate we saw just now is actually not the first time. After how many waves, each plate eats each other until the end, just like raising Gu, only the last head is left, but the head is not eaten, so all the heads are left, this last head is what the people behind the scenes want, and it also It will definitely become a headless corpse, because that person will take its head away."

Qin Yu searched these heads with spells, but found no head that could correspond to the body of the Li corpse raised by the deceitful skull formation.

Jiaojiao suddenly realized, "That's why this place is called Headless Creek, because there will be headless corpses haunting this place. It is much more powerful than the tongue. It is difficult to deal with it even during the fusion period. We haven't seen it yet when we came here." arrive."

"Oh my god, this place is really dangerous. I don't know what old monster did it. Maybe it's the Mahayana period, Yuyu, let's go."

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. This headless stream has existed for so long and no one has solved the cause and effect behind it. Either the water at the bottom is too deep, not only the cave in front of you is a bit mysterious, or the Three Kings Stack internally acquiesces to this existence.

There have been many Mahayana periods in the history of the Great Three Kings, and there are countless capable people. As soon as Qin Yu understood the pattern, he knew that he could not be mixed with him now. She is not the hero and heroine in YY fantasy novels. Keeping secret is the best policy!

and. . .

"Go quickly, I'm afraid that when I break this formation, the people behind the scenes will sense it."

Qin Yu was eager to take Jiaojiao away, but before leaving, she also quickly cleaned up the traces in the cave, eliminating all the breath, so as not to be followed by the other party.

After doing this, one person and one cat had just rushed out of the burrow, and they hadn't sneaked very far when they heard the sound of clattering.

The sound of a stream?

It's nothing to hear the stream gurgling in the daytime on weekdays, but they were keenly aware that the sound of the stream was different tonight because something rolled down the stream.


Rolling in the water one by one like a big watermelon, occasionally hit the pebbles, or get stuck in the cracks of the stones. . .

Damn, it's a human head!

And under the moonlight, the stream was actually a pale crimson.

Bloody water to send people's heads!

"What kind of headless stream is this? It's clearly a watermelon head stream!" Jiaojiao was disgusted, but Qin Yu didn't move.

What are you doing!

Is such a disgusting place still left to wait for the Chinese New Year to eat watermelon?

Jiaojiao just wanted to remind Qin Yu, but she became quiet all of a sudden.

Because one person and one cat hide and hide.

Still in place, just cut off the sound.

like a statue.

Under the white moonlight in front of me, there is a drowsy forest and wild suburbs, and a gurgling bloody stream. . . .

Pat, clack, clack.

The three to four meter tall headless corpse walked aimlessly along the stream.

The distance between a person and a cat is only two to three hundred meters.

But within a kilometer range, as long as there is any movement that disturbs the headless corpse, it will chase and kill it crazily.

Of course, a headless corpse is powerful, and there is nothing you can do about it during the general fusion period, but Qin Yu and Jiaojiao are still capable of dealing with it, and there is only one reason why they can be as quiet as chickens and lurk spontaneously - because there is more than one corpse Headless corpse.

"What kind of fairy day is this? Buy one get one free, it's buy one get two free."

There were three headless dead corpses. Although they were hanging at a distance from each other, Qin Yu's eyes were sharp, and he could tell that the other party was a small group of three corpses early in the morning.

hell! In the past, it was not easy to meet one head, but now there are three heads!

Can't afford to provoke.

Qin Yu decisively chose to lurk.

If you are lucky, you may be able to hide it and wait for them to go far away. . . .

One person and one cat are silently calculating.

But Jinbi doesn't think so.

—I think so, according to. . .

Qin Yu: "Do you want the royal boy to pee?"

Jiaojiao: "I have."

Jinbi shut up.

Shut up for about thirty or forty seconds, but fortunately, one person and one cat "walked" back and forth while three headless corpses were alive.

Damn, shit luck, there is no danger?

Both Qin Yu and Jiaojiao felt that it was not real. . . . until the next second.

There was movement in the woods diagonally behind them.

The three headless corpses who had just passed by turned around neatly, clenched the axes in their hands, and looked straight at Qin Yu and the others.

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao: "..."

That's right, a familiar formula, a familiar taste.

This is the correct way to open it.

This is the truth in the world, and I don't panic all of a sudden.

Qin Yu smiled emotionlessly: ( ̄︶ ̄).

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