I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1871 Hint? (Thank you Fengwu Fanchen for the generous reward, hurry up and vote, double)

Li Qixi looks weak on the outside, but is actually very tough. Sitting in a wheelchair, she didn't feel afraid of Qin Yu's indifferent temperament. After Wang Cheng learned about such deeds, he felt that you are actually a very gentle person."

Qin Yu: "So you know I don't want to see you, but you still dare to stay, are you not afraid that I will beat you?"

Li Qixi smiled: "You don't hit women, especially a disabled woman."

Qin Yu: "You don't talk nonsense, at least you don't talk too much nonsense before getting down to business."

Li Qixi: "Ninety-nine out of ten members of the core system within the Northern Xinjiang Alliance are from the south, that is, people under the confidantes of the new lord.

Qin Yu: "So you Yunyi Pavilion is not exclusive?"

Li Qixi: "At least I won't."

Qin Yu: "Your father is not dead yet."

Said that she was indifferent and scary, but she really showed her directly.

However, this woman Li Qixi is really not an ordinary person, with a dodder-like appearance and temperament, she even smiled, "Not yet, I also have a headache because of this."

Qin Yu took a deep look at her, "Aren't you afraid that I will reveal your true face?"

Li Qixi smiled slightly: "Your Excellency Mobai must have identified me as a hypocrite at the first glance. In fact, you and I are also people who are obsessed with intuitive judgment. The first time I saw Your Excellency Mobai, I also think you are not a gossip."

Jiaojiao: No, she is.

—she always has been.

Qin Yu: "I really won't show off this crap. After all, it's about your Yunyi Pavilion. It has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do now, and it has nothing to do with it in the future."

That's the answer.

Li Qixi was not annoyed, and smiled gracefully, "Who knows what will happen in the future."

Then she left.

Qin Yu watched her leave coldly, thoughtful.

Jiaojiao: "It's inexplicable, you don't have much contact with her, why does she insist on wooing you, and this kind of wooing is always somewhat tentative."

Qin Yu: "I can tell you that she doesn't know that this is unreasonable? But if she insists on acting like this, she is implying something to me."

Jiaojiao: "What?"

Qin Yu: "Someone in Yunyi Pavilion is investigating me, and she knows about this investigation, so she is very interested in me, and she hinted at me about it in order for me to investigate her about Yunyi Pavilion."

Jiaojiao: "Hey, can that reversely prove that she is not one of the evil people in Yunyi Pavilion?"

Qin Yu: "Who knows, maybe she deliberately used this to cover herself up? This woman is very scheming."

Jiaojiao: "Oh my god, my head hurts, this is using you? Then will you investigate?"

Qin Yu: "No, even if there are evil people in Yunyi Pavilion who doubt me now, it doesn't matter anymore."

She looked out the window with cold eyes.

"Being kind and magnanimous is the only way to cause a wave of others. You can't kill them all. I'm not that kind of person."

"You speak human language."

"Those people are a bit weak and stupid, I don't like them anymore."


"There are three statues of the Three Kings, the King of Swords, the King of Law, and the King of Poison. They shocked the Three Kings back then, and they all had a good reputation among the three states. They rose in the Golden Age and reached their peak in the Golden Age. They stand tall now. Eight thousand years old, it is truly a treasure."

After all, Yue Jing was only controlled. Although her soul was damaged, there was no difference between resting in the house and being outside. When she learned that Qin Yu was coming to the Three Kings Diaozuo, she had been here before and was more familiar with Qin Yu. He told some information, but was invited by Qin Yu to come to the Three Kings Diaozuo to recuperate.

"Sounds really good."

"The degree of its power depends on the strength of the comprehension. The higher the talent, the more benefits it will get from it."

Yue Jing was still shocked by what happened to Qin Yu in Baozi Mountain at this time, knowing that Mo Bai has the combat power at the combined stage, and others don't know the age of Mo Bai's practice, how can she not know.

"If it is you, you will definitely get a very strong understanding."

She has high expectations for this junior, and her eyes are very gentle.

Qin Yu thought about it, if the other party knew that he was Qingqiu, how would he behave.

"hope so."

"But my nephew asked me to come to the Three Kings Diaozu with you, aren't you afraid that others will use me to investigate you?"

"Uncle, will you expose yourself?"

Moon Mirror glanced at her and smiled.

The three king sculptures are located in three directions, and there are teleportation arrays to reach the other two sculptures. It only costs money, but the mirror of the moon still took Qin Yu to the sword king sculpture first.

The sword king stands with a sword in his hand, majestic and majestic, his body, clothing and even his arms are densely inscribed with his swordsmanship attainments.

The higher you go, the deeper you go.

"I'm going to the Dharma King later...Ms. Mingchu?"

Yue Zhijing was slightly surprised when he saw the person coming in front of him. Qin Yu turned his head and saw Ming Chu and a male cultivator in front of him.


Earlier, Mingchu said that he had a friend, and Qin Yu didn't care who the other person was, whether it was a man or a woman, but he only thought that Mingchu liked to walk alone and didn't like making friends, so it was natural for her to recognize him as a friend. Not an ordinary person.

At the moment, the other party is not a person with an outstanding appearance, but a bit ordinary, but he is gentle and self-restraining, which makes people feel at ease.

He has some reputation, Aoki swordsman.

His sword is also a wooden sword.

After meeting each other, Swordsman Qingmu expressed his gratitude to Qin Yu. Qin Yu gave Ming Chu face and responded kindly, and then the two parties separated.


"It is rumored that Your Excellency Mobai is indifferent and strong, but it may not be true today, he is very kind."

Aoki said as he followed Mingchu up the stairs of the plank road.

Mingchu turned his head to look at him, "Is it because of the words just now?"

Aoki shook his head, "No, I think she treats her friends very well."

Obviously, he saw that Mo Bai treated him politely, unlike the indifference rumored by outsiders, because of Mingchu.

Willing to give face to a friend is a kind of thoughtfulness.

Mingchu naturally understood, he slowly climbed up the steps with his long sword in hand, and said simply: "Such a person is usually only bad for the enemy and himself."


After parting from Mingchu, Qin Yu walked with Yue Zhijing for a while, and when they were about to part, Qin Yu asked abruptly.

"Uncle Master still refuses to say what mission the sect sent you?"

Moon Mirror glanced at her, "I can't say it, I can say it, if you do it for me, then how can I save my face?"

"It looks like he's going to kill someone."


Qin Yu didn't ask any more questions, and just said: "If there is a risk, Master Uncle can come to me, and joining forces is also a means - after all, there is a reason why the Great Elder told you that I came here."

Moon Mirror accepted the offer.

But he still didn't mention who his target was.

Then the two separated.

Qin Yu stood on the stairs and looked at the back of Moon Mirror walking down, thoughtfully.

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