I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1873: Throne of the Law (Fourth)


"You mean that Shu He personally groveled and took a mother and son to buy candy and snacks in the city?"

"Yes, my subordinates saw it with their own eyes."

Li Qixi rested her fingers on her slightly crooked head, her eyebrows were deep in thought, and after a while, she suddenly smiled, "It's that Mrs. Bai who showed up in Beijiang City in the south, right? Shu He is also very good, so let him continue." With the connection, it is no wonder that Shiwei Building has developed rapidly in recent years, and the ability to attract people is also top-notch."

"It's just that in the management of Shiwei Building, this Shuhe is considered to be under one person and over ten thousand people. It's too embarrassing for such a high position to be so low."


Li Qixi glanced sideways at this subordinate, and said indifferently: "When the flowers are full and the moon is full, you think it is humiliating to bow your head and bend down. When you are in a disaster, don't hate yourself for asking for help."

This is a very serious statement, and it's almost like saying that these people usually have their eyes high above the top, and they don't care about the interests of Yunyi Pavilion.

Everyone trembled.

Li Qixi didn't bother talking to these people, and went out directly.

"Young Pavilion Master, are you going to buy some sweets too?"

"No, I don't like that, but since we're here at Three Kings, how can we not go to the Three Kings Diao Seat...I think that Mrs. Bai will go too."

Li Qixi smiled slightly, but she did not reveal whether she went to the Three Kings Diaozuo for Madam Bai or purely for enlightenment.

This woman puts all her soft posture on the outside, and only her opponents and dead people know her inner viciousness and strength.


Snacks are still being bought, and delicacies are still being eaten, but Shu He really still mentioned the Three Kings Diaozuo, which is the pride of the Three Kings City, so naturally he wants to sell it to the masters he wants to win over.

"I've heard of it. It's very famous. When I look at it from a distance, I feel that it has a divine power that connects to the heavens. It is expected that before the three kings ascended, they must have achieved great fortune, so that they can attract the merits of heaven and earth to protect them."

She explained the meaning of the existence of the Three Kings Sculpture Seat in a simple sentence, and Shu He felt awe-inspiring and became more respectful.

"I think if you go there, Mrs. Bai, you will also get some insights from it. After all, the stronger the person, the more suitable for advanced attainments."

Qin Yu smiled and said nothing, but agreed to Shu He to take her there.

Went to the statue of the King of France.

The statue of Fawang and the statue of Sword King are similar, they are both mainstream, and there are many people, many times more than before. In order to get closer, Shu He took the initiative to mention the previous changes in Headless Creek and Baozi Mountain.

Qin Yu naturally showed a little interest, and also got the results of the recent investigation of the Three Kings City City Lord's Mansion on this matter from the mouth of the senior executive of the Weiwei Building.

"Eliminate the little ones, but can't find the mastermind?"

"Yes, it's quite a hidden danger to say it. How do you know what the person behind the scenes is planning in the dark?"

"For a city, there is no need to think about what the place is planning. Any conspiracy can be solved with the right people and strength."

When Qin Yu said this, he lifted the hem of the skirt lightly with one hand, and walked slowly on the steps on the plank road. The light gold and yellow water silk long skirt complemented her charming demeanor, which was very beautiful, but she said it lightly Such a sentence.

Shu Heqiu saw the rising sun shining brightly, falling on this person, it was as dazzling as burning his pupils.

this woman. . . It's simply too eye-catching.

The well-informed and scheming Shu He was almost stunned, not to mention how many monks there are on and off the King Diaozu, since Qin Yu came here under the leadership of Shu He, everyone couldn't help saying His eyes drifted over.

Qiqi is hard to take back.

Qin Yu reads at a faster speed when it comes to spell attainments, because the study of the Tower of True Understanding has given her a very solid foundation and is extremely comprehensive. These middle and low-level attainments have already been mastered by her, so she can almost see them at a glance. Thirty lines, and soon took Shu He to the middle of the carved seat of the King of Dharma.

Shu He soon couldn't bear it anymore, and his breathing gradually became unstable, because he couldn't bear the pressure that was getting stronger and stronger.

He didn't push himself hard, and was about to tell the lady Bai who was walking easily above, but saw that Mrs. Bai stopped, leaning on the railing of the suspended platform in the middle, and the wind blew, and her hair fluttered.

She lost the wind, and naturally turned her head to look at Shu He, "If I am the person behind the scenes, raising so many evil creatures, I must have a matching target, and I will choose an excellent time."

Shu He was a little surprised that Qin Yu suddenly mentioned this, but when he heard it, he was shocked.

He heard the deep meaning in Qin Yu's words.

"I understand, senior you..."

"I'll just go up by myself. You are busy, so go first."

Qin Yu didn't mention the fact that he was not strong enough to keep up, so he gave him face.

Shu He knew it, and was about to go down when he caught sight of Fat Huwa who was holding on to the railing and looking down, "If Mrs. Bai, you want to continue to go up, then young master, do you want the younger generation to watch?"

"No, he will go up with me."

Shu He was shocked, and then saw the fat milk baby jumping up the steps with his waist tucked in triumphantly, so proud that he almost wagged a tail behind his buttocks.

Bouncing around and following his mother higher and higher. . .

"Haha, Yuyu, you don't know his expression just now, I laughed so hard!!"

"He must be thinking, what kind of man and what kind of woman must be able to give birth to such a powerful baby."

Jiaojiao said happily, but Huang Jinbi was taken aback.

Well, has this little Highness forgotten that he has a father?

If you say so. . . Huang Jinbi looked at Qin Yu subconsciously, and found that this man didn't pay attention to this sentence, but was just concentrating on reading his skills, and his eyes were shining.

Well, this kind of woman deserves to be single for ten thousand years.


Qin Yu concentrated and walked up. There were far fewer people, and all the people he could see were strong people above the fusion stage.

For example, Jian Dongcang, the number one master of the Huaye Mountain Desolate Alliance, is also comprehending the attainments of the Dharma. When he saw Qin Yu coming up so strangely, he glanced at him. Qin Yu was unusual.

What kind of woman can bring such a child to this position?

Jian Dongcang thought so, and the others were naturally also in doubt.

There is more than one Jian Dongcang here, in terms of fame and status, he is still the strongest in the City Lord's Mansion.

When Qin Yu was concentrating, a black shadow appeared in front of him, blocking the wall.

She fixed her eyes on each other and didn't speak.

"Who are you? You look so good, I've never seen you before."

The noble-looking young man was a bit frivolous, Qin Yu rolled his eyes on his body, he was both explicit and presumptuous, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"I just came here, I haven't seen it before."

Qin Yu walked away a few steps to read from the side, but this man also deliberately moved a step to stand in front of him again, with a half-smile: "I am Chen Shubai, the young lord of the Three Kings City, don't you know me?"

Provocative and frivolous.

This made some strong people around him pay attention.

Qin Yu glanced at the other party, and said casually: "You are the young city lord, and you can't even heal the hidden injury of the Tian acupoint on your arm. Is the Three Kings City so poor?"

This sentence made Chen Shubai's face change slightly, and when he was about to say something, he met Qin Yu's cold eyes.

"Women generally shy away from being perfunctory or flirting with fake products. Your master who watched the theater upstairs probably doesn't know about it."

After finishing speaking, Qin Yu raised his hand upwards, and together with his fingertips, a chain of golden light gradually glowed, shooting upwards brazenly, and instantly entangled the young man who was lying comfortably on the railing above.

One tick.


The person above was dragged down alive.

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