I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1875 Indifference


Qin Yu is a very calculating person. If she pretends to be X to a certain level, then the consequences of this level will definitely be stuck within the limits of what she can handle.

But the city lord of the Three Kings City, a mahayana stage master, is obviously far beyond her handling range, so her calculation must be that the other party will not attack her.


One, the other party is afraid of her forged strong background.

Second, the other party considered the situation comprehensively and could not make a move.

My little chubby Duner's understanding ability is limited, she has already explained it roughly, but she didn't explain the whole thing, and it's all about cultivating his brain hole, which is also a kind of exercise, isn't it.

When the son racks his brains, the mother focuses on learning, learning and learning.

"It's her?" There are people on the same floor as Chen Shubai, but there are fewer people than those on the next floor. These people stayed here earlier or even earlier years, and they have always stayed away from Chen Shubai. There was a big commotion just now, and they heard From the sound point of view, some people have not seen the process, but only the result.

As a result, Chen Shubai secretly hated to leave, and this woman. . . On their level.

Also with a child.

Qin Yu noticed the gaze of these people, which was subtle and sharp.

Since the other party was concealed, she didn't look back at him, lest the other party be evasive and evasive.

but. . . After Qin Yu finished reading this floor, he walked up, and the expressions of the people below changed slightly.

Because they stayed here, firstly, they couldn’t comprehend this level, and secondly, they couldn’t resist the coercion of the upper level, but this woman is so relaxed?

"It looks like the older generation. It has been practiced for thousands of years. We can't compare."

"If she goes up, won't she be able to meet Xiao Zheng and Shu Man?"

"Should be able to meet them, they also went up yesterday, but I don't know if they succeeded..."

The occasional chatter of the people below fell into Qin Yu's ears, and when she climbed up the stairs, she handed a pot of milk to the pensive Jiaojiao.

Jiaojiao naturally took it and poured it into her mouth, only to hear Qin Yu say: "I don't have enough brain capacity and I have to think hard. It's easy to get bald. Drinking milk is helpful."

Bald. . . . .

Jiaojiao subconsciously touched her fluffy hair under the tiger hat, glared at Qin Yu angrily, with a milk jug in her mouth, her two fat hands hugged Qin Yu's leg, and knocked her big head on her leg three times in a row Four times.

"you are bullying me!"

"You're bullying me again!"


Qin Yu let him hit him, and while looking at the achievements on the wall, he said calmly: "Milk is useless, what about barbecue?"

Jiaojiao's movements paused, she withdrew her hands, and continued to hold the milk jug, humming and drinking, while trying to think hard but couldn't think.

Regardless of knowing the result or not, this barbecue must be eaten.

His appearance made Qin Yu smile, so she had a smile on her face. When she was smiling, she inadvertently caught a glimpse of the man who turned around on the front steps.

This man was so cold and indifferent, his eyes looked like those growing in a cold pool, he gave Qin Yu a cold look, as if saying that the mother and son were too noisy.

But he didn't say anything, just looked at him and continued to study.

Qin Yu didn't care either, and neither did Jiaojiao, holding the milk jug and continuing to drink.

Until Qin Yu walked to the stairs where the man was, and saw the accomplishments on the same wall.

With just one glance, Qin Yu knew that this piece of attainment was probably the highest level of attainment in the middle of the Dharma King's carved seat.

Even if it is not the strongest, it is definitely one of them.

This man is stuck here.

Qin Yu also stopped here.

Both are comprehending it at the same time.

This is indeed not easy, and Qin Yu spent about 100,000. . . half an hour.

She understood it thoroughly, raised her foot, and took a step up.

This step made the man who had regarded her as nothing at first frowned suddenly, and couldn't help turning his head to look at her, but he only saw the graceful back of this woman.

He frowned, but quickly withdrew his gaze and continued to comprehend this attainment.

Did he panic?

No panic.

Because he has already found the feeling, he is just one step away.

He was just surprised, surprised that it took only half an hour for someone to comprehend it.

Qin Yu walked up again, his pace was very even, unhurried, occasionally stopping. . . After about a dozen steps, there is a checkpoint approaching, which is both coercion and difficulty of attainment.

"Hey, Yuyu...Look."

Qin Yu was paying attention to the wall. After Jiaojiao pulled her skirt, she looked up and saw the person standing on the stairs above.

It's hard, it's short hair.

It is extremely delicate, but also extremely heroic, with a kind of indisputable beauty.

Dressed in a strong suit, with a delicate and mysterious red leaf hanging from the waist, and a golden bracelet with restrained golden light on the wrist, the body is straight and straight, like a Chinese fir tree. At first glance, he thought he was a swordsman, but he was actually a Legalist.

This person was probably obsessed with comprehension and attainment, and didn't care about Qin Yu's arrival.

Qin Yu glanced at this person, and said to Huang Jinbi: "The young generation who haunted by the Three Kings seems to be very talented."

Although she dealt with them, Chen Shubai's talent is actually higher than that of Fang Yourong (from previous performances). After all, he is the son of a master in the Mahayana period, and his practice years are not much older.

Geographic differences, differences in origin, this gap must be admitted.

But Qin Yu also knew that the man he had just met, as well as this person, were actually better than Chen Shubai.

She was surprised. Is the geomantic omen of Three Kings so good? These two people could not be from Huaye.

——Children in the heavens are born with good bloodlines and are immortals.

——There is nothing to say about this.

——Birth and qualifications are not a permanent disadvantage, and they can turn losses into profits.

Qin Yu was surprised, "You have such an opinion. I remember that you always advocated the theory of qualifications before."

——Thanks to a certain village girl, the Three Views have been reshaped.

Qin Yu: "Oh, I thought it was because of Jiaojiao."

——The main reason is still him.

Two black-bellied guys secretly poked Hei Jiaojiao.

Jiaojiao, who had just finished drinking milk, burped, "Why did you call me? I'm thinking, I don't have time!"

Well, you go ahead.

After Qin Yu finished wrangling with Huang Jinbi, she also concentrated on comprehending this piece of attainment. Looking at it, she became serious.

Because this piece happened to be the blind spot of her knowledge - about fire and thunder.

She is more inclined towards civil engineering in nature, and civil engineering and Huo Lei are somewhat conflicting and difficult to deal with, so she does not delve into this aspect. After all, she does not have such great ambitions, and she does not want to do everything, but in this Dharma King Diaozuo, if you don't comprehend it, it will be difficult to go up.

Although he was unfamiliar, Qin Yu was not in a hurry, but was eager to comprehend it.

She was concentrating, Jiaojiao was a little idle and bored, nothing else, there was something here, including a simple text - none of them could understand.

Since he was bored, he had to find something to do. He touched here and there, and he quickly found a topic that he was very interested in. . . .

He nestled beside him with the milk jug in his arms, staring at a person—this short-haired person.

He felt that this person was not simple.

Probably after staring at her for too long, the other party suddenly turned his face and looked at Jiaojiao instead.

"See what I do?"

The voice is very soft, very magnetic, but also very indifferent, obviously he has no affection for Jiaojiao.

Jiaojiao is also thick-skinned, she stabilized herself, and asked Mengmeng: "Brother, you look so good..."

The other party frowned, turned his face, and said lightly: "I am a woman."

woman? ! !

Can a woman be so handsome? Second only to Yuyu's elder brother!

It's just a little less masculine than Big Brother.

But refined enough.

After Jiaojiao was surprised, she immediately said sweetly, "Then young lady, you should take a good look too."

While praising others, he was transmitting sound in the golden house.

"She is so cruel and ruthless to a cute and soft child like me, she must not be a good person, Yuyu, please ignore her!"

This logic is okay.

Qin Yu was shocked by Jiaojiao's brazenness, but he also covered his mouth with his hand, smiled and said to the short-haired woman, "I'm sorry, my child is not polite and offended."

The short-haired woman glanced at her, said nothing, and continued to study.

Jiaojiao: "Look, this woman is so cruel! I've never seen such a cruel person like her."

In fact, there are.

Just after saying this, the young man below came up, with a dead face, and also walked to this position, sandwiching Qin Yu from left to right to comprehend.

Without saying a word, without giving a look, they just stared at the wall with scorching eyes, like a duo of door gods at a funeral.

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao: "..."

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