I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1882 Reinforcement

With such a big commotion, the army of evil creatures ran across the plain at a terrifying speed, approaching the city at the limit, and it was too late for people to react. The monstrous blood energy and corpse energy were swept into the city by the wind, and the children nearby also noticed it. Crying, all the monks in the city flew up.

In the residence, Xiao Sangwei and Xiao Bailiang were both awakened, but they saw that the door of Yuejing's room had already been opened, and they didn't know if they heard the sound and went out to fight against the enemy.

But it is clear that elites like them must have already gone. There are a wave of monks attacking from afar on the other side of the city wall to make time for the weak people in the city to transfer.

"This time it seems to be different from the previous two cities. There is no blockade outside the city." Xiao Sangwei was actually among the evacuated people, but she noticed this difference when she followed the crowd.

"Don't talk about sister, anyway, hurry up and transfer, or you will be slaughtered later."

"If we leave, what should we do if the people who respond to the enemy on the city wall are injured? You go with them, and I will stay."

"Then I won't leave either, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Bailiang was knocked out and was entrusted by Xiao Sangwei to a friend who had rescued him to take him away, while he himself disappeared into the crowd and went towards the city wall.

At the entrance of the city wall, Mingchu Yujian intercepted the blood thorn spit out by the tongue in the distance, while looking at the Sword King Diaozu several times.

"Are you worried about Mo Bai?"

"She is retreating, and the cave on the side of the Sword King Diaozuo is cut off from the news. I'm afraid she still doesn't know what happened in the city."

"Then I'm here, you go find her..."


Mingchu turned his face away, continued to kill the enemy, and said: "It really shocked her, she won't leave, she still has to come here, it's better to stay there."

In fact, Mingchu also knew that it was not her turn to settle this friend properly, but she didn't want to drag him into a battlefield that she knew was dangerous. . . I'm afraid it's almost unstoppable.

too strong!

The army of evil things is like a bulldozer, with an all-out front. It has only been less than ten minutes since the outbreak, and the group attack carrying a large number of monks has advanced two miles. But one mile.

The closer the distance, the more terrifying their attacks.

"No! When we get close, we can't bear the melee damage of the headless corpse and the old zombie!"

"Damn it, I finally know how Tianheng was destroyed."

Many monks who have cultivated in the fit period are timid, under hesitation, through confusion. . . Maybe he flew out of the city just like that, and walked through the back door of the city.

Can you stop it? There is no way to stop it.

This is a lost battle.

To keep is to die!

Seeing that a few escaped, the hearts of the remaining people were also shaken.

Especially when they saw tens of thousands of tongues from standing upright to lying on the ground, their backs and bodies were all covered with pitch-black scales, and this pitch-black halo formed a layer of light curtain on the back.

defensive armor.

hum. . . boom!

A wave of attacks from the group of monks on the city wall hit the light curtain on the back armor, which only made them tremble slightly, and did not hurt the headless corpse and old zombie at the back. At this time, the headless Li Corpse suddenly let out a deep roar, raised his left palm, and slapped the ground hard.

Hundreds of headless dead corpses clapped together, causing a sonic boom and cracking the ground.

The city wall cracked into several pieces with a bang, and the crack even penetrated into the city, shattering many houses.

All the monks had to fly up.

From a height, they can see the scene ahead.

From a distance of one mile, the rift in the ground was torn apart like a piece of cloth being easily torn, revealing hundreds of hideous rifts, and many scorpions jumped into the rifts and quickly walked through the underground rifts, heading straight for the city.

"Not good! They will enter the city directly through the gap!"

"Instead of worrying about the tongue, you might as well look at the headless corpse." A short-haired female cultivator said coldly, she must be Shu Man.

This woman did not live up to her name. When she said this, she had already jumped down from a gap in the broken city wall. She stood alone on the edge of a gap, branding her hand with one hand, and a long frost dragon sprang out from the gap, reaching the front row .

boom! Dozens of tongues were stabbed to the end by this long frost dragon.

It's powerful, but no one has the heart to praise it. When everyone saw the most threatening headless corpse, they also prostrated themselves on all fours, facing the city wall with its headless neck, and rushed towards it.

The speed was much faster than before. In a few blinks, the fastest ten or twenty heads were less than three hundred meters away from the city wall.

On the city wall, someone was terrified.

Turn around and run.

"It's just people's hearts." Xuewei appeared next to Qin Yu at some point, and said this.

Qin Yu glanced at her, and said calmly: "You can't only understand the bad side, you also have to understand the good side."

"Where is it good?" Xuewei was very indifferent to the bloody chaos of the siege.

Qin Yu turned his face away and raised his hand, "Like this..."

The center of her eyebrows moved slightly, and when the dozen or so headless corpses were about to reach the city wall, she spread her hands out, under the ground, a green light was born, and the Huaguang was hundreds of feet high.

Those are the tree roots that grow crazily under the crack in the ground, growing vertically and horizontally, piercing terrifyingly, and the sharp branches directly pierce thousands of tongues that go through the crack in a straight line. This is the lethality of the ground.

The Frost Little Dragon of each other, this is the real stab to the end, and it is even growing wildly, expanding from the crack under the city wall along a straight line, and quickly approaching the sturdy headless corpse that charged.

boom! It grew, and its thick trunks protruded from the ground, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and quickly climbed up to form a huge forest defense barrier. At this time, the headless corpse also rushed up.


The trees trembled tremendously, but the splendor generated by the branches was sharp and fell. . .

It exploded when it landed on the headless corpse.

The round green light exploded into a huge halo.

It's too late to hide.

"The magic power of the vitality system—chunhuaqiushi!!!" Everyone was shocked, and quickly confirmed one thing.

This Mrs. Bai is indeed a Mahayana master! ! !

But Qin Yu just turned his head and said to Xuewei: "It's good for someone like me, and it's good for someone like you who is willing to come here and not leave."

These words were light, without the slightest accusation, gentle and considerate, and slightly humorous, but they reached the ears of all the monks on and off the city wall.

Mingchu also heard it, and she subconsciously looked at Mrs. Bai, because she didn't know her, but she had heard about it a few days ago, but she didn't know it was such a person.

I glanced at some people who were a little shaken, and I saw their embarrassment and regret.

Of course, there is also a reason that Qin Yu made a move, the Mahayana period, the backbone came, and these people gained a little confidence, so they didn't want to be deserters anymore.

And although the enemy is fierce, it doesn't seem to be absolutely difficult to deal with.

"There is a difference between humans and beasts. Their highest lethality is only at the peak of the fusion period. I think you still have a lot of time to overcome the catastrophe. You will go down the city wall in melee combat and attack the sky from a distance. I will cooperate with the support and stop for fifteen minutes. Reinforcement Will come soon."

Qin Yu's words were neither salty nor weak, but when he said them, he was extremely calm. Although everyone was happy, they were also puzzled.

How did she know that reinforcements would arrive soon? ! !

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