I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1898 Falling

Qin Yu, who was swallowed by the evil boss, was right in front of his eyes, and one hand was inserted into his abdomen. There was a wound in his abdomen, not to mention. . . He is really weak. Firstly, he was fucked by Qin Yu a few times, and secondly, 99% of his blood and soul were cut off by the palm of Tianxuan's boss, so he just hung his breath.

He really didn't expect Qin Yu to appear again. . . Even if he hadn't been sure that Qin Yu would just be swallowed and die, but fortunately, he was still struggling to survive in the mouth of the abyss. Could it be that she also had room to teleport?

But the fat cat is not there.

The suspense remains in a moment, and the epiphany is also in a moment.

He knew why she didn't die and why she had appeared.

Because of the Three Kings Scepter.

The Three Kings Scepter that he pulled out after inserting the magic pattern armor.

It contained her blood, her soul, and the will of the Three Kings. It helped Qin Yu absorb her blood and soul, and let the breath of his blood stained on the scepter cover everything. Can perceive, so. . . . She has been transformed.

With whom?

Follow the law.

He also never paid attention to the whereabouts of the flute-playing Faxiang.

It's not surprising even if she disappears or is always there.

Just such an oversight.

She had fooled the boss of the evil election, and she had also fooled him.

Mayfly illusion.

He only recognized this technique at this time. Although it is not a supernatural power, it is extremely unorthodox, because few people meet its prerequisites.

Known as a strange art that is not weaker than the difficulty of supernatural powers.

Not even himself.

But she was satisfied and learned.

Also used it.

No wonder, no wonder she had repeatedly used some seemingly desperate methods to kill him before.

In fact, everything is foreshadowing, everything is foreshadowing.

Because she weakened his state and also weakened his state, he underestimated her and reduced his insight.

The man wanted to laugh, but he couldn't, so there was no need to laugh anymore, because Qin Yu's hand inserted into his abdomen was not for nothing - she pinched his space spirit seed.

"I know you must have a remnant soul in the demon seed, but the demon seed is not here."

"I can't kill you."

"But your greatest treasure, I want it."

She is a person who has seen demon seeds, so she naturally thought that this person who has mastered magic patterns and ancient magic methods probably also has demon seeds.

In this day and age, when the magic way is not prosperous and revived, he would not dare to wander around with the demon seed. It must be hidden and bred like other demon seeds. Exhausting everything is to destroy his body, and always maximize the benefits.

So she tore off his space spirit seed alive, Xue Linlin took out his body, the man's face changed slightly, his eyes became cold, and he wanted to snatch it back, but it was too late.

Space teleportation begins.

In Qin Yu's hands, the Space Spirit Seed is a floating and unpredictable crystal of silver and white glaze, exuding a powerful space atmosphere.

And the man swallowed by the space disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the end, he only saw Qin Yu's eyes as if he could speak, and her mouth moved slightly.

There was no sound, but he could see what she was saying.


She said a number.

——He lost his space ability, this space teleportation is incomplete, and the danger in the space turbulence is enough for him to drink a pot.

——Even if his body doesn't die in the space turbulence, he will be seriously injured.

Qin Yu: "He won't die."

——Because of the demon species?

Qin Yu: "No, this person is powerful enough. His body is not infinitely regenerated like mine. It was cultivated by him with difficulty. If he really abandons it, his strength will definitely be greatly damaged. The most important thing is that if he takes Not knowing the main body, no matter whether he resides in the demon seed or cannot appear because of this, it is tantamount to exposing his identity in Wuque, so he will definitely take back this main body, even if he uses all means."

—So what did you just say to him?

"Five years, if I don't die, he will die."

After finishing speaking, Qin Yu made a move.


The blood-stained scepter of the Three Kings flew out from the gap in the space that had not yet fully recovered, and fell into her palm.

The return of power is like an omen.


By the way, five years, the premise is also said, the first thing she mentioned is - if she doesn't die.

So, she's almost dead now.

Because the man was teleported away, she is still here, and the evil-chosen boss is also here.

Swallowing her didn't kill her, the boss of the evil election was not in a hurry to get angry, but was surprised, why Qin Yu's reward was so high, because he couldn't die!

Although surprised, the boss is also old ginger, old ginger is very spicy, let's do it again without further ado!

He was very anxious and very ruthless, because he was not the only one here. . .

As soon as he made a move, Qin Yu would definitely not be able to hold it back. What kind of mayfly technique, what kind of rigidity, what. . . All means are beyond her reach.


I can't bear it anymore.

She closed her eyes, turned around, and faced the blow quietly.

It was as if a black light of destruction was covering her body.

From appearance to end, from end to wind.

When the wind blows, the blue silk moves.

The blood stains on the cracks on the black-white mask were also swept by the surging wind and waves, flowing irregularly on the mask, as if painting a hideous appearance.

But she was so quiet.

Until the hostility and ruthlessness in his body were smoothed by this gust of wind.

All that was left was a blood-stained black suit, a blood-stained scepter, and a man who stood tall and refused to fall.

She closed her eyes, waiting for death, and seemed to be waiting. . .


The light is still there, and the attacks of the Evil Chosen or Heavenly Chosen bosses collide.



Bright and lonely, brilliant and dark.

Then. . . She opened her eyes and saw that the sky was empty.

The big bosses who killed each other were gone.

are gone.

She was the only one left.

Qin Yu heaved a long sigh, through the mask, he raised his bloody, wounded hand to remove the mask, revealing a face.

It seems weak, it seems tired, it seems lonely.

Then she lowered her eyes and curled her lips.

He smiled slightly.

Then she fell.


The people in the Three Kings City led them there after the commotion subsided, but what they saw was nothing but desolation.

Nothing was left.

"There is so much blood, not just one or two people, many people died here."

"Not only Zombie King, but also Ghost King."

These people are the elites of the Three Kings City. After searching the place, they came to some conclusions.

Mingchu was at the place where the people in Wuque were wiped out before, she squatted on the ground, stroking the somewhat sticky ground with her fingers, and turned over the plain white palm, which was already stained red.

In fact, the body has been destroyed, but some things will remain.

Corpse powder, or blood.

"A lot of people died."


It is clear that when these people were searching the ground, Tian Dazhuang set up a barrier not far from them to cover up the traces of himself, Moon Mirror and others.

"It has ended."

He said.

Mirror of the Moon looked expressionlessly at the place ahead that was surveyed by many people.

They arrived earlier and knew where all their disciples died earlier.

None escaped.

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