I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1921 Four Years

Fang Yourong was extraordinary, he didn't collapse, his heart skipped a beat, and he said calmly, "It's just a small matter, you don't need to worry about it."

"It's okay, but what about your child?" If it was just a previous friendship, Mingchu wouldn't be like this, but afterward, at any rate, he has experienced life and death. Mingchu has few friends, and since he regards Mo Bai as a best friend, he is not weaker than himself It turned out that she was a good friend, so she still cared and was curious about this child.

What kind of child will Mobai have?

Fang Yourong saw clearly that Qingqiu had dug an unusually deep hole for him, so he couldn't explain it easily, so he smiled lightly, "Wait a minute, I've already called someone over."

Then five minutes later, Qin Yu, who hurried over with a fat cat in his arms, was Spartan as soon as he entered the door.

Mingchu was also taken aback, "Miss Qingqiu?"

She had seen Qin Yu before and knew who she was, but she didn't understand why Fang Yourong called her here.

Fang Yourong calmly introduced in front of the two of them: "This is my child, first name Qingqiu, smaller name Qiuqiu, I had passed through ordinary affairs before entering the mountain gate, and got a daughter by accident. Introduced into the mountain gate, in order to cover up my reputation, I didn’t announce the relationship to the outside world. It’s also a fluke. She was chubby when she was young, and she looked like a little piglet. It’s true that she doesn’t look like my child, but no one doubts it.”

Then he said to Qin Yu: "Qiuqiu, come here and call Aunt Ming."

Mingchu: "..."

Qin Yu: "..."

Jiaojiao: "..."


Mingchu never had any objection to this throughout the whole process, but when she was sent out of the mountain gate by the two mothers and daughters, she was very natural and harmonious with Rong Rong, as if she still thought she was Mo Bai, but before leaving, she called Qin Yu specially.

"Niece Qiuqiu."

Qin Yu: "Hey, does Aunt Ming have something to say?"

Look at this cute, well-behaved and intelligent look, it's the caring little padded jacket that every mother wants.

"I said I was going to give you a gift, but I almost forgot."

After all, Mingchu took three objects.

A set of children's magic clothes is also considered to be of good value.

A bottle of elixir.

There is also a bracelet.

After Qin Yu received the gift, her expression was subtle, but she pretended to be happy, "Thank you, Aunt Ming, you are so kind."

Mingchu: "You're fine too, I've never seen such a smart and clever kid like you."

It's a compliment. . . Very penetrating.


I just don't know why she touched the sword with her fingers when she boasted.

Then she raised her sword, bowed to Fang Yourong, and smiled sincerely, "I won't call you Mobai in the future, how about calling Fang Yourong?"

Fang Yourong: "It's okay to remove Fang's surname, the road of cultivation is so lonely, it's also good to have a confidant."

The two looked at each other and smiled like sisters.

Qin Yu on the side: "..."

After Mingchu left, Qin Yu said, "My good senior sister, you don't want Mo Bai's identity anymore?"

"My mother." Fang Yourong said lightly.


Sister, am I wrong?

After Qin Yu vowed again and again that he would never dare to be careless again, Fang Yourong calmed down.

"It's useless to me, but to you, it's up to you to decide."

Indeed, now that Fang Yourong is the Great Elder, from now on. . . .

Perhaps nothing is left in her world.

Although it might not be different from the original one, Qin Yu panicked for no reason when he thought of the deceased Great Elder.

Rubbing Jiaojiao's head, Qin Yu said: "Senior sister, in the future, leave more things to senior brothers to do, men can stand the ravages."

Fang Yourong: "Change the word ravaged."

Qin Yu: "Drill?"

Do you want to delete the last word? she can.

Fang Yourong: "..."

Qin Yu: "It's better for women to look better."

Fang Yourong: "Like you?"

Her junior sister pampered herself very well, and she didn't enjoy the whole mountain gate as much as she did.

Qin Yu: "Senior Sister, I'm afraid I'll never understand a beautiful person like you. Your Junior Sister, I'm just a weak woman with ordinary appearance and vulgar appearance. If you don't take pity on yourself, who will take pity on me?"

Jiaojiao got goosebumps when she heard that, so Yourong was as stable as Mount Tai, and after walking back to the village along the mountain path with her, her clear voice could be heard faintly.

"Your aunt Ming took pity on you, and the gift she gave you is very suitable for you."

Qin Yu suddenly stopped talking, but a fat cat asked suspiciously: "How does it fit? This dress is not bad for me... woo woo woo."

Qin Yu covered his mouth, but Huang Jinbi explained lightly.

—cloth, medicine, chain.

Probably there were children's magic clothes at the beginning, but the pills and chains must have been added later.

Aunt Mingchu is really Hui Zhilan and she is very alert.

A gift that fits Qin Yu's soul so deeply.

In fact, this was also the last time outsiders saw Gu Daofeng Qingqiu, and seeing this person again was already the period when Lielu was selected by the four divisions.

And in such a period, far away does not even belong to a golden house of time and space. . . world.

In Xianjia Xiaoyuan, Xiao Tingyun, who was processing some orders behind the counter, suddenly paused the pen, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked lightly at the star level expenditure record on the system recorder.

This store has never had income over the years and has never had expenditure.

This is the only one and the latest one.

The amount is 9.

9 star payouts.

"Nine? The ninth plane."

"If it's ranked ninth...and the Golden House values ​​her, and doesn't want her to go the western route, then it should be one of the four major planes of cultivation."

As if thinking of something, Xiao Tingyun took off the exquisite glasses she was wearing on her tall nose bridge, threw them lightly and casually on the table, got up and poured a cup of scented tea, walked to the backyard, leaned against the carved beams and gateposts, and drank a sip of fragrance. Scented tea, lowered eyebrows and smiled slightly.

The flowers and plants in the room are not as intoxicating as her smile.


In more than four years, there may not be much change in the ordinary world, and in the world of self-cultivation, time flies by at the flick of a finger. But for some geniuses who are not very old in cultivation, the four-year change is still very big .

Of course, for some Wuque geniuses, this change may be more subtle.

One is the Young Sect Leader who is suspected to be hiccupping at any time, and the other is the Great Elder who wields great power. Wudaoling seemed to stand out.

"What's interesting is that because Wuque didn't take the usual path, many sects from various countries commented that Wuque was digging his own grave. They didn't make time for two such talented disciples to save resources for cultivation, but let them It's ridiculous that they're busy with government affairs."

"However, by coincidence, they also arranged for some highly qualified disciples to entrust them with important tasks, and some disciples even took the initiative to take over the authority to practice sect affairs. There are also Yu Gui and others from the Scarlet Heaven Sect, who took over the burden of elders in advance in the same year or the next year, and refused to show others as disciples."

"Speaking of which, since the Tianzang Realm officially issued a notice three years ago to raise the Wuque Sect's star level to the seventh rank, it has been promoted twice in five years, which can be regarded as awakening all the eastern sects. Not as good as Wuque's strength, if it is the strongest, it can be an example."

So the rest of the sects will follow suit. After all, in terms of success rate, Wuque is indeed stronger than all other sects. It can be seen from the rapid improvement of the cultivation speed of the disciples of Wuque's sect over the years. Like a pulse, these disciples jumped higher than the firecrackers.

"I heard that even casual repair iron nail households like Bai Ze joined Wuque four years ago."

"It's not just him, there are too many, I can't remember."

"I think the weather in the east has changed a long time ago...otherwise the other three films wouldn't have come to test it many times over the years."

"If you are not afraid, why try?"

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