I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1961 Milk him! (third change)

The western side, it’s full of barbarism, the style of many sects is close to Luo Hangu’s temperament of a big man, all kinds of green forest heroes, Guan Zhong women, how can they bear this breath, and the middle area is because of Qin Yu, a shit-stirring stick, As a result, the conflict factor in the middle section increased infinitely. Even if she went to the depths later, the seeds had already been planted, and finally detonated.

You see, now the Southwest and Southwest are fighting.

They didn't even fight with each other, just started fighting!

There are more than a dozen people on both sides, five or six of them are in the top 20 on each side's list.

The scale is not small anymore.

At least among the people Qin Yu knew, there were Mo Jinzun and Zhou Dundun in the west, and Lai Yuan, Beitang Miracle and Hua Yuesheng in the south. . .

The fight was so intense that the fight continued, and the fight between Mo Jinzun and Lao Yuan was even more intense.

Both of them are at the peak cultivation level of the god transformation stage, and their combat power is stable at the fusion stage. Otherwise, they would not have the power to kill the black bone general with a single sword. This fight and fight will affect others.

This other person is from the east? No, it's from the north.

The people in the north were touched and attracted, and they met the unlucky ghosts in the east before they even came across the battleground.

That's right, this unlucky guy is Bai Ze.

Speaking of which, Bai Ze was really unlucky.

It's not easy for him to grow in the wild for more than four years after he just found an organization. He struggled to survive, developed in a low-key manner, seriously engaged in the business of killing monsters, and was able to be steady and never make waves, but he still encountered a lot of difficulties along the way.

East, fuck him!

Absolutely, fuck him!

There are many new injuries and old injuries, and the pills are getting less and less, and finally survived until the last day, thinking that he finally succeeded in surviving, and with the bone fragments he harvested, it can be considered a consummation of merit and virtue. As a result, he killed two young adults in front of him. guy.

Passed by, missed.

Before Bai Ze had time to rejoice, the people from the north came over.

Speaking of it, Zhou Jinchuan was also very unlucky. After being robbed, he lost his face. Fortunately, he covered his face and made a wave diligently, but he also saved some bones. But he knew that he had been robbed once , he must not be able to compare with other people, it is inevitable that he is inferior to others, so he has the idea of ​​robbing others again.

After a few waves, his confidence finally came back, not because he was weak, but because Mo Jinzun was too strong!

Just when he saw Mo Jinzun fighting with Lai Yuan, he secretly prayed for Lai Yuan to beat the red-haired boy, but he was also a little unwilling because he never dared to fight Mo Jinzun.

Can't beat it!

Fortunately, there is someone in front who can beat it.

"There is nothing in the east, heh!"

Zhou Jinchuan used to hate Qin Yu and the others, but now he meets Bai Ze who is alone.

Although Bai Ze didn't care at all, if he could kill this, it would be considered a blow to Wu Que.

So Zhou Jinchuan set up a barrier to block Bai Ze before he could escape, then showed up, and then made a move.

Bai Ze was not a vegetarian either, he knew he couldn't escape, so he took over hard, resisted hard for two rounds, and used to break the attack, which was quite strong. Zhou Jinchuan was surprised, but he became more and more annoyed, and started to attack fiercely.

In the end, the gap in strength was too great, and Bai Ze was soon invincible, retreating steadily, blood and blood splattering.

Bang! The spear was horizontally blocked, the underground ground was cracked, sand and rocks were flying, Zhou Jinchuan's face was cold and stern, and he pressed down with his sword.

"Kneel for me!"

boom! Bai Ze's leg bone was broken. . . Seeing that he was about to be forced to kneel down.

He saw that the ground was glowing with brilliance, and the greenery was radiant. Immediately afterwards, the flesh and blood regenerated, the broken tendons reorganized, a burst of energy spontaneously emerged, and a formation was activated.

Amplification of spells and expansion of disk formation.

Bai Ze seemed to have thought of something, but before he was sure, he heard a voice next to his ear.

"Why are you in a daze, I will assist you and beat him up."

It was plain, but like the sound of the sky, and as if divinely assisted, Bai Ze felt the tyrannical power, and suddenly remembered one thing—Wuque Qingqiu, who is best at vitality-type spells, and vitality-type spells are also known as The strongest auxiliary technique, Wudao Ling and Fang Yourong were assisted by her to kill the enemy powerfully over a large class.

Bai Ze was originally a warlike person, but the gap between the enemy and himself was too great. Courage and fighting spirit sometimes couldn't change the iron-clad facts, but if you counted a super shit-stirring stick with a perverted cancer, it would be different.

Qin Yu stood by the side, pinched the seal, and used it forcefully——Nurse him!


Qin Yu, who is not like the protagonist except for her luck, is quite impressive in other aspects - if she wants to hook anyone, she can basically hook anyone (basically she can hook anyone who doesn't want to hook, and most of them are hooked. It's a perverted boss), if she wants to breastfeed someone, she must breastfeed too!

And the milk is super strong!

On the other side, Zhou Dundun and others fought like a raging fire, but the difference in basic strength was not that big, and they couldn't tell the difference, but each had injuries, not to mention injuries—the main reason was that Mo Jinzun and Lai Yuan hadn't come out yet. , for the big picture did not lay out the results.

The people in the west are tough, unless the defeat is really decided, otherwise they will not admit defeat. Look at Zhou Dundun hammering all directions with a hammer, and it is so vigorous that the movement is too loud, which attracts the monks to watch from afar. The first sight is Luo Hangu loli and her big hammer, and then. . . .


The golden light fights for hundreds of feet, and the four eyes reveal the mighty king.

The four-eyed prestige king has semi-supernatural powers, and Mo Jinzun has more than one surgical method, and all of them have reached the level of semi-supernatural powers.

Now, there are not many of the younger generation who can master one and a half supernatural powers. If there is more than one, they are undoubtedly top geniuses. Mo Jinzun has already understood two and a half supernatural powers after eighty years of practice, which is naturally scary. As soon as the Four-Eyed Prestige King came out, the yellow sand above the sand dunes was illuminated by the magic light, and the grains of sand seemed to be quenched with magical power, with their own lethality. It exploded with a single gaze!

The light, the sand, the dazzling everything.

Only welcome the Han Guangjian where Lai Yuan looked dignified.

For a swordsman, all moves are devoted to the sword.

And swordsmen are very persistent in the concept of "one sword". It can be that the opponent is weak and one sword is enough to solve it, or the opponent is strong and must use the strongest sword.

Mo Jinzun and Yu Lai Yuan are obviously the latter.

So this sword. . . .

"Mo Jinzun will be defeated." An old man with a belt and a fish basket stroked his beard and said. The middle-aged swordsman beside him was as calm as a mountain, but he was slightly touched by this sentence. His eyes locked on the sword and technique in front of him. The realm judges the outcome of others, and the result is - the technique is defeated.

That sword sliced ​​through the four-eyed majestic king's spiritual eyes, ending the battle.

Half a mile away, Mo Jinzun's complexion was pale, and his red hair seemed to be sick, full of disbelief.

"How could it be, how could I..."

Mo Jinzun's pride was on the surface, but Lai Yuan's pride was hidden deep in his heart. Facing Mo Jinzun's defeat, he just raised his sharp eyebrows and said calmly: "There are always strong and weak, and there are winners and losers. I will not If you lose, you can only lose."

He pointed at the edge of his sword, pointing at Mo Jinzun, and at Zhou Dundun and others.

Mo Jinzun was defeated, and the people in the west naturally felt it too. The people in the south, such as Hua Yuesheng and others, were immediately proud and shouted that the west had been defeated, and made Zhou Dundun and others admit defeat.

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