I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1994 Together


"Brother and sister really love me."

Qin Yu sighed, and said to Bai Ze: "Brother Bai Ze, what do you think?"

Why do you have to ask me.

I'm blind and can't see anything.

Bai Ze kept silent, showing indifference.

but. . . The big whale was about to dive down below, and everyone didn't want to be taken away by it, so they all stood up with their swords.

It is difficult to fly in this sea area, but if you use all your speed to avoid something, you can fly some distance.

At that time, in order to avoid the big spirit whale in the deep sea, Qin Yu and the others had to expend a lot of spiritual power to fly out of ten miles, and then jumped into the water to parade quickly.

Along the way, I also found some enlightenment flowers, but compared to the ones in the belly of the big whale, the number is not worth mentioning.

Qin Yu and the two daughters mentioned the amount of enlightenment blessings they got, which is naturally massive, but they belong to individuals.

"According to the search along the way, the number of these enlightenment flowers is pitifully small. If there are no big whales to swallow them in one gulp, I'm afraid we won't have enough flowers per person."

"It stands to reason that this is not the case... I am afraid that the Tianzang Realm has arranged them in a specific area."

Their analysis was correct. Half a day later, Qin Yu and the others felt the existence of an island.


The island is neither big nor small, very small and exquisite, like a garden made in heaven, it is so beautiful.

These assessors are like fish that have traveled thousands of miles from an adventure, crossing the long sea to reach this place.

Is there a mystery here?

Qin Yu emerged from the water and wiped his face. He saw the looming three spiritual enlightenment flowers in front of him, but he didn't go up to fight for it, because there were already quite a few people fighting for it. fierce.

Qin Yu only took one look, then swam to the shore, got out of the water, and his body was dry in an instant due to the slight control of his spells.


A huge red-tailed sailfish was dragged ashore by Jiaojiao's paw, and after throwing it on the ground, it shook its hair handsomely.


All the water fell on Qin Yu who was beside him.

Well, it's wet again.

"Wow, Yuyu, come on, stew it! I haven't had lunch in days!"

Jiaojiao feels that life underwater is simply not human, because there is no way to cook!

"There are fights over there for resources, and you want to eat all the time, is it plausible?" Qin Yu taught Jiaojiao a lesson, and began to cut up the fish and cut the meat very quickly, and then asked Jiaojiao after scolding: "It's so big How about a piece of fish, grilled, braised in soy sauce, stewed fish soup, and fish with pickled cabbage? But it seems that there are not enough pots."

Jiaojiao: "It's okay, it's okay, I want it too! I have a lot of trouble here!"

Huang Jinbi could only post a row of eye-rolling emojis.

The existence of this island is indeed a treasure land of enlightenment buds, because the surrounding waters give birth to buds of enlightenment from time to time, and even the lakes on the island occasionally have buds of enlightenment grow secretly.

Need to find, need to wait, need to fight.

Blood is also needed.

The reason why Qin Yu didn't do anything to those seven or eight people was because of them. . . There are people from the east.

Although the east is the weakest, they are generally arrogant. People in Wuque saw that the strength of Fuxia and the others was not much different from that of the opposite north, so they didn't intervene.

"Hey, just go to yourselves, the two of them are with me."

Qin Yu told Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling to leave, but they didn't leave.

"Don't worry about me? It's okay."

Qin Yu babbled, Fifth Daoling pointed at the fish with his knife.

"Fish, I want to eat."

Qin Yu: "???"

Jiaojiao pouted.

You can eat my fish! snort!

Wuque and the five ate fish on the beach. Although it was good news not to compete with others, it was uncomfortable to see him so calm, so many monks complained about Qin Yu's intentional pretense.

Until they heard that Wu Que and the three repelled the No. 1 player in the west.

The crowd was shocked and unbelievable, but when they tried to verify, Qin Yu and the five had already disappeared.

Qin Yu failed to separate from Fang Yourong and the others.

Two reasons.

Fifth Dao Ling: "If we separate, are you afraid of being hunted by Qin Dan, or are you not afraid of him?"

Fang Yourong: "It was you who said you would stay with us forever, why, did you go back on your word?"

Qin Yu: Sleep with me if you can, bah!

After searching for half a day, I also met some competitors, but the five of them teamed up to get rid of each other safely. It’s okay to do it once. If you succeed seven or eight times, then the rumors are true. People like Mo Jinzun who live at the top I couldn't believe it, but out of caution, I tried to avoid Qin Yu and the others as much as possible.

In Mo Jinzun's words - I'm not afraid of any of them, but I don't bother fighting with three of them.

The west is actually the most embarrassing, but people in the west generally have abnormal brain circuits. Regarding Mo Jinzun's words, Zhou Dundun, who has always been not very compatible with Mo Jinzun and other disciples of Cangbing Valley, complained: "Could it be possible that everyone can't beat it?"

is it possible? Who knows, I didn't meet them anyway.

Even Wei Xian, who used to stand at the top and can be domineering, didn't meet them.

Three days later, Qin Yu and the others mingled with more than thirty spirit enlightenment flowers in the state of "the weird king does not see the king".

It was very quiet that night.

"Tomorrow is the last day. I haven't done anything in the past few days. I'm afraid I want to use more hunters to search for spiritual enlightenment. The last day is the harvest time."

In a cave on the island, Fang Yourong said so.

Qin Yu, who was sitting by the firelight, stirred the bonfire with a branch, and said, "Senior sister, you must protect me tomorrow. According to the usual practice, I will be hunted down by many people."

"You're very self-aware."


Why are you insinuating and attacking me at night.

There is nothing to say about the rest, just fighting, without any skills and strategies.

"go to bed early."

"Well, senior sister, do you want to sleep next to me?"

Qin Yu asked casually, but as soon as he finished speaking, his cheek was pinched.


Fang Yourong withdrew his hand, and said to Wu Daoling, who was drinking silently, "I measured it for you. If you don't have thick skin, you just have a big heart."

Oh, you know I have a big heart? Touched my boobs? snort!

The bonfire was warm, Wuque and the five were chatting and laughing in low voices, and occasionally there was the fragrance of broth stewed on the stove and a slight aroma of wine.

This night, is that how it passed?

The conversation faded away, the moonlight was dim, and the cave was warm and bright. Fang Yourong turned her head to look at Qin Yu and Ying Ruoruo who were lying together, and the fat cat they were hugging. She looked at it for a long time. Yes, the eyes are very deep, but gradually filled with a kind of sadness.

After a while, she turned her head and looked at Fifth Dao Ling who had gone out not long ago and came back at this moment.

The two looked at each other.

After a while, Fang Yourong asked a question.

"She is coming?"

Fifth Dao Ling: "I never left."

Fang Yourong closed her eyes.

The lips were slightly white, and the fingers were twisted together, and the perfectly trimmed nails were just on the flesh, leaving white marks.

In the secret place, Qin Yu, who had his back to the two of them, opened his eyes, but there was no light in his eyes.

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