I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1996 Admonition!


Duke Wu Zun died, and the others also came.

As soon as Qin Yu raised his eyes, he saw several streamers of light flying over the open and distant mountains and forests ahead, and beyond the sea.


"It's you?!"

"I'm from the Valley of Hidden Soldiers, Xu Xing!"

Qin Yu killed a lot of people, and the corpses were lying underneath, and these people were more or less powerful and sect behind them, and the biggest one was from Cang Bing Valley.

Mo Jinzun came here after receiving Xu Xing's sect communication technique before he died, along with other people from Cangbing Valley, including Yu Jing.

This shows the mobility of Cangbing Valley.

The people from Cang Bing Valley took the lead, and when the rest of the forces saw their elites lying dead on the mountainside, they immediately exploded, aggressively approaching Qin Yu.

Standing on the cliff, Qin Yu faced the menacing force of these people alone, especially the ups and downs of the sword spirit of the people in Cangbing Valley. She raised her eyebrows, but she was not in a hurry to speak, and just looked at them quietly.

Some quiet, actually very scary, because of the temperament.

Yu Jing is the last among the disciples selected for the expedition to Tianzang in Cang Bing Valley, but his status and evaluation in the sect have never been low, and he is keenly aware of the danger.

So many people died below, including Xu Xing, Xu Xing was the sixth in the west, and his combat power was strong, so he died like this?

"It seems to be killed by one blow, and you didn't notice that Qingqiu didn't have any injuries?"

Yu Jing hastily sent a voice transmission to Mo Jinzun and the others, wanting them to be more cautious.

As Yu Jing reminded, the people in Cang Bing Valley were not stupid, so they were immediately surprised.


Although Xu Jian was not the best among them, if he was killed by one blow, even Mo Jinzun would not be able to do it.

Then this Qingqiu. . .

Mo Jinzun didn't believe it, he felt that Qingqiu used some vicious techniques.

Isn't that curse mark not vicious enough?

So Mo Jinzun ignored Yu Jing, and immediately said to Qin Yu: "Qingqiu, you killed me from the Cangbing Valley! Have you thought about the consequences?!"

Qin Yu gave him a strange look, "When you kill someone, the time, place, and motive are very important. You look young, and you didn't expect to have the same experience."

Irony, definitely irony.

Mo Jinzun was furious, but he was also heartbroken, which stemmed from the power of Qin Yu's words.

Time: The second stage of the assessment period of Tianzang's Selection, there is already a competitive killing environment, and the rules do not prohibit it.

Location: On the island, but it seems that Xu Xing and others are jointly tracking Qingqiu. If they are killed, it is also within the rules.

Motivation: Self-protection and anti-killing.

When everyone in Cang Bing Valley was devastated, Qin Yu smiled, "Your anger is only because I, Qingqiu, a mere disciple of Wuque, dared to kill you people from Cang Bing Valley."

Yu Jing never dared to underestimate Qin Yu, he lowered his eyebrows and said: "Since it is an assessment, life and death are of course a matter of course, but I didn't expect Miss Qingqiu to be so powerful."

Qin Yu: "I can be even better, do you want to give it a try?"

There is no emotion in these words, only calm eyes.

You can even vaguely feel her slight smile.

Yu Jing's heart skipped a beat, all nerves tightened one by one, as if the air was frozen, and every inch of his skin trembled with chills.

Yes, that creepy feeling.

It was as if the smiling, gentle and considerate girl Wuque Qingqiu had suddenly turned into another person, stripped of her most ruthless and ruthless side.

But this seems to be just an illusion, because in the next second, the sense of horror suddenly disappeared.

Even Mo Jinzun had the feeling of being poured by cold water, the cold feeling was still there, but Qingqiu had already shown the familiar gentle smile in the past.

"Senior sister, since you're here, why don't you show up?"

"Aren't you peeking at me enough these days?

Qin Yu smiled softly, slightly jokingly.

Soon, a slim and beautiful figure appeared out of nowhere, with cold eyes, smiling at Qin Yu.

Changting night.

This person who was supposed to teleport away after the Jagged Battle actually never left.

She has been around, around Qin Yu, and around the five Wuques.


"Things in the world are always two-faced and opposite. You think I'm peeping at you, but you don't say it. Do you really like me peeking at you?"

Come on, disgust each other!

Chang Ting Wan is definitely the only one in Wu Que who can disgust Qin Yu with the same way as the actor Bichi.

Qin Yu took a deep look at her, and his eyes wandered over the other party's body.

"Senior Sister is dressed very smartly today."

Dressed in a black outfit, with his hands behind his back, he stood upright out of thin air.

She already had a fierce and heroic spirit, but she was dressed so vigorously, as if people could immediately smell the bloody smell of the battlefield.

A beautiful and vicious killer.

"People will die today." Chang Ting said late.

Qin Yu was noncommittal, pointing at the corpse in the forest, "He's already dead."

The conversation between the two was very fast, there was no smoke, but there was a smell of blood.

Mo Jinzun was deflated before, and he became famous when he was young, and he was arrogant, so he didn't like Wuque at all, and he didn't like Qin Yu even more.

"Since it's an assessment, life and death are life and death, the winner is king, I want to see if you are Wuque..."

Mo Jinzun wanted to make a move, to make sure that Wuque was not easy to deal with if he was hiding too deeply as rumored, but his words suddenly stopped.

Because of confinement.

Yu Jing and the others were taken aback, but they couldn't say anything more.

Group confinement!

who is it?

It was Changting night.

This woman is so terrifying! !

That's right, after all, a person who had crossed the tribulation stage in half a step was killed in the Jagged Battle.

The strength of people like Mo Jinzun is not enough for her to pinch with one hand.

The gap is too big!

And as a wicked person who dared to kill even the people of the sect, how could she give face to people like Mo Jinzun? After being closed, it seemed that there were only her and Qin Yu left here.

"You may not be able to take the third test."

Chang Ting Wan said very little.

Qin Yu: "Why, because I killed a few insignificant people?"

People who were locked up: "..."

"You also said that they are irrelevant, and if you kill them, you will kill them. The problem is...do you remember why I was imprisoned in the sky prison for admonition?"

Chang Tingwan asked suddenly, but Qin Yu responded calmly: "It happened so many years ago, I'm young, junior sister, so I don't know the details."

Chang Ting Wan, who had been secretly scorned for his age, narrowed his eyes, rubbed the back of his hand, turned his hand over, and held a metaphor in his palm.

"Assassination of people in the sect is regarded as rebellion, and the seriousness of the circumstances and the degree of confession will be admonished."

"The sect's allusion is issued, Qingqiu, do you recognize it?"

Jiaojiao was startled, the cat's paw subconsciously squeezed Qin Yu's wrist, and suddenly turned to look at Qin Yu.

Yu Jing and the others were also shocked.


This Qingqiu. . . To be admonished by Wuque?

Everyone didn't understand, but felt that the turning point was so abrupt.

They were not the only ones who felt abrupt. The monks who were attracted by the movement at this time, or were attracted by the voice transmission of Mo Jinzun and others, called South for those in the south, West for those in the west, and North for those in the north. . .

They were all surprised when they saw Chang Tingwan, but they realized that this might be Wuque's internal affairs, so they did not appear rashly, but chose to wait and see from a distance.

But I didn't want such a turning point.

That Qingqiu, that extremely talented Qingqiu, is going to be admonished by Wuque Sect? How big a crime must this be? As a result, Wuque didn't even let her participate in the third level, so he sent Changting to arrest her at night.

The unquenchable depth of water may also be reflected in the interior, even his own disciples would wade and drown?

Qin Yu was very calm, just smiled, "Is there any evidence?"

Chang Tingwan: "In terms of doing bad things, I surrendered myself back then, but the sect still checked it five or six times."

Qin Yu: "Really, how many times should I do it?"

Chang Ting Wan: "Ten times."

Good one ten times.

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