I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2039 white fur fox

Qin Yu has been in the Demonic Way for ten years, and he has heard of the Demonic Sect to some extent. Many people think that the Demonic Sect Master is not strict with his orders, but Qin Yu has analyzed it and thinks that this person is not lax, but because he is A rampant and ruthless person, regardless of human's evil nature, has no restraint, and blindly lets it perform evil deeds.

In fact, the origin of the name of Moxie Sect also reflects the nature of its establishment.

With the foundation of the devil way, people with devil nature are recruited everywhere, regardless of strength or weakness, everyone of the devil way is accepted, but half of them have fallen from the evil way and rebelled into the devil way, and many of them are traitors of various sects. A very hated sect.

Qin Yu had good eyesight and saw the handsome man with white hair, but even though the man looked harmless to humans and animals, Qin Yu thought it was a white-haired fox.

This fox is vicious and not a good thing.

Qin Yu was thinking like this, but suddenly heard footsteps, turned around and saw Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling coming out.

Sesame oil, the light is not enough to stay in the house, but when it comes to the street, it is clearly exposed.

That appearance and temperament are extremely romantic.

The two walked out of the inn, raised their knives and swords, and looked at the white-haired fox man. Although they didn't reveal anything, everyone could see a bit of confrontation.

Qin Yu is so keen, he immediately thought of something, uh, it can't be that brother Laoshizi Laji, right?

It seems that in Wuque's modern history, that scumbag was the one who attracted Wuque's hatred.

Sure enough, when the white-haired fox saw Fang Yourong and the two of them, his narrow eyes narrowed even more, and he said with a smile, "At first I wanted to see what kind of offspring we Wuque had raised, but Now it seems that there is more than one."

The three of Qin Yu happened to be standing in a row, as if they were inspected by each other.

Qin Yu didn't like this shit at first glance, let alone the other party said that.

Qin Yu was upset, and suddenly saw Fang Yourong and the two of them looking at him.

"Why, you don't like me to slap my lips on weekdays, but when it's time to scold people, you just think of me. I know, you are just greedy for my mouth."

Fang Yourong and the two didn't speak, and let her babble, but Qin Yu didn't say anything more, and turned to look at the white-haired fox man.

"Thank you for your praise, senior, but unfortunately, compared to senior's thoughtfulness and attention to me and other juniors, we don't know much about you, senior. After all, the past is the past, and no one in the sect mentioned it. character."

"By the way, I haven't asked you Gui Geng yet. It's not easy to go to someone's old den and be beaten by a group of people at such an advanced age."

Talk about mouth poison or Qingqiu poison.

The people of Lielu Dajing State are officially recognized, and the folk evidence is ironclad.

Very good, now it's the turn to poison the eyes and ears of the people in the three border states.

The expression of the white-haired fox man froze there, he only looked deeply at Qin Yu, his eyes were filled with a little bit of bright red, which immediately rendered the delicate figure much more sinister.

"You... are so courageous."

"I have a bigger heart, do you believe it?" Qin Yu lowered his eyes, took two steps, hooked his flute, stood in the middle of the street, looked at him coldly, and said lightly: "If those evil spies in the inn are allowed to leave our house Stay away, little ones, then even if we can't value peace, at least we can value peace."

The white-haired fox man smiled.

With his smile, several people in the inn suddenly moved fiercely, and went straight towards Ying Ruoruo and the others. . . .

But in an instant, in that brief moment.

There were screams and a strong smell of blood in the inn.

Under the forbidden spirit, there is no insight, and people outside don't know what's going on inside, but they know it's over.

Just broke out and it's over.

After a while, Bai Ze and others who were covered in blood came out.

None of the three of Qin Yu moved.

Many people were surprised.

Retaliated so quickly? It must have been seen through and prepared.

The spies of the Demonic Sect have always been cunning, and they were actually guarded against?

The strange thing is that the white-haired fox boy was not angry, but he was smiling.

"We are Wuque, as expected, we are still Wuque. The disciples have been raised so well, I just like it when I see it."

Although his tone sounds weird, but I always feel that it is somewhat true, at least. . . This man has a strong sense of identification with Wu Que.

Perverted sense of identity.

This is perverted.

Qin Yu rolled his eyes in his heart, the old lady was "forced" to leave Wuque without showing off like you.

"By the way, I heard that you, Qingqiu, betrayed Wuque by killing Guchen, but you are very similar to me. Back then, I also killed my master, oh, not only, but also my brother's wife..."

He said with a smile, very disgusting, but this time, Fang Yourong responded to him.

"If you really miss it, just go to Wuque Mountain Gate to visit in person. I always have some old friends in Wuque who are willing to welcome you warmly."

It's useless to talk too much, no matter how hypocritical, no matter how deliberately disguised, no matter how disgusting people are, they will not be able to match that fear.

Does he dare to go to Wuque?

Does he dare?

Even now, he is one of the leaders of the Demon Dao who is second only to the Demon Lord.

But why didn't he dare? Is Wuque so scary?

The white-haired fox man's face froze as expected, and he continued to smile immediately, "Ah, you are Fang Yourong, a soul mutant, no wonder you can fall into the eyes of my senior brother. There will be great gains, and I am afraid that even the geniuses in Weichuan Dajing State can't match it."

He pointed out Fang Yourong's talent, although he said that his intention was deceitful and malicious, just to make other geniuses wary, but it did work, the soul mutation alone was shocking enough.

Even Qingguang and the other powerhouses were stunned, and looking at Fang Yourong, even the forbidden spirit, but after careful inspection, they really felt that she was different from the others.

If the soul is mutated, it is very likely that it is a soul innate body. . . It is indeed hidden, and it is indeed a huge advantage in Tianshu, and it will definitely make rapid progress.

The white-haired fox achieved his goal, but Fang Yourong didn't care too much. . .

"Senior sister, don't be angry, he's changing the subject, he just doesn't dare to go to Wuque."

"If you don't dare to go up, you don't dare to go up, and you still refuse to admit it, it's too dishonest."

"Unlike me, I really dare not go back, after all, old man Zhou is a pervert..."


Fifth Dao Ling stretched out his hand to cover her mouth, and said lightly: "Senior Zhou has eyes and eyes all over the sky, maybe he knows what happened today."

Fuck? Where is it?

Qin Yu's expression froze at that moment, and he subconsciously glanced left and right.

Interestingly. . . The white-haired fox man also stiffened his expression, and quickly glanced around twice.

Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling said, "..."

Could it be that they are the ones who Wuque murdered their masters and betrayed their sect?

same same.

"Forget it, we have no family affairs, so it's not easy to put it here for outsiders to see a joke. By the way, old man with white eyebrows, everyone is here, do you want to fight or not?"

The white-haired fox man changed the subject again, and this time it worked.

The white-browed old man actually enjoyed watching the fun, with a kind smile: "It's okay, I, an old man, would be happy to watch your Wuque's family affairs, after all, we had a grudge against Wuque back then."

Return us? A bunch of people have a grudge against Wu Que? Are they all the top bosses in Dajing Prefecture, Weichuan?

Qin Yu: "???"

Why are there so many Wuque enemies? Then it wouldn't be too much of a disadvantage for me to defect to the Demon Way.

Anyway, it's the goods that everyone shouts and beats unpopular people.

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