I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2056 You're done

But Qin Yu stabilized, and glanced calmly and gracefully, "Well, I saw it, but I don't know what the other ladies here think."

Her gaze was rather dark and malicious, sweeping across Tianjingsha and Xue Sheng.

The two women behind ignored her, and also ignored Baby Wan.

But Baby Wan Teng didn't care about their reaction. Anyway, he raised his eyebrows, arrogant and with the air of a village girl and shrew, "It's okay to just look at mine, as long as you don't look at yours, it's fine."

God damn it's all right!

Tianjingsha and Xue Sheng were the masters of the evil way and the masters of the Tianzang realm, and their expressions were subtle at that time.

Qin Yu smiled.

One is tall and glamorous, the other is dignified and calm, right? If you don't want to get involved, just watch me being attacked by the dwarf's "murder weapon", come on, let's see who is worse!

Jiaojiao: It seems that you are the worst.


Shut up, thanks.

Just talking, the atmosphere and temperature here that had been much more relaxed suddenly dropped a lot, the male cultivators lost their voices, and even Baimei and others kept quiet.

Until Xue Sheng suddenly said: "Qingqiu, the size of your slippers is just right."

Um? Let's talk about breasts again, why do you say I have slippers?

Qin Yu looked down at his shoes, "If Sister Xue wants to praise my good legs and feet, you don't have to be so euphemistic."

If you change the subject, just change the subject. Why are you talking about me? You want to get my attention.

Xue Sheng: "It is said that you betrayed Wuque, but I don't think it is necessarily true. The ties are broken, and most of them are entangled in the end."

A special term for scumbags and sluts?

Just as Qin Yu was about to yell at her, he seemed to have sensed something, so he smiled slightly and said: "One day as a senior sister and senior brother, you will be like a father like a mother all your life. This is something that even a thunderbolt can't change."

With the premise that Baby Wan Teng was just as strong as Qingqiu and slightly won, Shan Yu Shima couldn't help but say: "That's right, I killed my teacher, and the next step is that brothers and sisters are like parents."

It's a pity that he got the exact information about Qin Yu so quickly. It seems that there is someone behind him to help?

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "Doesn't your chest hurt when you say this?"

It is the same chest, but the feeling of being stabbed by an arrow is different.

The topic suddenly became bloody and cold.

Xue Sheng didn't intend to bring out such a scene, so he just said kindly: "Qingqiu, I am very optimistic about you, if you are willing to do good, you may not have to turn back, why don't you have a good talk with your Wuque fellow brothers and sisters. "

Qin Yu sensed the sincerity of the other party, but also knew that it was a conspiracy—she said this in front of the members of the Demon Sect, and wanted Qin Yu to separate from the Demonic Way as soon as possible and return to the Demonic Way.

Could this elder sister see that I am a good girl in my heart?

Eyes like torches!

"Forget it, my brothers and sisters have been crying all day long because of my affairs. I regret that I couldn't protect me at the beginning. If they are involved in their hard work for me again, I will feel uneasy..."

Just as Qin Yu finished speaking, a group of people came out from the garden path.


It is said that "washing the face with tears" Fang Yourong, who actually didn't want to give a bun during the day, walked forward with Fifth Daoling. Hearing Qin Yu's words, he paused and raised his eyes to glance.

That glance, sweeping up and down, included Qin Yu and Arthenodis at a glance.

After just one glance, she stopped talking.

Qin Yu shivered, and asked embarrassingly, "Senior Sister came to see me?"

Fang Yourong didn't answer, just as Fifth Daoling strode over to report to Xue Sheng.

Oh, it was because Ying Ruoruo and Bai Ze had a result in the rematch for Tianzang Selection.

About the re-qualifiers, Qin Yu knew from the beginning that this is another mode of the Tianzang Selection finals, which is to select some malleable talents from some players who lost in the previous competitions. Of course, the losers have The reason for the loser is that there is very little possibility of surpassing the original winner after rising, but if you can improve a lot after losing, you can see your heart, which is also very rare.

Tianzang Realm selection has always been comprehensive and unique, so re-selection is also a very important part. However, there are very few re-selection places. Dao Ling's abundant quota of people.

The re-election has ended, obviously, Win Ruoruo and the two passed the test.

It actually passed.

Qin Yu turned his gaze, and landed on the two people who were dressed in white but were stained with blood, especially Ying Ruoruo, who was originally a cold and celestial little fairy, but she was covered with scars, but her small face was clean, as if After brushing, and looking at Qin Yu for the first time, his smile was cold and friendly, and he secretly raised his little hand and waved it to greet Qin Yu.

Ah, the old mother's heart is about to melt.

Jiaojiao: "Ah, so cute."

Qin Yu: "Who says it's not."

They didn't transmit the sound, Arthenodis heard, "..."

This is very Qin Yu and Jiaojiao, the essence has not changed.

After the report was over, Xue Sheng gave the identity key of the first stage of the final assessment, which allowed the two to record their scores in the comprehension assessment of the twenty-four bridge moonlit night.

As for why they came together. . . Um. . . Needless to say.

Anyway, after Fifth Daoling took the secret key, he turned around, seemingly inadvertently, but also naturally, when he saw Qin Yu, he calmly said, "New friend?"

Who is asking?


It's so conspicuous, even the eyes are not blind to notice it.

The Wuque group panicked: It's over, it's over, it's like this, Senior Sister Qingqiu left with her in minutes.

What a stranger!

Arthenodis who did nothing: "..."

These people look a little perverted.

"Ah? No, aliens. I just met them. They can join forces to deal with those bad guys who want to kill me and seize the treasure. Senior brother, don't panic. She and I are just a temporary deal, and we don't have any friendship."

Anyway, she pretended not to know each other, so Qin Yu simply continued to act. Anyway, Arthenodis was the least troublesome of all her little friends.

She feels at ease.

For now, let's coax the senior brothers and sisters and those little cubs well.

Fifth Daoling nodded slightly, as if he didn't care too much, turned his head and glanced at Fang Yourong, his eyes signaled: I asked for you, is there anything else I want to ask? For example, is she going to run away with someone again?

Fang Yourong: You want to ask yourself, why are you dragging me?

The eyes of the two exchanged quickly, and in line with the political policy of a ruthless drama master, a little junior sister is not worth a bun, they both turned around and wanted to leave.

Others were afraid, Xie Shuling suddenly turned around and asked.

"Didn't you find those old friends of yours?"

As one of the first cubs who saw a fat man in Qingqiu and deeply mocked him, Xie Shuling was a little concerned about this matter.

MD, you've already entered Zan Wuque's door, why do old friends still want to kidnap someone?

Can't they all be raised in Wuque Li?

"No, I was in the countryside when I was a child. It's been so many years. My friends are probably either village girls or raising pigs. They are probably full of children and grandchildren now. The ancients can't bear to look back."

This answer is very country-style sad.

At this moment, there was a crackling sound from the opposite woods.

"Damn it, there are mosquitoes in here..."

"Keep your voice down."

"If I keep my voice down, it bites me. By the way, what the hell are they talking about just now? I haven't fully learned the native language of this world... Arthenodis learned me to understand it in an instant, but why do you have to understand?" So fast."

"I didn't say anything."

"Your expression tells me that you are lying, and you have been blushing. They must have talked about unhealthy topics. How can you hide this from me! You are wrong! Yu Chunqing~~"

Two men were talking, one was arrogant and naive, the other was cool, very elegant and clean.

It seems that the latter does not want the former.

There was a moment of silence.

Many bigwigs near the bridge looked subtle, trying to force each other out.

Qin Yu's expression was not right, and he subconsciously looked at Arthenodis.

Arthenodis smiled at her.

Qin Yu: "!!!"

At that moment, Qin Yu's heart may have been the same as that of the Mozong people in the past - damn, this woman cheated on me!

Sure enough, Qin Yudou heard a female voice at this moment.

Slightly sandy, stable, and has an extraordinary charm like red wine.

"Remind me, the enchantment just expired, do you want to go out?"

Qin Yu: "..."

With all due respect, I have a bad feeling.

Jiaojiao trembled: "Yuyu, you are finished."

I stayed up late, writing like a god, and went to bed after writing, I hope to see your votes in the morning.

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