I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2059 The Scumbag

Qin Yu: "Oh, even if you don't mean it, it's my boss who is so close to me, but he didn't protect me well, not only didn't protect me well, but he kept watching, I don't want to beat you, it's too much for God."

What an outrageous statement, can the devil bear it?

The righteous bosses don't have such a good temper.

But the demon king moved his arm, but Qin Yu didn't move.

then. . . The Demon Lord took a deep look at her, "Put on your clothes, you won't slap others again, right?"

He was about to take off his outer robe when two outer robes appeared in front of Qin Yu's eyes.

One black and one red.

Blood Dragon and Fifth Dao Ling exchanged glances.

Mojun narrowed his eyes and smiled lightly, but he was not angry.

Is this still the Demon Lord from the past?

Everyone in the Demon Sect thought that their Demon Lord had changed his gender, or this Qingqiu was too charming, and the Demon Lord was a jerk?

The people of the Demon Sect are Sparta, but the righteous and evil people don't necessarily think so.

This Qingqiu must have huge benefits for the Demon Lord to conspire.

No benefit, not enough to be patient.

As for love? No one believed it.

Eroticism is possible.

Qin Yu: "Use it yourself, Lan Boyzhi has to protect himself, as for me..."

A windbreaker with elf patterns was thrown over, Qin Yu caught it, and looked at Xiao Tingyun on the shore, "Girl?"

Xiao Tingyun, who was only wearing a wine-red shirt, smiled lightly, "So you are Miss Fang's junior sister, so it's okay to help."

Qin Yu looked at Fang Yourong: "Senior Sister, you have met a new friend."

Fang Yourong: "..."

I always feel that someone has arranged for her clearly.

"Just thank her."

"Okay, thanks..."

"She is my peer, call her Sister Xiao."


Qin Yu, who was familiar with Fang Yourong, knew that this was the former's trick. Sure enough, Senior Sister Fang never suffered.

Qin Yu paused, and softly called Sister Xiao.

So obedient?

Xiao Tingyun was thoughtful.

Qin Yu felt that Fang Yourong was the worst to be messed with when he was serious, so he quickly put on his windbreaker and went ashore, dragging his delicate tail and ran away. Of course, she didn't think of anything until she ran into the woods.

"Stupid dragon, why don't you come here and pestle that!"

Only then did Xuelong laugh, raised his eyebrows at Fifth Daoling and the others, crossed his arms around his chest, and said casually, "Here we are, what's the hurry."

Watching them leave, everyone had different expressions.

And the Apocalypse Broken Stars under the lake are already few in number, and they will be divided up soon.

it's over.

Because this is the last eruption, no one knows how many Apocalypse Broken Stars were there when it erupted—maybe Qingqiu knew.

But she ran away.

"I bet a cartload of cucumbers, this woman must have gotten a lot."

"Kill her and you will know, you go."


She seems to belong to the magic way but conflicts with people in the magic way, but she is not easy to mess with.


De Lancelest came out of the water and walked to the shore, and the water on the elf robe rolled down automatically, as if it hadn't been contaminated.

The crown remains.

He looked at Xiao Tingyun: "do you know her?"

He is direct.

Xiao Tingyun: "Athenodis likes her."

Arthenodis also just came out of the water. She got an Apocalypse Broken Star before and entered the water. I don’t know if anyone has assassinated her.

Probably, she had an arm injury, but recovered quickly.

The elf king's veins are very superior.

Arthenodis, who was dumped, was turning his head slightly to deal with his wet hair. He didn't turn his head when he heard the words, and just said indifferently: "She is very strong."

That reason is enough, more than any bells and whistles.

"It's not just strong."

De Lancelest looked in the direction Qin Yu left.

"What she said before is attracting attention. In fact, her own insight has reached the strongest. She can be the first to perceive it, and the first to go into the water... It is not luck."

Xiao Tingyun and Arthenodis looked at each other.

This is Qin Yu.


On the way, Qin Yu and Jiaojiao were actually very happy. On the one hand, Xiao Tingyun and the others came, and on the other hand, it was because. . . .

"Ten! Yuyu, we have caught a total of ten Apocalypse Broken Stars."

"It's eleven. I got one before."

Qin Yu was ecstatic, holding Jiaojiao and rubbing his big head, "It's not easy, it's not easy, those people are not easy to provoke, if you didn't help me, even if I was the first to enter the water, I would get at most four or five One, and nine out of ten will be seriously injured by them.”

Although her body's recovery ability is abnormal, the recovery effect under the forbidden spirit is far inferior to the recovery effect outside. It is not surprising that she was beaten to death under the siege of a lot of money.

Fortunately, I survived.

Qin Yu touched the skin that was not covered by the tattered collar under the elf windbreaker.

There was a wound here, but the wound was not aimed at the shoulder.

But her heart.

"There are a lot of people who want to kill me."


Qin Yu will not be upset by the many people who want to kill her, but will be pleasantly surprised by a little bit of luck.

For example, there is a twenty-four bridge with a moonlit night in front of the inn street where she lives, and it is directly facing the door of her room.

Is today her lucky day? What kind of god shit luck is this.

Ha ha!

One person and one cat are refreshed, as if they were prodigals who just came out of a brothel for free.

On the other side, the members of the Demon Sect also dispersed. Without the broken stars of the apocalypse, the twenty-four bright moonlit nights are the opportunity for the hosts.

In the shadows of the forest, Situ Puppet stood behind the devil, with a hoarse and low voice: "Master, this Qingqiu... I'm afraid I won't be able to keep her, her heart has never been on the path of the devil."

Such an obvious thing, pigs and dogs can see it.

What do you need to say?

The dog's head has always disapproved of Situ Puppet's coffin face, "I think the Lord must have schemes, so I don't need to worry about it."

The Demon Monarch remained silent, which was regarded as acquiescing, but the dog's head looked at it, and suddenly his facial features wrinkled, "I'm still a little worried."

The Demon Lord frowned, and saw his own face from the awkward yet respectful gaze of the dog's head.

There is a seal.

That woman has so much strength, what did she eat to grow up, she just slapped his strong demon body with a slap.

He touched it.

It seems to be a little swollen.


Qin Yu entered the house through the window, came in from the balcony, and after closing the window, Jiaojiao, whom she was holding, suddenly froze.

"Ah, someone!!"

In the dim moonlight, a figure sits on the futon in the teahouse. . .

Is this person still a ghost?

It was as if there was no sound.

"It's a person, or an acquaintance."

Qin Yu didn't panic at all. He walked over and lit the lamp, "What kind of place is Little Penglai? After you entered, you became psychotic. You don't light the lamp at night."

After lighting the lamp, she looked at the woman whose face was illuminated by the candlelight.

"My lord, long time no see."

"I'm no longer the city lord, so don't call me that."

"Then... Sister Hanhai?"


Han Hai cast a look at Yi, um, those eyes with special pupils are very powerful.

Qin Yu smiled, walked over and sat on the futon.

"I said, are the bright moonlit nights on the twenty-four bridges outside and the broken stars of the apocalypse not as good as you seeing me?"

"One just landed in your room, and I caught up."

Then Qin Yu saw Han Hai reaching out to Yi, with a broken star in his palm.

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao: "!!!"

This is not right, this is not my life.

When did you become so European.

Is it a coincidence? Qin Yu himself couldn't believe it.

"But you are funny. You use the window to enter your room, like a thief." Han Hai looked at her at Yi, with a faint smile.

Qin Yu: "You say it's my own room, it doesn't matter where you go, besides, isn't the window you go through? My family, don't be rigid."

Is this your own family? It's easy to be casual.

Han Hai Chaoyi: "Then you must have a lot of family members."

Qin Yu habitually said a few words of nonsense: "Not many, you are the only one."

As soon as he finished speaking, the window was pushed open, and a person jumped in.

"You run so fast, you don't even know to wait for me, I bought some marinade, do you want to eat..."

The blood dragon came in, and as soon as he saw Han Hai Chaoyi, he looked at Qin Yu.

Those eyes seemed to be looking at a scumbag who had always abandoned him.

Han Hai thought about Yi.

Qin Yu: "..."

There is another one whose name is so long that I can’t put it down. Thank you tomorrow. By the way, I originally owed seven changes minus the previous two additions and counted as four changes, but today the monthly ticket has entered 16, and I added another change, which counts as 6. Goodbye today’s addition One more watch, still owes 5 more.

Thank you for your support.

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