I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2079 Terrific (Uncle Dong and Fatty Bai, there are two more changes today, and one more is s


When her wrist was grabbed, Qin Yu was stunned, but just now her soul had changed because of the oath of heaven, she knew she was weak, so she couldn't prevent it, the premise was - she thought that this person shouldn't and wouldn't have such a move.

Already forgotten, she was sure of that.

The man always kept his word.

But why. . . .

Qin Yu looked at Lin and didn't speak, but his eyes stayed on his wrist for a while, and then he looked at him, didn't speak, just asked with his eyes - are you drunk?

That's right, that's a perverted look.

Emperor Lin looked at her deeply, but his eyes were more confused than Qin Yu's, but soon, he let go of his hand lightly, and said lightly, "Sorry, I just want to know if your hands are thick or not."

Qin Yu: "???"

Ah You Kerui Chicken!

Piris is on the leash again! (self-translated)

Qin Yu didn't care about other people's reactions. Anyway, she smiled, withdrew her hand, stretched out her hand and pulled it from the hand of a female nun sitting next to her, pulled off the other's handkerchief, and gently turned her wrist to wipe it. And he glanced at the underling of Emperor Lin, and said in an almost godlike tone: "Is it necessary to measure such things as rough or not? I basically do it by eye."

Then she put away the handkerchief, smiled at the nun, and said softly, "Sorry, I will give you a new one next time."

Then go away.

Wherever they passed, all the male cultivators silently clamped their legs and covered them up.

Then leave behind the once suffocating atmosphere scene.

Xuan Luobai and Xiao Baitian trembled: Look, this is the fish boss of our family, with a domineering side!

But there are also some differences, such as the female cultivator who was slightly blushing when the handkerchief was pulled, and other female cultivators with different expressions.


Qin Yu followed the devil out of the door, because he was not in a good condition, so he didn't leave when he reached the gate, leaning against the doorpost with his arms folded, and looked at the devil indifferently.

After Mojun noticed it, he also stopped, "Are you sure you want to be here?"

"Under the Forbidden Spirit, this building has sound insulation. If you don't want to be eavesdropped, you can either be here or in a remote place. Do you think I will go with you now?"

"Afraid I'll kill you?"

"you try."

There was a moment of silence, and the atmosphere was subtle and secretive, but it quickly returned to a natural and carefree mood, because the Demon Lord accepted the coldness and said: "This cooperation is imperative, and no one wants to miss it, but our Demon Dao is undoubtedly at a disadvantage. I may be killed at any time, I hope you and I can work together to get the maximum benefits while protecting ourselves."

Qin Yu nodded wearily, agreeing.

The Demon Lord said again: "I can give you two demon seeds, but can you really absorb them?"

Qin Yu: "Generally speaking, a devil seed bearer can only absorb one devil seed, and it is almost impossible to add another one. You have to use two to test me, which shows that you attach great importance to the talent of fearing me in your bones. , why ask more questions?"

Demon Lord: "Guessing and verification are two different things, I just want to finally confirm whether you can bear the hope of my Demon Sect."

Qin Yu: "Hope?"

The demon king put his hands behind his back and glanced inside mockingly, "Look at those people inside, nine out of ten want to eradicate and kill our demon sect. If it weren't for the special environment here and the complicated situation, they would be pretending to be vain, otherwise ..."

Qin Yu: "That's for you guys. I don't think there are many people who want to kill me. After all, I'm more likable than you."

You are so confident, ha ha.

The Demon Monarch was stunned, and sneered, "No matter what, I don't deny your accusations against my Demon Sect. Now, our Demon Sect is indeed in a critical situation... We need someone who carries a stronger Demon Sect to break the deadlock."

Qin Yu suddenly interrupted him, "You've been talking about the Demon Sect, not the Demonic Way. I thought you were quite ambitious and domineering, and thought that the Demonic Sect represented the Demonic Way, but I didn't expect that."

The devil's pupils flashed, and he said lightly: "I don't believe you can't see that Chen Hu has been watching. To put it bluntly, the crisis of the devil has a lot to do with the inside."

Qin Yu: "You want to use me to deal with Chen Hu, are you an oriole?"

Demon Lord: "You are so unconfident in yourself that you feel that you can only be someone else's pawn? But if you have this understanding and are willing to be inferior to me, then I will..."

When he said this, he approached. The tall man was either a wall or a persecution.

The weak Qin Yu's eyelids moved slightly, his face was pale, his posture was weak, and his body was like a willow. . . I saw the Demon Lord slowly stretching out his hand.


The Siheyuan of the inner courtyard has already begun to discuss the details of cooperation in arresting Supreme Lingkui.

But Xue Sheng, as one of the leaders, was keenly aware that many people were distracted and uncertain.

What the hell, isn't the ancient emperor's mausoleum behind the Supreme Lingkui not fragrant?

Why are you so inattentive!

Or just keep a straight face, like someone digging your ancestral grave.

Because of the unflattering reaction of the people below, there was little to say in the official scene. Both Xiao Penglai and Tianzangjing kept short stories, quickly explained the core, concise and to the point, discussed the specific capture plan, and then announced the end of the meeting.

Everyone was about to go out, but just as their buttocks left the chair, they heard a loud noise outside.

Jiaojiao and Xuelong, who gave Qin Yu a space to chat privately with the devil, rushed out quickly, and were surprised to see the scene outside the door.

Lying in a trough!

The Demon Lord half-kneeled on the ground, that posture. . . I can feel the pain through the screen.

And Qin Yu stood on the side, still weak, but his eyes were stern, and he glanced over, "What are you looking at? Why don't you come over?!"

Jiaojiao is keenly aware that Qin Yu is in a bad mood, and Qin Yu who is in a bad mood has always been vicious towards people who are not her own.

Don't you see that Demon Lord's posture is not beautiful?

Xuelong and Jiaojiao looked at each other, swaggered past the Demon Lord, and made noises back and forth.

There was a loud "hum!".

There was a loud "Bah!".

The devil's face was ashen, very gloomy, and the people who rushed out quickly saw Qin Yu who flung his sleeves away, and Jiaojiao and Xuelong who followed behind.

"My lord!"

"Master Demon Lord..."

The people from the Mozong just wanted to go over to help, but suddenly realized that the lord's posture is not right, um, forget it, it will be exposed as soon as he lifts up, and they will definitely be angered, so they should stand obediently.

Tianjingsha, Baimei, Wanqi Baobao and other big bosses who rushed out from behind: "..."

What did Qin Yu do?

Xue Sheng and Bai Mei exchanged glances: It seems that it is not a bad thing for Qingqiu to rebel against the righteous way and fall into the evil way.

Baby Wan Teng couldn't help sighing: "It's amazing."


"What's the situation?" Jiaojiao knew Qin Yu best, and immediately asked, he vaguely felt that if it was just the devil who offended Qin Yu, it wouldn't be the case, I'm afraid. . . Just an accident.

"What the hell is Lin doing?"

"If it's him, he'll pester me if he's exhausted, or get revenge on me. It's nothing."

"Then what ghosts are in the grave breaking book? Why are you targeting the two of you? Is it some kind of marriage line?"

"No, he and I were both being targeted. That day's oath was not just about the oath."


—and curses.

——Qin Yu and Lin Heng were probably both cursed.

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