I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2085 join in the fun


A man like Fifth Daoling is the best, not just because he is excellent.

"Excellent men are pompous, arrogant, and showy, but he is not. Excellent but not showy, but strong and invincible... A man who can do this, wants to sleep."

Baili Xianshang was so emotional that those eyes could hook a person to death, but they were almost stuck to Fifth Dao Ling's waist.

Not far away, there were a few evil nuns with strange expressions.

Is this the right way? Nope.

"It seems to be in the east of Lielu, the same place as Qingqiu."

"Oh, it's not surprising then."

I always feel like I am one of my own! Well, the kind of acacia.

But the man who wants to sleep seems to have repeatedly let go of his domineering side for other women.

Either it's a junior sister or a junior junior sister, anyway, it's inseparable from these two women, especially that junior junior sister.

Baili Xianshang's eyes fell on the woman covered in blood.

Really. . . In the past, the little Qingxiu who took the gentle and ladylike route vomited blood and had a pale face, while Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling were all dead.

Now, both Xiaoqingxiu and Wenwan have been upgraded in an all-round way, with boundless beauty, they are traitors.

Here comes the question, can the two of them survive?

Obviously. . . There is no such thing as boiled.

Still not working!

Quite bad!

Baili Xianshang looked coldly at the face of Fang Yourong, the Goddess of Yazheng, who was known as the most calm and unhurried example of Lielu, paler than Qin Yu, and then at the fifth Daoling who defeated the demon master with one sword.

When she was concealed, she avoided people and rolled a very unattractive white eye.

From now on, if that woman Baili Qinglie still complains secretly that Baili Xianshang is the number one dishonest person who seduces men and women, she will kill her!


For the defeat of Goutou, all the people present were shocked.

In the sky, in the water, on the shore, this kind of shock even overwhelmed the ecstasy of capturing the Supreme Lingkui together.

Haiwang Jianjun quickly reacted, staring deeply at the fifth knife feather, and was about to ask a question, but saw the demon king in the water speak first.

"The pure yang sword body is both pure yang and innate sword body, plus that soul mutant, Wu Que's generation is really amazing."

The Demonic Dao is powerful, and the Demon Lord is also powerful, only because Qin Yu was born out of nowhere, relying on the hidden reason to "humiliate" infinitely, which not only weakened the threat of the Demon Lord, but now when everyone thinks of the Demonic Way, the first thing that comes to mind is Qin Yu, a malignant tumor , is this a bad thing? In a special place like the Tianshu Secret Realm, in terms of pros and cons, the demon king has an advantage, it's just a loss of face, but. . . No one seemed to save face in front of Qin Yu.

Except for the big-chested Wanqi baby.

However, the Demon Lord pointed out the mystery of Fifth Dao Ling's physique at this time. Everyone was surprised and understood why the latter was so powerful. Wu Po Void level.

It is very powerful, the sect of Wuque is bottomless, many people's hearts fluctuate, and their eyes flicker.

Fifth Dao Ling did not comment on Mojun's cold words, but only said to Fang Yourong in the water: "I'll watch here, you take her back."

Fang Yourong nodded, and was about to take Qin Yu away, but suddenly saw a group of people from the Demon Sect appearing on the shore.

She turned her head and looked at the Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord was half-body in the water, but when he came out of the water, he was floating and standing on the water surface under the forbidden spirit.

This is the ultimate control of the physique.

The target was not Qingqiu, and the horror of the demon king seemed to be revealed. He looked at Wu Que and the two quietly, "Since he has entered my demon sect, he is a member of my demon sect. How could he be taken away by you?"

In an instant, the sword is on the verge of breaking out!

Undoubtedly, the Wuque people appear to be few and weak, and the weakness of the Demonic Dao in the Tianshu Secret Realm is only due to the comparison with the entire righteous way. If it is independent, it will not be afraid even against Xiao Penglai, let alone Wuque.

However, even so, the elder sister Wuque in the water and the elder brother Wuque standing on the bank with a knife were not at all timid. They had a strong and extreme will and an awe-inspiring and invincible noble soul.

Will it be a fight to the death?

It should, if nothing unexpected happens.

In the forest, Xiao Tingyun made a gesture, and everyone understood that this was a reminder to do it when necessary.

Compared with the life and death of one's own people, exposure seems unimportant.

Just when Situ Puppet, the first host, took a step, an accident happened.

"Anyway, Miss Qingqiu was also injured because of this capture operation. I, Tianzang Realm, are also responsible for her safety, and I am willing to help treat her."

Xue Sheng's statement was undoubtedly a cross-cutting. The people of the Demon Sect looked ugly, but Xue Sheng didn't look at them, only the Demon Lord.

"As far as I know, the demon lord kills and has never been good at medicine. If the demon lord really wants to protect and treat Miss Qingqiu, it's better to hand her over to me in Tianzang Realm."

Heh, secretly teasing them that the Demon Sect has no good intentions towards Qingqiu, so they are not allowed to secretly murder. By the way, with Qingqiu's beauty and talent, he was squeezed dry by the Demon Lord as a furnace, and then he will treat it like that Day and night humiliation is nothing to worry about.

As female cultivators, beauties are very weak, regardless of righteous or evil ways.

So Xue Sheng clearly arranged Qin Yu's tragic ending after being seriously injured and falling into the hands of the Demon Sect.

Since she didn't want the Mozong to lose such a persistent internal injury and make the Mojun even more powerful, she decided to help.

Also, Qingqiu is an evil woman, and she is also extremely evil. If there is a good relationship, it will be a great thing to pull the other party into the right way.

The devil naturally also saw Xue Sheng's plan, sneered, and said: "She is a member of my demonic way. After so many years, I have never seen such a kind-hearted person in the Tianzang Realm. Could it be that the Tianzang Realm has violated your right way to destroy it?" Magic principle?"

This counterattack was very sharp, and it was almost a big black hat of rebellion for Tianzang Realm.

Xue Sheng didn't panic at all, and said calmly: "She was also the examiner of my Tianzang Selection. By the way, in the four assessments of Lielu Jingzhou, her total score was even among the best, and it is still recorded now, but It’s just that she won’t mention it after she entered the devil’s way, and practitioners like us should admit cause and effect, since she is also destined to be with me in the Tianzang realm, maybe she will change her mind and return to the right way in the future, which is also a good story.”

Let's talk about paralysis.

The old woman is amazing, she is upright, dignified, elegant and strong to the end.

The Demon Lord was also ruthless, he sneered, and said: "It's all false, just hit it and you'll know."

Although Xue Sheng is an old woman, she is still a gentleman, but other people may not be so. Bai Mei is an old loach who refuses to wade into muddy water. , not to mention that he and Xue Sheng had some disagreements, and he was afraid that Xue Sheng would fight with him.

As for the most difficult little Penglai Haiwang Jianjun, he doesn't care about it, because the Supreme Lingkui is in his hands, and he is unwilling to take risks.

The devil's guess was accurate, and there was no one to help, Xue Sheng's eyes flashed hesitation at this moment.

"If she gets hurt, I can help." The voice was very cold, with a lonely elegance, but also a nobleness that stood tall in life.

Who is it if it is not De Lancalester.

Everyone was stunned, why are the elves from the king realm joining in the fun?

The devil's face was gloomy, he stared at Delancalest, and asked, "What's your relationship with her?"

Ah! The question was quite mundane, and the tone was so close to thinking that De Lancalester was Qin Yu's concubine.

It's not to blame the Demon Lord for thinking crookedly, it's because someone has a bad reputation and has too many dark histories.

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