I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2095 Who did it? (Fifth watch, I'm going to speed up in the future, I won't be sta

Qin Yu walked with Jiaojiao and Xuelong, which seemed a little different among a group of demons.

This woman already has a bit of a demonic nature that is both good and evil.

Chen Hu took the initiative to come to the door, and persuaded him like this: Qingqiu, you can go with us, or you will definitely be killed by the devil, and it is safe to go with us. At least we are also of the Wuque lineage. Injury, you have to be careful, Master Uncle, I have a heart for you.

This is what the devil said: Old fox, get out!

Hey, if you don't get out, you don't get out, Chen Hu doesn't get out, and what he said makes sense, Qin Yu made a gesture of going with him. . . And then they are together.

Qin Yu wanted to balance the two sects so that he would not be so dangerous.

"Go!" The Demon Lord ordered, and everyone went out.

With a thin diaphragm, a group of demon bosses.


Outside the Tianshu Secret Realm, one of the exits, the film squirmed, and a group of people appeared. Once they appeared, monstrous demonic energy spread across the wilderness, and there was endless noise within a hundred miles.

It's not intentional, but it's been holding back in Tianshu Secret Realm for a long time, even the devil can hardly control the active magic power in his body, it's like a closed dam once it opens, it will always tilt the weight Majestic.

But this will also attract righteous forces to encircle and suppress, right?

If it has nothing to do with the Supreme Lingkui, if the evil is the enemy, he should be killed or he will be killed, and the oath will not be delayed.

"Oh! I hope those hypocrites will come to die!"

The magic masters are really suffocating in the secret realm of Tianshu, and they can't wait to kill.

"Eh? Someone really came over!"

And there are a lot of them.

There are thousands of them, and there is a vast expanse of black.

Everyone was overjoyed, and just about to make a move, they saw the Demon Lord frowning, "He is from my Demon Sect."

Seeing the surprised look of the Demon Lord, it wasn't him who called here.

You'll find out later.

A large group of people from the Demon Sect flew over, landed on the water, and cried as soon as they landed, saying they were attacked.

Both the ninth floor and the magic palace were attacked, and many people died in the headquarters and branches.

Several homeowners were very surprised, and hurriedly asked if it was the right way, or. . . The landlords cast their sharp gazes at Moxiezong and the others.

"No, there is only one person on the other side."

"One? Who?"

"I don't know. The sect noticed that the branch was destroyed and hurried over. It was already too late. The other party did not leave any traces, and everyone was dead. Even with the backlight method, the identity of the other party could not be known."

"Then how do you know that the other party is alone!"

The posters were shocked, and some suspects quickly flashed in their minds.

Those who can have such strength are only the top few lords, but they are all in the secret realm of Tianshu.

No, someone is not here.

Lord of Little Penglai!

"Damn little Penglai! It must be them!"

The masters of the Demon Sect were furious.

But suddenly!

The Demon King suddenly said: "Besides that little Penglai woman, there is another woman who can do it."

He was looking at someone when he said this.

Qin Yu: "What do you see me doing?"

Demon Lord: "You."

Goutou and Chen Hu were the quickest to react.

The dog head was shocked! Chen Hu was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Oh, my little Qingqiu is amazing, a talent who can do great things."

The dog head was a little confused, "But she has always been with us... It seems that she can't teleport."

Indeed, this is the most perfect alibi.

The blood dragon rolled his eyes, "A group of idiots, why do people come out of it? Don't they have eyes? I said don't go into the magic way, because they are famous, they can only fight!"

Xuelong's mouth was already poisonous, although he knew that Qin Yu probably did it, but his family still had to cover it up.

The members of the Mozong were so angry at being attacked, they all locked on the blood dragon's aura, and wanted to kill, but they still restrained a little, because it was Qingqiu. . . Alibi is indeed very hard.

The Demon Lord sneered, his eyes slipped, and Jiaojiao, who fell in Qin Yu's arms, "It seems that after he broke through, his power is extraordinary, and he can even teleport to the secret realm of Tianshu."

He was probing, after all, he was suspicious, but he didn't want Qin Yu to answer.

Chen Hu squinted his eyes, looked at Jiaojiao, squinted his eyes, and suddenly smiled like a vixen, and said maliciously: "Oh, it's really amazing, this is a matter of your demon sect's civil war, and logically it has nothing to do with me. ... But Xiao Qingqiu, you should come with me, after all, it is a good habit to run away after doing bad things and being exposed."

Qin Yu glanced at him and said coldly, "I won't go."

Because he is innocent, he denies it, and wants to explain it to the devil?

"Hey, the little girl is really stubborn, so I can only watch from the sidelines for your uncle..."

Chen Hu didn't finish his sentence.

Another mob of people came from afar.

"Suzerain, Suzerain!"

A group of people rushed towards the Demon Sect crying and shouting, reporting the tragedy miserably, just like the Demon Sect.

People from the Demon Sect who gloated and waited to take advantage of the Demon Sect's encounters before: "???"

What the hell!

So their Demon Sect also suffered?

At that time, since the demonic people left the secret realm of Tianshu, on the other side, other righteous forces and evil forces in the Three Realms State also came out, but they made their own policies as soon as they came out. Among them, the righteous forces were the strongest and had the most people. ——Search and locate the location of the evil and evil people, and see if you can deploy personnel to ambush a few waves.

Xue Sheng and the others reacted quickly, and they were prepared at the beginning, so they quickly received a report from the supervisor, saying that there were a large number of demons active in the southeast, and they were gathering.

"Visual estimates are no less than 3,000 people, mainly people from the Demon Sect and the Demon Sect."

Xue Sheng was stunned, and a little worried: "There has been such a large-scale transfer of personnel just after I came out. If it wasn't for the two fights, it was because they were going to do something together."

The subordinate hurriedly said: "Before this, both cases were attacked..."

The bosses who had just left the Tianshu secret realm were all shocked.

To be massacred?

Who is this?

Who is so insidious. . .


"The right way, absolutely is the right way!"

"The old dogs of the righteous way are shameless!! It must be them! I can't tell, they are so shameless!"

There was a garbled code on Mo Dao's side, and Chen Hu and Mo Jun's faces were also very ugly, because they had just learned the statistics of casualties.

At least a third of the backbone was slaughtered.

During the Mahayana period, more than a dozen died.

This is terrible data.

The other party alone?

impossible! Even the little Penglai who came in person couldn't do it.

"Unless... there is a lord with a strong space ability who knows my main branch of the magic way in advance and keeps teleporting and killing."

"And the people who died in my sect seem to be..."

The Demon Lord suddenly turned his face and stared at Qin Yu with sharp and gloomy eyes: "Qingqiu, what do you think?"

Qin Yu met his face, expressionless, "You still doubt me."

Demon Lord: "I just want to clear your suspicion as much as possible. After all, it seems..."

Qin Yu: "Do you still need to watch it? It's definitely..."

She answered in a cold yet firm voice.

"I did it."

It was deafening, all the magicians present at the first second:? ? ?

The second second:! ! ! ! ! !

Sometimes when I start to write the content, I write smoothly, and when I recover, the plot has not entered much. This habit is not good. Fortunately, readers keep reminding me that I will wake up occasionally when I see it, and try to pull the plot speed to the main line. I also cleared up the rhythm last night, and I will try my best to write down the business next time.

And when this comprehension world is finished, it will be the heavenly realm. The heavenly realm is not long, because it is basically a matter of two orders going to war. Well, the bigwigs of the highest ruling class will show up one by one, and the process should be pretty fast.

Two days ago, the editor asked me when it would end, and I said it might be seven or eight million. She was a little silent, because when she asked me a year ago, I said there was almost one million left, hahaha.

However, it may not be able to write seven or eight hundred thousand, unless I water the content, try to be as concise as possible and not anticlimactic, you must remember to remind me.

Today is the end of the five shifts, good night, please get a ticket by the way!

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