I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2107 Rabbit (end, sleep)


Qin Yu, who couldn't refuse Fang Yourong, was teleported away from the hot spring pool for the second time by Jiaojiao, and then. . . To another hot spring pool.

Qin Yu: "Fatty man, I suspect you did it on purpose."

Jiaojiao: "No, no, don't talk nonsense, I really tried my best, the space structure of this little Penglai is different! It's so difficult... every time the coordinates I send are distorted by the natural change of its space dimension , what can I do! Turn again?"

Qin Yu: "Forget it, it's actually not as embarrassing as the scene just now, it's much more natural now."

After finishing speaking, she smiled slightly at the many male cultivators in the pool.

Focusing on some male cultivators who are good-looking and have the capital of male gods, they said gently, "Don't be nervous, I'm just here to take a casual look, and I won't do anything."

just looking around? It's also easy to see.

It seems that what she sees are very casual things.

At that time, many powerful figures who called the wind and rain in various worlds all dived down, as if they could cover up something.

Colorless lowered his head, clasped his hands together, and recited Amitabha in a low voice. . .

Hey, this great monk made her look like a demon girl who harvests yin and replenishes yang.

"You can do what you want, treat it like you are at home, you're welcome, I'm leaving first."

Then Qin Yu didn't wait for everyone to say anything,

She looked at a person many times, and even took a deep look before leaving.

It is a deep look after looking back.

It's like looking back with nostalgia and affection after waiting for a thousand years.

A certain elf king is indifferent, noble and boundless.

Lin Heng thought silently that the self in his previous life might not have died naturally.

Jiaojiao: You died naturally, naturally green.

——Wu Dalang?

Jiaojiao: Hehehe.


Not to mention that after Fang You allowed them to leave the women's pool, they heard in the lobby that a certain new demon king came out of the men's pool grandly holding a cat. . .

Anyway, after Qin Yu came out of Fushengruomengquan, Xiao Penglai knew she was coming. The people Xue Sheng came to meet, smiled and complimented Qin Yu's traffic speed is really fast, Qin Yu can't compliment him in turn , not as easy as yours.

After some hypocrisy, Xue Sheng said: "The Supreme Lingkui has been handed over to the Lord of Little Penglai. He just held a meeting and said that he will arrange to open the entrance of the ancient emperor's mausoleum at a suitable place in Little Penglai tomorrow. At that time, His Majesty the Demon Monarch is also invited to come." Come."

Qin Yu: "I know, thank you for the notification, but I thought it would be the little Penglai Lord who came to tell me in person."

Xue Sheng calmly asked, "Does Your Excellency the Demon Lord think that I am not qualified enough?"

Qin Yu: "No, I just want to see you all guarding against each other as if I want to blaspheme her. I think it's too exciting, and I want to provoke you."

Xue Sheng: "..."

Forbearance, forbearance is necessary, the situation is stronger than people, and before they are absolutely sure to kill this female devil, anyone in their righteous way has to bear the burden of humiliation.

"Then see you tomorrow."

"Are you reminding me not to sneak into her room at night? Don't worry, I won't. She is the leader of the righteous way, and I am the leader of the demon way. I will never be so nasty."


Xue Sheng suddenly understood how difficult it was for that Demon Lord in the past.

Forbearance, I will bear it again! !

"However, I would like to ask the Demon Lord to take charge of those demonic people below. In the end, it's better...to be kind."

Although afraid of Qin Yu's terrifying strength, Xue Sheng and the others will not back down, and they still have to make a statement, otherwise they will go to war directly.

As soon as she said this, Qin Yu suddenly stopped, with a serious expression and sharp eyes.

Xue Sheng was taken aback, and secretly wondered if the other party had the heart to fight and wanted to start a war?

"Your Majesty the Devil..."

"I almost forgot to bring them in, thank you for reminding me."

Xue Sheng: "..."

Suddenly feel sorry for those sorcerers swollen.

That night, Qin Yu took Jiaojiao to a room, and it turned into a wisp of green smoke and flowed into the gap in the window.

Then I saw Han Hai Chaoyi.

The latter apparently sat and waited for her.

The tea is all brewed.

Qin Yu walked over with Jiaojiao, sat cross-legged, glanced at him, and said, "I haven't had lunch yet, can I have a barbecue?"

Han Hai frowned at Yi, "What are you roasting?"

Qin Yu: "Roast the whole rabbit."

The two looked over at the same time, and found that Jiaojiao had teleported to the side of a big fat rabbit in the house, and her two paws suddenly pressed it.



Roast whole rabbit is available.

Slowly turning on the shelf, the flesh is golden, and the fragrance is tangy, while Liu Rushi, who is lying on Hanhai Chaoyi's lap, ignores it because of the attributes of a bitch, and said to Qin Yu very kindly: "You can come, I will Very touching."

Qin Yu: "Your two hind limbs are strong and plump, your waist is plump and sexy, your rabbit's head is round, and your hair is full. This skin is not bad."

Liu Rushi's expression froze, and he couldn't hold back. He glanced at Qin Yu bitterly, "I'll give you an hour to humiliate and laugh at me first, and then we can talk about business?"

Qin Yu: "Come on, the rabbit meat is almost ready, let's talk while eating."

Liu Rushi: "..."

You are poisonous!

Han Hai smiled lowly at Yi, and Qin Yu also smiled.

Open your eyes, you big bitch also have today!


As a matter of fact, the specific content has been conveyed to Qin Yu through Hanhai Chaoyi, and what Qin Yu has to do is to help Liu Rushi recuperate his body.

If it was before, Liu Ru would be a dead horse as a living horse doctor if she found these two people, because she really has no one to trust.

But now she has learned from Hanhai Chaoyina that Qin Yu killed the Demon Lord, and that she devoured the Demon Lord's demon seed. Although she was shocked, she also knew that Qin Yu's ability was beneficial to her.

Qin Yu took a closer look at Liu Rushi's soul body. He was very careful and took a lot of time.

She was so cautious, Liu Rushi was a big boss in the past after all, so she was aware of it, she didn't know what was going on in her heart, but she wouldn't say it out loud.

About an hour later, Hanhai Chaoyi, who had been taking care of the work at hand, had already changed three cups of tea, and Jiaojiao had finished eating the rabbit.

Until Qin Yu ended.

Putting down his pen, Han Hai looked at Yi calmly, and asked Qin Yu with his eyes.

Qin Yu took a sip from his teacup and said, "The situation is a bit more serious than I thought, but it's not the worst."

Um? This is very pertinent, neither good news nor bad news.

Liu Rushi touched the hair on his body with a rabbit's paw, and said: "It's enough to keep me from dying. Anyway, after working so hard, it will be a failure in the end. If it can't be saved, it will be fate."

Qin Yu was surprised, "I thought you would think that if you lose your ability to practice, life would be worse than death, and death would be better than death."

Liu Ru touched a cup of tea with a rabbit's paw, and drank it in a serious manner. After drinking it, she said gracefully: "As a living being, you must remember two things in this life. Respect the strong. Second, even if you are at the lowest point, don’t forget that living is the greatest practice.”

In this case, the realm is very high.

Is this still Liu Rushi who is good at acting and calculating?

Han Hai Chaoyi's eyebrows were slightly startled, and he admired Liu Rushi's eyes.

Qin Yu: "I didn't expect you to be so open-minded. I really admire it. If that's the case, then I won't help you restore your cultivation qualifications. Just let you live."

Liu Rushi was startled, but after understanding the meaning, he immediately stretched out his rabbit's paw and pressed Qin Yu's hand, "Generally, there are two things in life, and the first thing is the main one, and you can't just let it go."

Jiaojiao: Sure, it's still her.

Han Hai withdrew his admiring gaze from Yi, and drank tea silently.

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