I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2139 Get mad at you!


"This guy is the reincarnation of Kui Ling. I don't know what the origin of that Tian Jingsha is. Is she worth Kui Ling?"

In Qin Yu's eyes, Tianjingsha has become an unknown existence, with the money unit ¥ hanging behind it.

——I can't find it, she is very strange.

Can't find it? It's justifiable that Kuiling couldn't find it, but Tianjingsha couldn't find it. . . It can only mean that the authority is not enough, or that the other party is hiding enough.

"I always feel that her second clone is her biggest secret, but it doesn't matter, there is no rush."

The Supreme Lingkui had already been annihilated, and Qin Yu and Jiaojiao arrived in front of Fei Chuan without wasting any time.

Bodhi samadhi, the key point is samadhi!

Fei Chuan couldn't move, and the devilish energy in his body became much calmer.

"But it's Fei Chuan after all. In a soulless state, he can still be so powerful with his demonic body—his body has spent many years of cultivating spiritual power. If he is allowed to return to his soul and reabsorb spiritual power, then..."

Jiaojiao: "Then let's fly directly to the sky, don't care about life and death here."

The rank difference is so big, hit a hammer!

"But how do you place Fei Chuan's demon body? It can't be destroyed."

Jiaojiao scratched her head, a little puzzled, there must be a way to deal with it.

If this thing is not destroyed, it will be a disaster.

"Of course I can't destroy it. I can't do what those people couldn't do back then. I can only hide it."

Tibetan? How to hide?

I saw Qin Yu took out a ghost-faced fang mask and grinned.

"A certain great monk has already given me a hint."

Underworld, Abi Hell, a certain great monk knocked on the wooden fish, with the corner of his mouth lightly hooked, looking into the darkness of Xuanming in the distance, he seemed to smile knowingly.

This ghost-faced fangs is not an ordinary mask, probably it was given to Su Wanmo by Jialuo Dizang, and there is a space on it.

"It should be a hidden gap in space in Avici Hell. Since the great monk Jia Luona sent this thing specially, it is a kind of reminder, Jiaojiao, you are familiar with Avici Hell. Send Fei Chuan there at a certain time. , Help me take care of it for a few days."

"Ah, okay, this coordinate is..."

"No, it's another coordinate. As long as it's within the hidden range of the space that Jialuo Dizang gave, you can take it to hide for a while, and you can use it together with the ghost mirror. As long as I'm not there, the Dark Gold House will Can not find you."

Jiaojiao fully agreed, and made an OK gesture with the cat's paw, "Then when is the timing? Now?"

"No, when I attract the eyes of all the dogs on the side of the evil election, you go there again, hide well, set the hiding coordinates, and you come back."

What does it mean to attract their attention?

Could it be. . .


The dark gold house's evil camp has actually exploded!

Because there is an evil choice and hang up.

It's certainly not worth mentioning that it's an evil choice, but it also depends on the status.

As the core training list, the future emperor, Kui Ling has always been respected in the evil selection, and even many evil elders are unwilling to confront him, because everyone knows that the latter has the possibility of being promoted to the emperor in the future.

But such an awesome character, hang up!

Hanging in Qin Yu's hand.

"Eh... It's in her hand, I don't seem to be very shocked!"

"What a horrible reaction!"

"Impossible, how can she be Kui Ling's opponent! He is a perfect reincarnation!"

"Impossible? Hehe! Your intelligence authority is not good enough. I was reminded that Qin Yu has already started "Bodhi Ding Yi Shu", and has already stepped into the gate of the Zen master!"


Zen master? At the mention of the name, the Chosen are like bedbugs who have been sprayed three times with super-strength insecticide.

The body is dead, the soul trembles.

However, in any organizational force, gathering a crowd becomes a clamor, and decisions are always made by a group of less than 10 people. It is useless to have too many people. Therefore, at this time, the high-level think tanks on the evil election side have already begun to discuss this situation and are preparing to respond to it. method.

The person has been hanged, but the Qin Yu who hanged their person is not dead yet.

It will be harder to kill in the future!

"This woman is not a completely forceful opponent. She is cunning and good at calculating. Without a perfect plan, the possibility of killing her is very slim, unless she has an absolute advantage!"

"She didn't reach that meeting in the fusion period, and she crossed the boundary to kill in the Mahayana period... and I didn't see success."

"That's why we have to plan perfectly, so that she has no helpers, can't escape, and kills her with one blow!"

"Then let's talk about the plan."

Here comes the problem, since a perfect plan is necessary, the right time, place and people are indispensable, and none of these four kinds can be noticed by the other party.

"Otherwise, with her brain and the delicate space teleportation ability beside her, who can catch her?"

Ten high-ranking think tanks discussed and discussed, and someone said gloomily: "So we still have to think about it in the long run?"

From a long paralysis Oh.

From decades.

Dazed is to make the other party rise from the verge of comprehension.


Just when a group of people were feeling overwhelmed, their high authority received a notification.

In fact, without high authority, almost all the evil elections have been notified, um, it was a notice from the opponent's chosen camp, and the news was spied on and conveyed back by their spies lurking in the opponent's camp, and the dark gold house directly followed the threat Sex comes to all announcements.

The specific content is as follows.

"Since I finally entered the world of comprehension, I have seen some things in the world, I have grown up with great care and painstaking efforts, and I am afraid that you will find and strangle me. Time makes people old. In a blink of an eye, I have stood up, but I waited For so many years, what you have put in so much effort to send is this brat called Kui Ling?"

"The brain is very good, but there are so many small movements, one set of one set, but it's useless. I can't grasp the point. I want to kill me and take away Fei Chuan's demon body. Your dark gold house is a dream star factory. Thinking about how beautiful it is every day."

"Do you think I talk too much, like I'm being forced to win money, and the villain is successful, but it's not, I don't want to humiliate you."

"I deliberately wanted to humiliate you."



Everyone fell silent, as if the offended dignity was brewing a monstrous anger!

But suddenly, there were the last two sentences.

"Fei Chuan is with me, come here quickly."

"I want to count how many of you can kill me."

Finally, there seemed to be a low smile.

That low and long chuckle caused Xie Xuan's unfathomable deep sea to create huge waves.

What's the long-term plan?

No, arrange her assassination according to the maximum output group!

No matter the result, no matter the cost.

Fuck her!

Now that the theme is set, the next step is to make arrangements, and this time the arrangements are no longer trivial.

It will be arranged by several strong men at the evil level.

Of course, their true deities can't make it through, they can only be cloned, or. . . .

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