I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2148 let you down (sixth)

Either give in or go to war.

Wuque has no other third path to choose.

In fact, Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling are not naive people. From the moment they confront such a powerful group, they know that it is absolutely a dream to resolve this crisis with words alone, but. . . Whether it was delaying time and waiting for the response from the prison, or being Wuque's political managers on the bright side, they did their best.

As for the result. . . Is it still possible to go to war in the end?

In the suffocating atmosphere, Wuque's disciples are already ready for a desperate battle. Even if there is a high probability of the battle, their flying swords have not had time to touch each other's clothes, and they themselves will be annihilated in ashes up.

The gap is too big.

Xie Shuling Zhanlan and the others remained silent, but they also showed unyielding fighting spirit.

In such a confrontation.

The space is torn apart again.

A group of people came, and the first one was Wei Beichuan. This person always had the face of a politician. After showing up with his own direct family, he cast a cold glance at Wuque, and then quarreled with Chu Ci and others to salute.

"Lord Lielu Wei Beichuan, I have seen the Lord of Little Penglai, I have seen you all."

Compared with Fang Yourong's neither humble nor overbearing, there is no doubt that the majestic Deer Lord bowed his head.

"What happened to Lord Wei?"

"Wu Que is frivolous and frivolous. He has a long history of bad deeds. If he offends you..."

Chu Ci suddenly raised his eyebrows, "Are you willing to take on the responsibility?"

Wei Beichuan's face was slightly embarrassed, and he said firmly: "I wish to uphold the righteousness and morality of our Three Realms State, and we will eradicate the rebellion together with the lords!"

How else can you say that you are a politician, you can convict someone with just one mouth!

Bai Meichang has seen it, sesame oil, it's not that I haven't seen the local people sell the land so quickly, and the position is also quick, but it's rare to see a master like this. . . .

Nangong Mei laughed, "Since the lord of Lielu Dajing State said so, according to the rules of our Three Realms State, Wuque is already a rebellious crime, if you are still so rebellious, then go to war!"

Bai Mei and Xue Sheng frowned, but seeing the expressions of Dao Guang and Nan Gong Mei, they knew that the positions of the two were the same, and Chu Ci. . .

Hey, I'm afraid it's hopeless!

at this moment.

"After waiting for so long, the battle is finally about to start, but it suffocated me."

A voice came slowly.

Cool and soft, but thin and cold, like cold water after melting ice, pouring on the hearts of everyone except Wuque.

Then, they saw a person appearing high in the sky.

No one was more creepy than Wei Beichuan.

Because this man was standing right behind him, and Ruo especially had to put a hand on his shoulder.


Anyone with eyes saw Qin Yu coming, and also saw her coming. Wei Beichuan, who obviously didn't see Qin Yu and turned his back on, changed his expression dramatically, as if he had eaten shit—when Qin Yu lightly placed his hand on him A moment on the shoulder.

Is it that scary? Could it be an attack? Then you can't hide.

No matter how bad you can't dodge, you can counterattack the opponent!

Remember, you are a lord!

Can. . . Everyone didn't wait for Wei Beichuan's reaction, he didn't move, only his face kept changing - getting uglier and uglier.

At this time, even the most ignorant disciples noticed something was wrong, not to mention Chu Ci's eyes.

There is also a difference between the lord and the lord. The character Mojun is among the top three among the lords, and Nangong Mei is not his opponent. However, the former was put down by Qin Yugan, and what about Wei Beichuan?

Qin Yu made him stiff as a chicken with just one hand.

Moreover, the slender, white fingers were still on his shoulders, bouncing up and down one by one, as if he were talking about playing the piano.

"The Fengshui of Lielu is really not very good. I was young and energetic back then, and finally sent away the bad-minded Ye Xuan, and you, the new boss, are not very smart..."

With the movement of one finger, a bone in Wei Beichuan's body was broken, and the sound of rubbing could be heard clearly.

Move it again, wipe it again, but also follow Qin Yu's other words.

"As the weakest lord, I can either send you up or let you down."

Then the five fingers finally stopped moving, and the five broken bones made the corners of Wei Beichuan's mouth full of blood. He knew that both his body and his soul were sealed, and the only ones who could expect to save him were Chu Ci and the others.

Wei Beichuan could only call for help with his eyes.

But what made him terrified and desperate was that Chu Ci and the others didn't move, and even Nangong Mei, who wanted to kill the most, averted his eyes.

Obviously, Qin Yu was someone they didn't want to provoke—mainly because they didn't want to provoke him alone, and they couldn't afford to provoke him.

No! !

Before Wei Beichuan had time to do anything, Qin Yu's five fingers exerted a little force.

Pinch it!

Wei Beichuan's body was pinched and exploded.

Everyone in the Northern Xinjiang Alliance: "???!!!"

They had just appeared for less than two minutes, as if they had been beaten by some cruel fact, and they couldn't return to reality for a long time.

Until Qin Yu turned to look at them, and smiled faintly: "Go back."

How can you say such insane words with such a beautiful skin and such a gentle tone?

OMG, it's horrible!

The high-spirited members of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance who had just been teleported were terrified, and a group of people rushed into the teleportation array that had not yet disappeared.

Gone, they come and go in a hurry.

It's like singing.


It's not incomprehensible, the Allied Forces of the Righteous Way felt their scalp tingle when they thought of the scene just now.

They are all master-level combat power, is there such a big gap?

In fact, Chuci and the others were also shocked—they keenly felt that Qingqiu had become stronger again.

Fortunately, there are many lords on their side, Wei Beichuan's top-notch one is just a clown, no matter how strong this Qingqiu is, it is impossible to fight against a group of them with one man!

The initiative is still on their side. . . .

Thinking so, he suddenly heard that Qingqiu say something to Chu Ci and the others.

"Is there going to be a war?"

If you have the strength, you don't need more diplomatic rhetoric, just ask you to fight or not.

Anyway, there are two paths, 1, start a war, 2, retreat.

Since Wuque can't choose the latter, it can only be the former.

Bai Mei is actually the last person to start a war. Damn it, these loose cultivators won't be able to turn to them when they really have official resources, but once an all-out war breaks out, the worst luck will be casual cultivators.

For the safety of the future practice environment of the casual cultivator group, Bai Mei was really unwilling to tear herself apart with Qin Yu—although he was a demon king, he was not so angry, and seemed to be of good character. . . . good?

Anyway, Bai Mei took the initiative to jump out to smooth things over, "Everyone has something to say, it's not my practice to use swords and guns."

That is, the style of people in the practice is to make peace if they can't fight.

Thanks to the old fritters with white eyebrows, Qin Yu looked at Chu Ci with a half-smile, but didn't speak.

Chu Ci was calm and at ease, and said with a smile: "Did you bother Your Excellency the Demon Lord?"

The speech of cultural people is actually very poisonous.

Qin Yu smiled, "If you don't bring so many people, if you come to me alone, it's not a bother."

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