I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2152 Creation (Tenth)


In the huge conference room, Fang Yourong held the teacup and blew the scent of tea on the tea leaves. Hearing Qin Yu's untimely but just right question, his eyelids moved.

He and she have thought of this question a long time ago, but they haven't found a chance to ask it yet. After all, we are all grasshoppers on the same boat now, and tearing our faces apart rashly is tantamount to internal and external troubles, but. . . Apparently, Junior Sister didn't think so.

She just wants to go straight to the point!

The atmosphere in the conference room was very delicate, the tea was no longer fragrant, and there was a mysterious smell that made people subconsciously speculate—whether Qin Yu was implying that there was a traitor here, or someone arranged a traitor here in Wuque.

That's embarrassing.

Qin Yu's eyes swept across Daoguang Chuci and others, including Nangong Mei who was seriously injured and weak.

"I think that with your dignified and mature temperament of a righteous boss, you don't bother to perfuse me by saying that you have already found clues."

Similar tone, similar statement.

Bai Mei and Xue Sheng looked at Chu Ci subconsciously.

Indeed, this matter. . . Chu Ci is the leader. Besides her, who else has such great energy and appeal.

And the premise is not questioned without evidence.

And only her.

Qingqiu is also targeting her.

Under the eyes of everyone, Chu Ci calmly said, "Upper Realm."

Just two words, Upper Realm.

Everyone was suspicious, meaning that the immortal from the upper realm pointed out little Penglai and sent a metaphorical order to tell him?

Perhaps seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Chu Ci slowly took out a decree, which was indeed immortal, "It contains the content of the metaphor of the upper realm, you can see it after reading it."

Qin Yu saw that there was a golden word inside Yuling, and he mentioned that Penglai, the upper realm, had insight into the suppression of the Feichuan Demon Soul in Wuque, the lower realm of Tianzang World, and asked the little Penglai from the lower realm to investigate and deal with it.

That's right, for the lower realm, Little Penglai is the most trustworthy organization, and for Little Penglai, the metaphor of the upper realm is unquestionable and there will be no mistakes.

That would make sense.

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao looked at each other.

Jiaojiao: "Why do I think this woman expected to be questioned by you, and was already prepared."

Qin Yu: "In your opinion, does Penglai, the upper realm, have such abilities?"

Jiaojiao: "Under normal circumstances, there is no such thing. There is a huge gap between the upper and lower realms. The laws of the upper realm do not allow you to easily test the reality of the lower realm. They are afraid that the immortals will interfere with the morality of the lower realm for personal purposes and cause the law to collapse. The intelligence and cognition of the lower realm is also reported by the lower realm first, rather than the upper realm’s unreasonable detection. Like me in the underworld, the heavens rarely intervene. My old man can know what I did in the underworld. It’s Yan Jun who went to heaven He intentionally sued me during the meeting, and the old man would not easily break the rules to investigate the deeds of the underworld on his own. The underworld is like this, but the material plane is also the same, not to mention the oldest big plane of cultivation like Tianzang World. If there is such a possibility, unless ..."

Qin Yu: "Say."

Jiaojiao: "Unless existences like the Dark Gold House and the Golden House intervene."

Is there a chosen one among Penglai? This is not surprising.

So in general, Chu Ci's statement has no irreversible loopholes, and Qin Yu has no way to refute it, so he can't pull out the insider information.

Oh, this woman. . .

Facing Chu Ci's irrefutable explanation, Qin Yu smiled elegantly, "I see, I really envy you who have people above you."

Chu Ci smiled back: "Isn't Your Excellency the Devil?"

Qin Yu: "No, everyone above me is dead."

This yin and yang is weird, and I don't know if the Golden House or the Gudao Peak is mentioned.

Fang Yourong coughed lightly, "Then is there a senior from the Xian family who came down from the upper world?"

If evil spirits are invited on the side of the evil way, then they are of the right way. . . I'm afraid it won't be indifferent.

"I just tried it, the communication can't leave this space, and I can't notify the upper bound."

When Chu Ci said this, everyone's faces were not very good-looking, and Qin Yu was thoughtful: "Not only is the space isolated, but even the communication can be blocked? What kind of method is this?"

Chu Ci thought for a moment, and said: "There is good fortune above supernatural powers, which is the method of the immortal family. The so-called good fortune is divided into thirty-six heavenly gangs and seventy-two earth gangs. Whether it is the evil way or the righteous way, the general practice of Taoism is nothing more than this. And the opponent's method of space should be the confinement cage in the seventy-two earth gangs, which belongs to the creation of space."

If you look at other people's traditions, they are different, and they have a good vision.

"The confinement cage... Since it is good luck, only the immortal level can use it, so only the immortal level can break it."

Chutz: "Theoretically so."

Qin Yu: "Theory?"

Chu Ci: "Some monstrous people who have been blessed by heaven and earth, even if they have not reached the level of immortals, some of them can actually break through, but such people are rare in all worlds, and it is rare to have one out of thousands of years. Right now, we may only have demon kings here. Your Excellency, you have such qualifications."

Qin Yu: "I suspect that you are trying to trick me by driving ducks to the shelves."

Chutz smiled and said nothing.

Even if others want to drive ducks to the shelves, Qin Yu is not a duck, not to mention good fortune, a fairy method, which can be learned if he wants to.

In the golden room, Qin Yu asked Huang Jinbi: "Then what is the price of the sky and the earth?"

——The price of each of the seventy-two earth gangs is about 3,000 earth treasures.

sound. . . Not expensive.

Qin Yu: "Where's Tiangang?"

—See for yourself.

Huang Jinbi directly called up the Tianbao Pavilion mall page, but Qin Yu didn't look at it. She knew that Tianbao Pavilion was going to be spent when she saw it. Taking shortcuts is not a good habit."

——It is a good habit to be stingy, better than a prodigal.

——But you are a little princess who is both stingy and prodigal, and I will support you in whatever you do.

You are so yin and yang, will you die if you give me some positive comments?

So angry!

"But is it possible to learn good fortune after ascension to a fairy? Is it so expensive? Those who dare to kill are all evildoers who are qualified to learn good fortune before ascension?"

As an evildoer, Qin Yu felt that he had been bullied.

——After ascension, cultivators will find that the heavenly world is more difficult than the lower world, because the Taoism is strict, and there is no inheritance and master school, and there is no way to get the knowledge of good fortune. Therefore, after ascension, it is very important to enter the mountain gate to choose the Taoism. You are not as good as a dog. If you want to get the opportunity to learn about good fortune, you can only spend money to buy it.

——Believe me, there is no such mall as the Golden House, you have to buy luck in the heaven. . . The resources spent will make people want to sell their kidneys.

Jiaojiao couldn't help but also interjected: "That's right, I remembered something, that is, when I was a child, I heard about a person who, after ascending to the heaven, spent more than seven thousand years saving money to buy a door at an auction. Good luck technique, but before I learned it, I was killed and seized the treasure halfway, I thought this person was so pitiful and stupid, it was just a good fortune technique."

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