I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2160 Sad? (The second is better, tomorrow I will try to update it earlier and sleep)

Bao Han suddenly realized - in fact, it's not that they hadn't estimated her hidden strength during the evil selection, including her ability in all aspects of cultivation, including the evil way and the righteous way, were predicted to be at the top, and she was also expected to have immortal-level combat power.

So they sent several people over, not just Taoist Ghost Shu.

However, people's thinking often has loopholes. After she cultivates, everyone assumes that her strength after cultivation is the cause of concern. In fact, what she shows is also the ability in this aspect.

This is normal. In the entire cultivation world, the east and the west, or the lower realms of the heavens and the lower realms, are all respected by high-level powers such as cultivation or magical secrets. In the past, martial arts and superpowers have become a transitional period.

What's more, her super control abilities are all in the sleeping period, and her control over Xianzhi and others is also limited. Before that, Jiu Suihe barely woke up, but she was far from the fairy class.

So this link was missed in the pre-judgment—even if they thought about it, they would only think of the terrifying speed of her cultivation progress over the years. Naturally, she spent all her resources and energy on herself, how could she spend it on those immortals? Plant it on it.

But now. . . Qin Yubu's move obviously told them - you stupid idiot, you've been tricked! Unexpectedly, my mother has so many resources at hand. If she grows strong, she can also support the flowers and grass cubs! Don't delay!

"What's her background?" Bai Mei couldn't figure it out, and felt that she was going to be blind.

Daoguang frowned, "Is it the reincarnation of the Xian family?"

Xue Sheng: "I don't want to, with her nature, if she is a fairy, she should be famous in the heavens, but I have never heard of such... such a special person."

If it is really the fairy family, then there must be many enemies, and maybe they were reincarnated after being besieged to death.

Colorless: "Master of Little Penglai, do you have a guess?"

Chu Ci: "Who is she, Tianjingsha probably knows better than us."

Her few words made everyone aware of the movement on Tianjingsha's side.

She didn't seem very surprised by the situation in front of her.

but. . . Although there were four immortals on both sides of the good and the evil, one of them did not move.

But there is a trend that is just around the corner.

But there are actually differences.

Bao Han: What to do, what to do, should I run now?

Zhao Wuya: Sesame oil, those two soil turtles really have no brains, they besieged Qin Yu! My great opportunity has come! As long as you help her, help her soar in the future, are you afraid that she will not support me when she develops in the future? ! ! But to save lives, I have to wait until she is really in danger before taking action!

The two of them were watching and getting ready at any time, when suddenly the situation in front of them changed again!


In fact, after the huge immortal plant appeared, the immortals of both good and evil ways were startled, and their first reaction was panic—there are such wild demons in the world, with so many flowers and plants, are they human? It's full of chemical fertilizers.

But don't panic!

"Even if her celestial plants are revived, if she dies, she will still eat the resources of the lower world. She can't raise much power, and she will never be able to exert their original power. Don't worry about making mistakes and losing your position. Let that female devil have an opportunity to take advantage of!"

Xie Jian Chi Feng was still very calm, with a word of calm, Mu Li also stabilized in an instant, determined to break through the boundless forest.

But Bao Han couldn't hold back, and panicked, "It's over, I'll tell you not to fight, don't fight, then look at the situation and make sure that the female devil is false and true before advancing and retreating properly, you have to tease me, alas! What kind of bloody mold is going on, with stinking idiots like you!"

It can be said that he seized the opportunity to frantically diss the evil sword Chifeng and the two, making them so angry that their mentality was unstable, and they almost missed the aim of the attack, but they wanted to take down Qin Yu more and more proudly.

Fortunately, they were really promising, and under the joint attack, Zhao He and the two on the opposite side worked together in surprise, and actually broke through the Linhai barrier, chasing Qin Yu to kill him fiercely!

In that scene, the dignity of the immortal, the power of the immortal, all fighting from far and near depends on good fortune.

When you look at it, you feel that you are like an ant on the loess under the sky, and you also feel that this immortal is shining brightly, and every move he makes is a trend of leveling mountains and seas.

You see, the majestic and majestic Wuque Baimaiqianshan seems to be precarious.

That Qingqiu is the head of the devil, can he resist the force of the overturning mountains and seas?

the answer is. . . She didn't resist, just with a smile that didn't fade from the corners of her mouth, she clasped her hands, her eyes were seven parts strange and three parts fairy, she was spinning all kinds of attainments, and she was surrounded by Promolight.

Obviously, she looks very sharp and domineering, as if killing all directions with a snap of her fingers, but because of the boundless vitality of immortal plants, she seems to be very kind.

That moment.

Wu Se suddenly had a thought, and blurted out: "Maybe she is the reincarnation of my Buddhist Great Compassionate Senior."

Baimei and others: "???"

How blind are you with your heart and eyes to make such a terrible guess.

As a cultural person, Chu Ci couldn't say it too vulgarly, so he restrained the evil and evil people with one hand, and turned his face to say a word.

"When you say sad, do you mean to make people cry?"


It seems more appropriate for you to explain it this way.

But what is her hand? Why does it feel like the surrounding coercion suddenly changed?

Daoist Guishu and the others had just killed Lin Hai and entered the green light of flowers and colors. They thought their plan was right, but who would have thought that the woman would pinch out the aura of a white lotus and Buddha's light when she rubbed her hands, and Lin Hai was stunned. great change.

The outside only felt that the coercion had changed, but the four immortals trapped in it were suddenly horrified.

At almost the same time, Taoist Gui Shu and Mu Li exclaimed suddenly.

"It's a field!!!"

"Quick retreat!!!"

Since they are the best assassins selected, the level of the evil-selected two immortals is naturally online. . . To be honest, there is a reason why these two people were not selected as the heavenly choice, but they are not as capable as Taoist Guishu, and they are not as smart as Zhao Wuya.

You see, less than a second after Ghost Shu and Daoist came to their senses, Zhao Wuya from the outside world also twitched his eyelids.

Damn, he recognized it too.

This is really a field!

It is the field of creation based on thousands of high-grade immortal plants and fusion of super powers!

But this is impossible!

"Only Qi Qi's good fortune can enter the threshold of the domain, which is also a higher realm of Tao, but has she ascended? Does she have good fortune?"

No! No!

Both questions were undoubtedly rejected.

After Zhao Wuya suddenly realized, he thought that he was just thinking wrong because it was not normal.

Oh, you said that if she had an epiphany before ascension, then there are such people in history, and there are also in the heavens. After all, in the three thousand worlds and thousands of years, there have been many evildoers in the past dynasties, and there are always the best ones concentrated in the heavens.

He has also seen those perverts before, and even a person like him who is considered a genius in the heaven world has to bow his head and submit.

But there is no good fortune to create domains or something. . .

Even the fairy-level storytellers in the heavens wouldn't dare to talk like that! !


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