I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2172 Reverse! (Fourth update, complete update, end sleep!)

Jiaojiao hurriedly said that she was bald, but no one laughed at him anymore, because everyone panicked and tried to get close to the formation to stop all this, but Dao. . . into the abdomen.

The Fifth Dao Ling is undoubtedly an extraordinary talent, but why he is the best magic seed probably has something to do with his most primitive attributes and aptitudes closest to Fei Chuan, and his later training is infinitely close to Fei Chuan.

"Qingqiu's demon seed is like a wild one, with strong spirituality, but it is too difficult to control, and his is the real demon seed born for Feichuan. Even if it is not stronger than the original peak demon seed of Feichuan, it can restart his complete demonic way. , let him really wake up."

Situ Puppet's face was pale, but he was smiling, like a winner who was about to win.

Xie Tingyongxue took a deep look at him, and slammed her palm on his abdomen, causing Situ Puppet to suffer physical and mental injuries, and immediately vomited blood, but Qin Yu's body was also in a daze, a ray of soul floated out of her body, lifted into the air, fell Into a flying stream of ice and fire.

It is Xie Tingyongxue's body.

She finally moved, even if she wants to ascend, do you want to stop all this?

"Patriarch Xie Ting, wouldn't it be better to ascend directly? Why bother with the right and wrong of this world."

Zhou Xuanqing's white robe turned into a pure black black robe at some point. Perhaps, his dark side is the devil, but no one has noticed it before.

Xie Tingyongxue floated above the large formation, watching that the fifth sword feather was about to strip off the demon seeds in his body, and also saw that Zhou Xuanqing controlled the formation disk to include Tianlao and other people's spirits, as well as Feichuan's demon soul and demon body.

All gods and demons are like creating gods, but they will make the real demons come again.

hum! ! !

The roulette rotates, thirty-eight layers and nine rings in a row, and the magic dragon roars, flying into the formation one by one, acting as swimming dragon patterns, dragging the thirty-eight rings to rotate, and the whole Wuque's vitality It was as if it had been emptied.

Lingzhi, Lingqi, everything seems to have been calculated long ago.

Seize the good fortune of heaven and earth, offer sacrifices to the souls of one family, and welcome him back.

Fei Chuan stood in the center of the array, with Xie Tingyongxue facing each other in the sky in front of him.

Xie Tingyongxue glanced at it, then suddenly turned around and said something to Qin Yu.

"If I die, everything about me will be yours, don't disgrace me."

After all, she flew into the formation without looking back.

As soon as she entered the formation, Dutian Shensha has now been transformed, and she is very repulsed, and the power of demons and demons attacked her frantically.

Xie Tingyongxue lowered her eyes, between her brows and her eyes, as if she had unraveled something.

The seal disintegrated inch by inch, causing the breath on her body to be released crazily.

That is. . . The breath of a saint.

That era was also the strongest era in the Tianzang world, the strongest saint.

boom! !

Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation is coming.

To pick up one person to ascend.


This thunder calamity should have come too fast, although it has not yet been struck, but it has been brewed in a terrible way, and it is more than dozens of times more terrifying by Qin Yu's Ascension Dao Dao Tribulation.

"Oh my god, this lightning calamity breath is almost destroying a plane, little plane! What is her background? Is it because she has been proclaimed for thousands of years?"

Jiaojiao was stunned, and Jinbi was also taken aback.

——I don't know, there is no way to check this person, let me think about it, don't look at her, and pay attention to Qin Yu's side.

Qin Yu's side was actually not so good, being possessed by Xie Tingyongxue's back to attack, it used her spiritual power, it was an ordinary attack on Xie Tingyongxue, but it emptied most of Qin Yu's spiritual power at once.

She is weak, and Situ Puppet is similar. Everyone is equal, but there is still a gap - Situ Puppet is stronger than her.

After all, it wasn't right to swallow the immortal-level Shiquan Dabu pill sent by Xiexuan.

This guy is still thinking about killing Qin Yu.

As soon as Xie Tingyongxue drifted away, he wanted to beat her to death. Look at this choking. . . .

"A dog man, if he hits a woman, he will strangle his neck... You are poisonous!"

"You have the nerve to say such things yourself? Oh, you really don't know how to live or die."

"Oh, do you think you can pinch me all the time?"

Qin Yu came with a dead son and grandson.

Situ Puppet dodged out of the way, and fought frantically with Qin Yu, fighting each other while fighting.

Qin Yu: "My patriarch has gone in over there. Fei Chuan will definitely not come back. If you don't help me, you still pester me. Is it because of love and hatred?"

Situ Puppet sneered: "Even if she can withstand the Ascension Thunder, she can't break this person, can't stop..."

The words are not finished yet.

boom! !

The big formation has already started to operate completely.

The magic power on Chang Tingwan and the others burned wildly. After the formation rotated, the Fifth Dao Ling's abdomen was peeling off more than half of the demon seeds, and a few slender black bloodshots emerged, which entered the core of the formation and pulled Fei Chuan.

The magic thread has been completed, and the power of the great formation has also been completed. The black magic flow runs through the whole body, and finally injects into Fei Chuan's body, enveloping him as a whole. This is a ceremony, and it is also a complete and successful ceremony.

Because Fei Chuan's aura of wisdom began to return.

It was a similar yet earth-shattering coercion, especially when a crimson cinnabar on the center of his brow had begun to loom.

His soul, his body, will finally truly awaken and return.

And the magic way that he created and controlled has finally returned to his hands—anyway, these magicians who were controlled as fattening and swallowed by him one by one have a deep understanding.

"My demon seed...damn it!"

Their demons were all ready to move, about to burst out of their bodies and fly towards Fei Chuan, and the most frightening thing was that they felt as if their own souls were being controlled.

It was a surrender from the heart, even thinking about giving yourself.

So, they stopped struggling, and one by one took the initiative to fly to the formation, and burned their own magic power to provide nutrients.

hum. . . The demon seed of the fifth knife feather finally left the body.

His face turned pale instantly, and the demon seed in his hand was beating, as if he was looking for his own home.

The black silk pulled it and let it fly to Feichuan.

And the fifth Dao Ling knelt weakly, his face pale.

When the demon seed landed on Fei Chuan's palm, in an instant, the cinnabar red seal on Fei Chuan's eyebrows really began to be distinct, no longer flickering, but actually existed.


The real Feichuan has returned.

Zhou Xuanqing's long hair was flying, his eyes were like lightning, his raised hands suddenly turned, and he said a cold sentence.

"Wuque Wannian, the foundation of the ancient times, today it will be clear, against!"


Daoguang and the others didn't hear anything at first. After all, you don't understand why the slogan of the villain's conspiracy is so mysterious. It's just that gods and gods, even ordinary immortals, can't figure out what the reason is. You don't care what he shouted, but After shouting like this, Chang Tingwan and the others all responded accordingly.


The knot in the hand is reversed, and the body is burning. . From magic directly to spiritual power!

The golden spiritual flow gushed out from their bodies and poured into the formation of thirty-eight dragon rings, which also reversed the previous magic flow. It turned out that the clockwise rotation was all gods and spirits. . . What a reversal!

Once reversed, the golden fluid crazily collided with the magic flow, piercing through the entire surface at a terrifying speed, and rushed towards Feichuan.


The golden light was drenched in mist, and Fei Chuan, who had just returned, was so struck by lightning that he vomited blood.

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