I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2192 Confrontation

Jiaojiao: "They all look like fairies in this picture, it's no wonder the atmosphere is harmonious."

The demon is rotten, and I haven't seen him for so many years, this Yin You is becoming more and more terrifying.

It looks like an absolutely seductive mandala illusion, dragging people in and eating all the bones.

Jiaojiao shuddered, and subconsciously covered her eyes with fat claws.

——The two of them are like this, they are both peerless in the heaven.

You can see that even the broken wall is so emotional, it can be seen that the beauty and temperament of the two women are earth-shattering-surrounded by the starry sky of the plane, it seems that they are extraordinary and peerless.

However, Qin Yu felt that she was already very mature, with a strong character and experience, so how could she be so superficial in beauty, so she glanced back and forth at the two of them, silently judged the difference in beauty value between the other party and herself, and asked solemnly : "Have you not fought yet, or have you finished fighting?"

Her posture was really unaccustomed, Xie Tingyongxue glanced at her sideways, without saying a word, but Yin You looked at Qin Yu deeply, as if seeing her in every inch.

"She is also your elder, how can I be rough on her?"

You are such a weird woman, you really want to stab me to death.

Qin Yu: "You can't say that. You and I have nothing to do. We belong to different orders. There is something wrong with your logic."

Yin You: "Is there any logic between you and me? You didn't say that when you gave birth to me and brought up the child with me."

After a pause, she lowered her eyes, seeming sad or moved.

"I didn't want to keep the child at the beginning, but you were reluctant and insisted on having her."

Qin Yu: "???"

I have such a mouthful of old blood!

I don't want to either, mission requirements! !

And you seem to have gone through this old routine, why do you want to do it again! ! !

— probably because you found it useful?

The Golden Wall God made a fortune.

Sensing the deep thoughtful eyes of his patriarch grandma, Qin Yu took a deep breath, and said seriously and honestly: "Back then, you were still an intellectual and literary school, and you must have forgotten whose child you were pregnant with. Simple, very easy to deceive, and soft-hearted, naturally I can't see you, an unmarried woman with a big belly, struggling in a dangerous world alone, let alone you, if it is any woman, I will protect her. "

Yo Yo Yo, full marks for acting!

True and false are hard to tell! By the way, I dissed a wave of big devil Yin on the opposite side.


Jiaojiao just silently praised Qin Yu!

Yin You showed helplessness, and took long breaths, "That's right, you have been a happy father not once or twice, and that child is older than Ke Ke in our family."

The information content is huge.

Xie Tingyongxue looked at Qin Yu deeper.

But Qin Yu couldn't deny the existence of children like Yin Ke, and Yin You was teasing her by pinching her weakness.

Qin Yu's forehead was bleeding, and his face was calm, "You have something to say, and you have to waste so much effort to break up with me? You are free, and my grandparents are not free!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored Yin You, and treated Xie Tingyongxue very respectfully and submissively, "Grandma Patriarch, let's ignore her."

Xie Tingyongxue: "I'm free."

Qin Yu: "?"

Xie Ting Yongxue: "It's good to drag the family and lead the mouth to the three caves of the cunning rabbit."

She is a person with no moral principles, and she has no sense of inquiry about Qin Yu's past affairs, so she just listens casually, and then sees that Qin Yu seems to care a lot, so she makes casual comments.

Qin Yu: "I don't... really not, she..."

Xie Tingyongxue: "Do all the children have your last name?"

Your question is very sharp, patriarch grandma, can we be more friendly if we are in the same line?

Qin Yu could only show an embarrassed yet polite smile.

Xie Tingyongxue withdrew her gaze and said lightly, "It's really useless."

To be a happy father without adding your own surname?

It's a human tragedy.

But the content of the story is obviously not like this, and one of them has the surname of Qin after me! !

In future copies, she will no longer disguise herself as a woman.

There will be no more deliveries.

As for this Yin You.

Qin Yu immediately locked on to her, "Don't think that you are an evil master now, just being so arrogant and unreasonable, do you really think I can't beat you?!"

Yin You raised his eyebrows: "You are only qualified now, if you ascend to the sky, you can beat me, but now..."

Qin Yu immediately hid behind Xie Tingyongxue with Jiaojiao in his arms, poked his head out from behind her, and spoke righteously.

"I have grandparents."

Grandma protects the body, and the evil spirits are scattered!

Jiaojiao: "Yes! And we still have hostages!"

The operation of one person and one cat is very coquettish, hiding flexibly and elegantly, and the action of Jiaojiao holding the kitchen knife on Bao Han's neck is also very aggressive and fierce.

Yin You: "..."

Xie Tingyongxue: "..."

Fortunately, this awkward atmosphere was broken, because someone from Tianxuan came here!

"Oh, you're done, we have help coming!"

Indeed, some people came, but not ordinary people.

What about the emperor?

Is a big monk.

"Hey, did you change your hairstyle?" Qin Yu was surprised when he saw Jia Luo.

Jialuo Dizang had a loving face, "Even if you are bald, you have to adjust different light levels and change your mood every day, just like you female nuns, you change your makeup every day to make your face have different shades." , it’s all an attitude to life.”

No, it's not the same, we say no.

The three top female cultivators didn't answer the question, so Jialuo Dizang turned the prayer beads and locked Yin You with a smile, "The little girl is very promising, and she will become an evil god in a short time."

Yin You: "It's thanks to the bald donkeys in your Buddhist family who love you so much."

Jialuo Dizang smiled: "You are polite, the Buddha said that if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell, they have all been reincarnated. I, Buddha, is merciful and will give them a better future."

Thinking of her as a Buddhist catastrophe?

It's no wonder that those bald donkeys are more resigned to death than the other. It is estimated that they all have a soul Buddha spirit waiting to be reincarnated in the future.

Really obscene.

Qin Yu, who had just been blackmailed by Yin You just now, couldn't hold back, and immediately made fun of him: "Yo, Yin Daxia, you're not doing well. I was targeted by your evil chosen emperor a long time ago. Become my master personally, poking secretly every day to try to harm me, it's almost seductive."

Yin You also laughed, "He would rather do it than seduce him. How ugly you are. I heard you used to be a little fat man? Why don't you say it."

Qin Yu: "Old Barou is quite old, so he must be self-aware."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Ya appeared out of thin air behind the space where Yin You was opposite, probably because he just packed up for fun, and finally came over with a normal heart to get involved, when he suddenly heard Qin Yu's naked diss, he can only smile.

The two armies faced each other for real.

Smiling at Shang Yuanya's gentle face in a white robe, Qin Yu, who was flipping her bun casually, felt a little numb, as if he had been cursed.

MD, dog, his eyes are so poisonous!

Her fingers froze, and she continued to brush her hair elegantly and said, "Is it the emperor level? It's normal to be old! I'm not talking about anyone in particular, and there is no distinction between men and women."

I mean, are you all old bacon here?

Then the brilliance behind him was introverted, and the aura became a little obvious. Qin Yu turned his face and saw a majestic and tall statue of a certain emperor, and there was a misty lotus and bamboo shadow beside it.

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