I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 278 You Shameless


"What's the purpose?" Jiaojiao couldn't help asking Qin Yu. Although he and Qin Yu are friends with each other every day, but the real relationship is grasshoppers on a boat. If the boat capsizes—it's okay , both he and Qin Yu can swim.

Well, he just wanted to know anyway.

Qin Yu: "What else can it be? Of course, it is to protect these good-looking young ladies and brothers who are independent and strong, and the most important thing is to not be tarnished by this top nobleman from country T~~ I bet you Believe it or not, Che Cucumber, this seemingly elegant guard XX is actually the super villain in Chinese modern war novels, gentle on the surface but cold-blooded, ruthless and shameless on the inside, who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals..."

Jiaojiao: "I'll bet you the lotus root of an airplane, believe it or not, the Jinwei XX you just mentioned, I heard Qin XX."

Gentle on the surface, but cold-blooded, ruthless, lustful and shameless on the inside, he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

Qin Yu: "Why lotus root?"

Jiaojiao blushed: "Thicker and longer than a cucumber, don't you have any clues in your heart! If I insist on saying it, I'm so angry! You know how to bully me who is pure and kind!"

Qin Yu: "..."

Your simplicity really disrespects me~~

But in fact, Qin Yu was a little guilty in her heart. This guard XX made her feel very powerful, because they were all bad guys, and their actions were more terrifying than good guys.

Who is it?

Feeling uneasy, Qin Yu saw Lu Manli, but he didn't seem to notice Shanben Weisong and others staring at him not far away. Lu Manli walked towards Qin Yu, and the relationship between women and women

"They know each other?" Yamano Cunxin's eyes were deep. "In this way, wouldn't it be possible for Lu Manli to cover up Qin Yu? That person didn't leave by boat, but hid in..."

Yamano Murakami's words were cut off, because Yamamoto Weisong denied, "If this is the case, they will not meet so strangely."

He can read lips and understand what they said.

And the conversation between these two people was——Hi, Miss Qin, nice to meet...Hello, Miss Lu, also nice to meet.

Then it's all about that and that.

It's all a way for women to flatter each other and fight with each other, and women know these things. For women, Yamamoto Weisong, who was born in the Great T Empire, is contemptuous from the bottom of his heart.

"It's more likely to be that Yingyan than this Qin Yu..."

Yingyan has always been the bad guy of the Great T Empire in China.

And the Communist Party.

"Damn the Communist Party, Yaga!" Yamamoto Weisong became angry again, and Yamano Murakami comforted: "Mr. Konoe has insight into everything, and knows that all this is not your fault, Mr. Yamamoto, and he doesn't blame you, so."

Yamamoto Weisong's eyes suddenly became vague.

How can these little soldiers understand that the superior has no blame for your work mistakes, which is the most terrible thing.


Weisong Yamamoto was in a bad mood, so he quickly withdrew his attention on Qin Yu and the two, and went to talk to some political figures. After all, when people stumble on one thing, they can only find ways to make up for it on the other side.

So the two "celebrity" routines make men look down on women who are not important anymore.

Then Qin Yu saw Lu Manli telling her with her eyes and expression - the show was over.

In fact, Qin Yu had already guessed what this woman was going to do when he saw Lu Manli approaching, and also thought that Weisong Yamamoto would definitely pay attention to what they were doing.

How to pay attention?


As soon as she caught a glimpse of the man staring at them, she knew that the man could read lips, so she didn't need to wait for Lu Manli to remind her before picking up the conversation.

After the end, the two "sisterly love" falsely got a chat in Xiaohuayuan.

Naturally, Qin Yu's identity was already known by many people in the political and business circles of Y City Beach.

A businessman, a businessman who has a close relationship with the Kyoto Shuaifu.

The economic capital is already very powerful, and she has a lot of connections with many people in the British and American business circles. She is a typical shopping mall figure. No wonder Lu Manli would take the initiative to talk to her. In terms of eyesight, the other rich and famous ladies are really not as good as her.


"Is the gunshot wound okay?" Lu Manli formally condoled Qin Yu, who asked back, "What do you think?"

"What's the use of me saying that, if you think it's okay, you're okay, if you don't think it, you don't think it." Lu Manli smiled beautifully, but she also secretly changed concepts with Qin Yu in terms of words.

"Then what if I think you are beautiful today?" Qin Yu said softly.

So, that's pretty.

Lu Manli was taken aback, and the corners of her lips curved slightly, "Even if Ms. Qin doesn't think it, I'm probably pretty."

"In terms of diplomatic rhetoric and etiquette, shouldn't you come back and praise me?"

"It could be, but the physical reaction that Miss Qin caused when she had a fever really made me unable to exaggerate."

Lu Manli waited for Qin Yu to feel ashamed or angry, but he didn't.

The pale but gentle and delicate girl was just stunned for a moment.

Hey, did you forget?


"Miss Lu, can you remind me?" Qin Yu was a little guilty. After all, it is normal for a gunshot wound to have a fever. It is also possible that she was confused and said some nonsense. Did she talk about the Golden House?

Heh, it seems that I really forgot, and she even asked her to remind me, isn't this courting death?

Whether it was on the train or a few round trips in her own villa, Lu Manli admired Qin Yu, was curious, spied on Qin Yu, but she was also superior to Qin Yu.

Is it a woman?

So she was able to catch such a big deal as Qin Yu, so she naturally wanted to use it.

"You have a fever and say you are a latrine, or a cute little latrine."

Even if Lu Manli is a teaser, she is charming and charming, but the energy between her eyebrows and eyes is quite teasing.

Qin Yu was taken aback again, and replied, "You are shameless."

What? Why is she so shameless.

Lu Manli frowned, but Qin Yu was confident, "I didn't hesitate to use such unbelievable words for the sake of blackmail, how could you do that?"

Lu Manli pressed the corners of her eyes, smiling half-smile, and uttered two words with her red lips.


Qin Yu can tell the truth and lies, really? How can it be! Anyway, I don't believe it!

Qin Yu is extremely confident in herself, such crazy words can never come out of her mouth.


Lu Manli, who was about to be taught by Qin Yu to be "shameless", heard a voice in her head.

It's not a toilet, it's not... it's a latrine!

I am the latrine, the latrine, the cute little latrine... Do you want to go?

No, I'm not loose, can you get on? Can't make it?

After going back and forth, whether you can get up or not is full of magic, playing back and forth in Qin Yu's mind.

By the way, Jiaojiao's cry was also interrupted.

"Aww! You actually recorded it! How could you do this!"

Gold Wall - How?

Jiaojiao: "Nice job!"

Golden wall - easily.

Qin Yu: Life is full of surprises.

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