I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 284 Leave, save her!

"I still trust you and Su Lin, so I need a definite answer, you Communists, you have some right to speak."

Lu Manli was thoughtful, she felt that Qin Yu's question was quite deep.

She also answered very deeply: "Su Lin and I probably belong to the kind of people who can increase the probability of a decision's lobbying success by 30%, so if you want to use the Communist Party to achieve something, the key point is what you have to do Whether the matter itself is in line with our revolutionary purpose and morality."

30% each? The total is 60%, which means that as long as the things she mentioned are reliable, they can basically succeed.

Qin Yu: "I can only say that what I want to do is absolutely in the interests of the country."

After a pause, she looked at Lu Manli, "You can let that guy outside who is destined not to be liked by women come in with a pen and paper."

Lu Manli thought about it, smiled, and went out.

Su Lin came in and took a pen and paper.

Qin Yu drew a map with a pen, and handed the map over after drawing.

Both Su Lin and Lu Manli were a little surprised.

"I thought you would after we managed to get you out of Kyoto, or got us to do something else..."

"If you kill donkeys just because of a map, I can only assume that you are all just mobs and can't make a big difference. It can be regarded as withdrawing a choice for me, which is not a loss."

She spoke grandly, but Lu Manli felt a little helpless, but Su Lin had always had a desire to hate Qin Yu, so he said coldly, "Are you a donkey?"

Qin Yu: "..."

Just say that no woman will like you in the future.

After getting the map, both of them looked a little relaxed, but they would not relax, because the next step was to send Qin Yu away from City Y with the cooperation of the Japanese side and Gu Yunlin.

This is very difficult, even Qin Yu doesn't know if she can succeed, even if she succeeds, how will she save Xiao Tingyun?

A day later, they moved to a more secluded base, and Qin Yu's injuries were much better.

The spies who went outside came to report that the shops at the railway station from City Y to Kyoto were all watched to death, and there were patrols at the station entrances, especially the routine inspections on the trains.

Instead of taking the train, go by car?

That's a long way to go, and it may not be possible to successfully break through.

After thinking about it for a day, Qin Yu made a decision.

"I want to know, how sure are you if you send me to another city?"

Su Lin and Lu Manli looked at each other, and their eyes flashed.


The next day, Qin Yu got on the train to Nancheng.

Qin Yu, who learned that his subordinates had come down to report that his appearance had changed drastically, was able to get on the train under the cover of the Communists. Su Lin and Lu Manli were standing outside the remote train track and watching the train whimpering out of the station.

"Do you think the map she gave us is the rubbing of Yamamoto Weisong?"

Su Lin: "No."

no! That's not fake! ! ! Lu Manli was in doubt. Her first reaction was disbelief. For some reason, although Qin Yu was clever and cunning, she felt credible.

So she quickly realized that Su Lin's words had another meaning.

"It's the one from the commander-in-chief's mansion in Kyoto."

Lu Manli's pupils trembled, "The share in the capital? No, since you have the share from Weisong Yamamoto, why would she sell the share from the commander-in-chief's mansion, not afraid of getting angry..."

Su Lin: "Let the commander-in-chief of Kyoto stand on the same starting line as us. Each has only one map, and it is still the same. In this way, we don't need to calculate each other, but she has three maps. One, and two more."

"Two copies?" Lu Manli was surprised again, but she was also extremely clever, and suddenly said, "Gu Yunlin?"

Su Lin lowered his eyes and said calmly: "When Gu Yunlin mobilized people to focus on the old house, I went to his study to search."

Lu Manli: "Didn't find it? Or has it been taken away?"

Su Lin: "It has already been taken away, one step faster than me. You must know that the thing is in Gu Yunlin's study. This is the information you have spent a lot of effort on. Even Xiao Tingyun's men and horses have not found this layer. What? Can people succeed in such a short time?"

Lu Manli: "The Japanese side or other things are possible. How long has it been since she returned to City Y? Even if she took root in City Y before, she didn't have much contact with Gu's, and it was too late to escape."

She had thoroughly investigated Qin Yu.

Her words naturally made sense, but Su Lin seemed to be a bit embarrassed, frowned, and finally said: "When she and Gu Yunlin made a fake show that night, she was probably in Gu Yunlin's study. Some things are not impossible, and she is definitely not the one who did it, but this person is hidden deep in the Gu mansion and no one suspects it, there is another way to keep people from knowing it."

That's right, she was in Gu's old house at the time, so it must be someone else.

After thinking about it, Lu Manli didn't doubt this possibility, she just said quietly: "No wonder she, who has always been suspicious and afraid of death, finally obediently followed Gu Yunlin to Gu's old house? I'm afraid she also wanted to use herself to distract attention. Sitting on three One map, I saw that she did not think about it at all when she drew the map, and her drawing skills are quite sophisticated. I think the other two copies will be completely destroyed even if they are in her hands, and they will only be remembered in her mind. Even if Zang catches her, he dare not touch her."

All in all, great.

"It's very powerful, but it's also very dangerous. I always feel that she has an indelible respect for Xiao Tingyun. Sometimes the nonsense in her mouth is often true."

She said that none of them could compare to Xiao Tingyun, and he believed it in his heart, but he wondered why this person was like this.

"I heard that Xiao Tingyun is very beautiful." Lu Manli said quietly, looking at his eyes is also quite intriguing.

So, what about you, who has a superior-subordinate relationship with Xiao Tingyun and is suspected of being a spy on three fronts?

What do you think of Xiao Tingyun? Can you just watch her die like this?

Su Lin didn't know what Lu Manli was thinking, thought deeply for a long time, and said, "It's really possible."

Lu Manli: "..."

From what you've said, I think it's possible.

"But what is she going to Nancheng for? Changing from Nancheng to Kyoto? It's a way, but I'm afraid..."

But the two of them had another thing to think about.

——When they prepared the conditions for her to board the train, she left for three hours in the name of Yirong. During these three hours, what did she do?


What Qin Yu used was time.

Three hours is time, and the time on the train is also time.

During these three hours, she saw a cat and a person.

Zhang Fu gave her the things, chatted privately for a while, and then left gracefully. As for the cat, when Qin Yu got on the train, he also got into the train.

A chubby cat sneaked up from under the train to the back door and slipped in

"MD, I came to this broken world, I didn't eat a few delicious meals, either I stole something, or I was on the way to escape after stealing something, or I was on the way to save others after stealing something and escaped successfully.

Jiaojiao complained very much, and smelled the mess in the utility room in the toilet. The whole cat was not well, but he remembered Qin Yu's order and could only bear it, so he complained more and more about Qin Yu.

This pitiful stinky fish! ! !

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