I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 290 Desperate?

Vomiting blood meant that the condition had worsened, which dealt a heavy blow to the couple, especially when seeing a large pool of blood on the ground beside the bed, even Wen Qixin's face turned pale.

The doctors immediately got busy again.

"This, what kind of poison is it!" Wen Qixin read the medical report and saw that Qin Yu's condition had worsened, but now she couldn't even find out the type of toxin. She might not be able to find a solution, but Qin Yu might not be able to handle it.

Qin Yu did overestimate himself and underestimate the power of this toxin.

Its onset and change were too fast, and even with her physical fitness, she couldn't stabilize it.

Maybe, she is really going to die.


"Aim! Do you have anything to do!" Jiaojiao cried and asked Jinbi.

Gold wall - can't be saved.

Jiaojiao was shocked and furious: "Why! Why didn't you save her!"

——She is just one of the chosen ones. Since ancient times, there have been victories and defeats, and victories and defeats have life and death. When will you grow up?

Jiaojiao was still angry at first, but when she saw his words, she was startled and confused, "You know me?"

But Jin Bi ignored him.

Jiaojiao was also lost, in fact, he already knew the rules of the Golden House, and the rules are iron laws.

But he still had hope.

Qin Yu is right, no one can rely on, and the person who should rely most on himself is himself.

Cats should too.

Jiaojiao faintly made up her mind, but now he has to do one thing.

"Break the wall, send me there!"

--what are you going to do?

"The rule is that if I get involved with her, if the mission fails, she will die, and I will die if she dies."

Jiaojiao snorted coldly, "It's useless even if I'm the son of a god!"

This is a threat?

Golden Wall made no sound.

The rules cannot be changed. If Qin Yu can't survive this time, he will die for sure.


Treating a disease is a prudent thing. The two heads of the Qin family were alarmed, and the whole Qin family became tense. Everything was pushed to the back. Even if it is a list of billions of dollars, it doesn't matter anymore. , In this way, naturally some characters with the handles reaching the sky got the news first.

Like that Rosen.

"Seriously ill? Dying?" Rosen didn't quite believe it at first.

With that goblin-like slickness and the appearance of a showman who has lived a long life, why did he become seriously ill?

I didn't believe it in my heart, but I still asked people to check it, and the result was naturally true. Many people were shocked, and even the stock market of the Qin Group fluctuated.

There was no way, the Qin family had only one heir, and Wen Qixin also trained Qin Yu as his successor, but turned around and died of serious illness.

Shareholders are also worried about its future development, but fortunately, after some operations by the group department, it quickly stabilized again.

Reporting these things didn't make Qin Feng feel much psychologically disturbed.

The daughter is going to die, so what does the company do?

On this day, Qin Feng and his wife were in a bad mood, and it was Xi Jing who was the most stable, but when she saw other powerful doctors from the other side of the ocean also arrived, she knew that the two couples had invited them.

More people may not be useful, but it is also a fight for probability.

The head replacement surgery was successful, what kind of poison can't be cured?

This night was destined to be difficult, and on the surface they comforted each other, but in fact, no one fell asleep that night, so when they saw each other in the early morning of the next day, they all looked tired.

I didn't even have the energy to eat breakfast, but I knew I couldn't break my body, so I could only eat as much as I could, but it seemed like chewing wax.

Just when they couldn't eat and wanted to eat, someone suddenly screamed!

what happened!

The three stood up one after another.

"Cat, cat, I don't know where a cat came from..."

cat? When Qin Yu was doing missions before, Jiaojiao was not qualified to enter the small world, but she was qualified later, but she didn't show it to others.

But when the three of them walked into the ward, they saw the fat cat sitting by the bed.

At first, I only saw the back, ah, the fat back, the skin and the fat on the waist were wrapped in smooth and beautiful orange fur, and the cat's tail was drooping mournfully.

A whimpering sound could be heard faintly.

The three of them went in and took a closer look. The cat was really crying. It made me feel pitiful when I saw it. It was unbearable.

After a while, Jiaojiao seemed to notice the three of them, she looked up at them, then turned her head away, very cold.

Qin Feng had already guessed whether the cat belonged to Qin Yu, otherwise why would it be here, maybe he hadn't seen it before?

Unable to bear it, he looked at Wen Qixin, and Wen Qixin looked at Xi Jing.

It is obvious that the two couples have never met Jiaojiao, so as good girlfriends, Xi Jing has finally met her.

Xi Jing frowned and said, "I haven't seen it, at least not before I went abroad."

Um, so it's a feral cat?

"Either Qin Yu raised a cat behind our backs, or that is." Qin Feng endured it, and said coldly, "It's just fat, it doesn't seem like she would care for her slender cat."

He was only expressing his opinion, but he never thought that the crying fat cat turned his head and meowed at him dissatisfied like a sperm.

Forehead? Could it be understood? impossible.

The three of them are confused, but Jiaojiao is not in the mood to deal with these three stupid annoying people now.

Instead, I was twitching to express my appeal to Qin Yu - don't die, definitely don't die, insist, must persist, I haven't returned to the heavens for your little ancestor, and you still said that you want to take it with you and eat it all over the world what about food

Crying and crying, Qin Yuge died without a trace of life, and touched her arm with the cat's paw.

no response.

Jiaojiao is really desperate. In the past, this stinky fish didn't like him to bother her so much. She wanted to beat him up or beat him up, but now she can't.

Jiaojiao couldn't cry anymore, her tears just fell silently, and her eyes swelled after a while, which made some doctors couldn't bear to approach him to disturb him, but Wen Qixin couldn't take it anymore, "Go ahead, until the last moment, I won't I hope you give up."

Then he reached out to pick up Jiaojiao and left, but after hugging her for a while, he sat on the sofa.

It's too heavy to hold.

However, the one who was hugged by Wen Qixin was not like the embrace of mortal beauties in the past. He just rolled away, and his whole body was limp like Ge Youping.

A look of lovelessness.

Enough is enough! Although Wen Qixin was in a bad mood, she couldn't see such a person full of negative energy emitting negative energy under her nose.

"Looking at your weird appearance, it seems that she was raised. She is not dead yet. You don't want to look like this. It bothers me. It bothers me. I can't guarantee that I will kill you to sacrifice to the sky."

Jiaojiao, who was originally mournful, was shocked for a second!

"I'm not joking. Anyway, if she can't survive, then you are not bad to be buried."

It's not the first time Wen Qixin felt something strange about Qin Yu, and when she saw this cat, she felt even more strange in her mind. It is true that Qin Yu's fate is inexplicable, and perhaps this kind of crisis needs a special way to understand —like this cat.

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