I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 298 Cave (I've been out tonight, sorry)


In the cave, Qin Yu grabbed the soft flesh of Jiaojiao's buttocks, and his face turned pale. Needless to say, Ye Heng and the others were so frightened that they even drew their guns on guard.

Naturally, the three people who touched the golden gate were on guard.

The third senior brother hid behind the firelight, his face was indistinct, combined with the mummified corpses and coffins around him, he really had a cold and terrifying feeling.

"What are these? What do you want to do?" Ye Heng questioned. The youngest was angry and was about to speak when Qin Yu suddenly said, "This is like Maoshan school. Since when did Mojin use corpses to set up the dojo?"

She didn't believe people blindly either, it was indeed the fact that so many corpses frightened her.

Tomb robbery is not the Maoshan school, it is for touching treasures, not tossing corpses.

"Not a corpse."

Hammer, this is not a corpse, is it an inflatable doll?

"We are the one who touches the gold, master uncle, master ancestor, brothers..." The second child was more coherent than the eldest, and had a higher emotional intelligence than the third child, but it was difficult to hide his emotions at this time.

Everyone was stunned, and it was hard to say anything, so Ye Heng looked at the corpses. No wonder the secret passage felt that they were cleaned up and placed neatly. It's just that it's weird to hide the corpses in such a cave.

Could it be that all the tomb robbers are like this?

"Those who touch other people's tombs are basically afraid of being touched themselves. Therefore, most professional tomb robbers are divided into two types after death. They either do nothing and deal with them crudely, or they kill them so that people can't find them."

Qin Yu sort of explained the psychology of the grave robbers, but she lingered on these corpses for a while, and asked, "But you have so many gold-touching people?"

"No matter how many there are, there are only four of us left." As soon as the second child said this, Qin Yu changed the topic, "Just leave it like this? Is it too late to be buried?"

No matter how casual you are, you have to go to the soil to rest in peace, which is related to the tradition in the bones of the Chinese people.

"I was delayed by the matter of my junior brother. I was going to bury them together this time."

The elder brother didn't speak all the time, just walked forward with the torch, Qin Yu and others could only follow behind, walking, and reached the open space in the cave.

Although there were many coffins nearby, there were no corpses at all, and the psychological pressure on people was not so great.

"Stop, wait." The elder brother lit the lamp with a fire, and the light reappeared. Qin Yu sat on the stone and tapped his knees with his fingers, "Do you think your uncle can coax those people?"

Naturally, I asked the elder brother.

The eldest brother turned off the fire and said calmly: "I can't."

"Aren't you afraid he's in danger?"

"Afraid of death, die anyway." He replied.

Does it mean that so many people died in his master's sect? Even if he didn't want to, the people from Shimen still went and died.

"Then why go? There are always some gimmicks that lure them to die."

Of course, Qin Yu was tempting this elder brother to reveal his secret.

She has explored the tomb of the Mongol Emperor in other worlds, but even with the help of such advanced equipment and a wide range of positioning, she still hasn't found half of it. Of course, she now has a three-point treasure map in her hand, which may be more accurate than before. , but perhaps still in vain.

It's time to change the route and work hard, such as this so-called seven-star coffin.

"A gimmick." Perhaps it was the word Qin Yu used that made the senior brother feel grateful. He murmured the word, and after a while, slowly drew another word.

"Imperial Power"

Imperial power? ! ! Qin Yu's heart moved, and he wondered whether this imperial authority was the imperial authority where the seven-star coffin was located, or whether it meant the imperial authority of the Mongol emperor.

Just as he was about to ask again, the eldest brother suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction they had just entered.

Visible darkness, silent.

Qin Yu took out the gun and stretched out his hand, Ye Heng signaled his subordinate to hand her the full gun case.

Everyone tensed up because of this action.

"Don't worry, if they can't find the entrance of the cave, even if they find it, we are inside, the mechanism is locked, and we can't get in from outside."

The youngest looked complacent, and Qin Yu looked at the elder brother, who didn't say anything, but the lower half of his face was exposed and his lips were tightly pressed.

Smart people know to leave a way out for themselves—what if?

Qin Yu had this mentality.

Rubbing the pistol, she closed her eyes, her ears reaching the clearest, and at this moment, there were indeed people outside the cave.

There are still many people.

A person stood in front of this mountain wall, stared at it for a while, smiled, and turned to look at the person next to him.

"Teacher, do you have any skills?"

The person he called the teacher had gray hair and a typical T-country Tang Luntou hairstyle. At this time, his hands were bleeding and he wiped his palms slowly. It must also be an internal control organization, these sects are very thoughtful."

He speaks very slowly, no one dares to interrupt him, and the more distinguished guard Tianzang will not interrupt him, because he is not in a hurry, but he does not want to waste time, so he rubbed the jade wrench and said quietly: " But the teacher still has a way, doesn't he?"

The old man smiled, and the wrinkles on his face piled up, "I can smell it."

"The smell of dead bodies."

Jinwei Tianzang lowered his eyes and smiled, waved his hand, and the waiter behind him nodded, turned around and spoke the language of T country to the group of people. Some of the people in this group were soldiers of country T, and some were ninjas, but There are exceptions, such as three people who are not dressed like ninjas, wearing robes and pale faces. When the waiter talks, they listen and then look at Tianzang Konoe.

Jinwei Tianzang made a gesture, and these people obediently gave a high, and then stepped forward


"If I had known earlier, I would have stayed outside." Jiaojiao thought that it would be easier for him to spy on the enemy when he was outside, after all, he is a cat.

Qin Yu disagreed, "I'm coming to Qipanshan. I'm afraid that the news won't be able to hide from Jin Wei Tianzang. Maybe he came in person today, or brought some powerful people with him. I'm not sure that the other party won't notice your existence. After all, Your existence is not without trace."

Jiaojiao wagged her tail, "So you are afraid that something will happen to me?"

Qin Yu rubbed his waist, "Yes."

Oops, what a simple confession, "Don't think that if you love me, I will love you the same. I am still your little ancestor, hehe~~" Jiaojiao wagged her tail, twisted her fat buttocks, Roll in your arms and roll.

Suddenly, it stopped rolling, its whole body froze, even the cat's tail froze in the air, and it only scratched Qin Yu's abdomen with the cat's paw.

"Fish, did you hear anything?"


Qin Yu did hear that slight creaking sound, which seemed to be the sound of twisting bones in the body. It was very small, but it was gradually getting louder.

She and Jiaojiao are the ones with the most powerful senses here, they felt it, others may not, but the elder brother seemed to be aware of it, and stood up.

"Be on guard." It was Qin Yu who yelled, and of course Ye Heng and the others listened to Qin Yu.

"What?" Ye Heng pulled out his gun, and followed Qin Yu's gaze to look at the dark place.

It's the entrance, is there a problem?

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