I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 421 Mutated again! (I have something to do today, sorry for being late~~)

go to hell!

Jiaojiao rushed over to scratch Qin Yu, but she was hugged by Jiaojiao and went into the water together. After she submerged in the water slightly, due to the change of her physique, most people can only hold their breath underwater for a few minutes, and special professionals may have more than ten minutes. But Qin Yu's breath holding time was ten times longer than theirs!

Two hours is fine.

But they swam for an hour, enough for her to get away from the river bank and reach the inside of Erhai Lake.

Wow, one person and one cat came out of the water, and when they looked up, they could see the bright and round moon, with few stars. Qin Yu wiped his face and stretched out his hand, "I don't know if the water quality is okay."

Jiaojiao was a little annoyed, "You don't know if the water quality is good enough to swim so far?!"

Qin Yu: "Can't I have some fun with you?"

Jiaojiao: "..."

You don't even let go of your little ancestors, you are insane.


Qin Yu teased Jiaojiao, and also asked Huang Jinbi what to do next.

Huang Jinbi has been idle for a long time recently - anyway, he seldom shows up at Qin Yu's place, so when asked by her at this time, he responded very quickly.

——Blood drop, with the blend of blood and water, lead the aura of the Erhai Sea into the body, and activate the Jingling wood buds.

This is going to bleed at every turn, is this really our compassionate Buddhist school in the Central Plains?

Is it Buddhism in India that eats meat?

But the mouth is full of complaints, the blood still has to stay.

"My aunt has shed so much blood for you, are you still afraid of this little blood?" When Qin Yu said this, Jiaojiao couldn't bear it anymore, and sneered: "What do you mean by breaking the wall? Aunt's towel? Why not?" It flows."

As for the golden wall, he replied coldly.


B or C? Which one do you like?

No, it should be whichever you like.

This is an indiscriminate attack, it has nothing to do with me, so angry!

The aggrieved Jiaojiao chose to turn Yuangulu's belly on the water, and swim the whole body on its back, um, like a dead pig floating.

Play dead!

"It's still C, I like C, plump and has a touch, B is too skinny."

The resentful Qin Yu changed the topic casually, and then bit his finger, bleeding out.

After a while, Qin Yu: "Why isn't the spiritual energy entering the body yet?"

—needs a spell.

"What's that spell?"

--you guess.

What does it mean to flirt with the wall for a while, one person, one cat crematorium.

Qin Yu's face turned green, and finally, after shed a lot of blood, Huang Jinbi taught her the spell.

Spells are a bunch of gibberish characters.

"What is this, how do you pronounce it?"

—I read it only once.

Qin Yu calmed down. After a while, there was a very soft voice in the air.

It is a spell, it is the spiritual rain in the empty mountain, it is the sound of the spring outside the Great Wall, and it is the soft chant of the ancient temple.

For an instant, Qin Yu was stunned, and Jiaojiao was also stunned.

The spell ended, and there was a long silence.


Qin Yu: "Are you a girl?"

Jiaojiao: "Father?"

The two exited at the same time, and looked at each other at the same time—you are mentally retarded!

"It's obviously a female voice, but your father is androgynous?"

"Nonsense, it's obviously a male voice!"

"That voice is thinner than mine, and it's still a male voice, you should be a happy male voice!"

"What is thinner than you is your thick voice!"

"Fat paper, you stick!"

"Ooooh, don't pinch my ass!"

Then the voices of both of them disappeared, because the limbs seemed to be tied with huge lead weights, and they sank directly into the water!

how long? It sank for half an hour!

When the two of them came out of the water, the color of Jiaojiao's hair changed, and the face of a fat cat turned pale several degrees, exhaling in one breath was like a meme of a fat cat who had suffocated and ascended to heaven.

As for Qin Yu, she hugged the natural swimming ring Jiaojiao and couldn't say a word, she just passed a word to Jinbi in her mind.

"Forgive me~~"

Heh, do you know how to spare your life?


Cold, aloof, with an inhuman temperament rushing towards his face.

"Oh oh oh, I read." Qin Yu was scared of the other party, but fortunately her memory was amazing, and she began to recite the incantation. As soon as she finished chanting, she felt that the nearby waters seemed to swim away from the cold air, and she swam from the bottom. Walk, gradually, into the little wound on her fingertips, randomly wrapping the Jingling wood buds in her body.

As long as a seed has enough nutrients, it will naturally take root and germinate. Originally, Qin Yu specially mixed five pieces of breathing soil into his body this time. There is soil and water, and the aura is in place, so it germinated.

Jiaojiao: "Wow, green shoots are growing on your palm!"

Really, Qin Yu saw the veins of green buds growing from the arms to the palms, and gradually condensed in the palms. This feeling is very strange, as if the water and the sky are grounded, a kind of life is born in her, and there is a feeling of control.

Jiaojiao: "Wow, there are more and more green lines, will you become an Avatar?"

Qin Yu almost choked to death, with a dark face: "Avatar is blue, thank you."

— Green Avatar.

Huang Jinbi suddenly threw out a sentence coldly.

Jiaojiao covered her mouth, her cheeks puffed up, she was smiling!

Qin Yu rolled his eyes and ignored them until a green sprout the size of a pinky finger came out of his palm.

It was supposed to be over, but Qin Yu suddenly felt that something was wrong, because the aura that entered his body was not right, and another force rushed into his body.

"What's going on? I feel a little cold and a little hot in my body."

"Ah, it should be because of the accumulation of spiritual energy, it's like this in practice."

"Is that so?"

Qin Yu was dubious, and Jiaojiao didn't think anything of it at first, until she found that there were more and more green lines on Qin Yu's body, which gradually turned purple.

Fuck, color-changing Avatar?

"Isn't this an ordinary Jingling wood bud? Break the wall, tell me quickly! Xiaoyu can't even speak!"

——It is an ordinary pure spiritual wood bud.

"Then how could this be!"

— it mutated.

Qin Yu: "..."

Jiaojiao: "!!!!"

Variation again!

"Why did it mutate? No, what to do, how to solve this situation, what will happen if it mutates?" Jiaojiao panicked.

On the contrary, Qin Yu calmed down, "Purple? I remember you said that the highest grade of Purifying Spirit Wood is the purple Purifying Spirit Wood. Basically, it is only possible to meet in places with the most spiritual energy in the cultivation world."

——Yes, it belongs to the half-step fairy family spirit wood.

"I don't ask about the benefits in the future, but what dangers I will have?"

——Purple Purified Spiritual Wood requires a hundred times more Spiritual Qi than Green Purified Spiritual Wood. Your body will not be able to bear such a huge Spiritual Qi and will explode.

Jiaojiao covered her face, terrified.

Qin Yu: "The solution?"

——When man and wood are one, it will properly regulate the ingress and egress of aura.

Then how can a human being be one with wood?

—give it blood.

Qin Yu: "..."

You are indeed from India, I believe your evil!


She has to do bloodletting again, what can she do, she is also very desperate, and the blood she puts can't be ordinary blood - ordinary blood is not easy for people to get over your body, so they are directly drawn.

What it wants is blood!

Jiaojiao disagreed: "A mortal only has three drops of heartache in his life, and now one drop has gone, what will happen to Xiaoyu's life?"

——If you don’t go, you die.

There was no choice at all, Qin Yu decisively forced out a drop of heart blood according to the method taught by the golden wall and fed it to the Zijing Spiritual Wood. , swallowed his heart in minutes, and then there was no response.

Qin Yu: "???"

— probably failed.

In an instant, one person and one cat will return to the nine heavens.

Jiaojiao went crazy, cursing at the golden wall, and Qin Yu didn't even have the strength to scold. She just felt that the terrifying aura was about to explode her body, and the waters in the inner circle of Erhai Lake also had abundant aura accumulating into circles of ripples. Like the Northern Lights.

Tooth extraction tomorrow, wish me good luck, I won’t come to Auntie, because there is no manuscript saved, as long as I come to Auntie, you will have no chapters to read, so pray with me, little friends~~~O(∩— —∩)O

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