I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 430 Non-Fantasy Confrontation

"Because you are interested in me, did you spend a million dollars to buy the veterinary expert who treated my mother?" Qin Yu had already put down his chopsticks, his legs stretched out, and his left hand rubbed the palm of his right, smiling: "Maybe You should tell me that you bought insurance for one million because you were afraid that this expert would not be dedicated enough. Otherwise, I would think you wanted to buy my mother's life with one million."

"Ye Yan, as an illegitimate child, you are thinking about other things before killing the brothers and sisters of the Ye family who are really rooted and young. Are you too confident in yourself?"

The turning point is so fast, wave after wave of advancement, from the small love circle of high school students to sublimation again and again.

Now it has sublimated to the stage where even outstanding adults like Ke Qiuran can't react--murder?

Or a misunderstanding?

Ye Yan folded his hands, eyes drooping, and said deeply: "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about."

Qin Yu: "Do you know the three sentences that every man says to a woman the most in his life?"

Of course I don't know.

"One, I don't know what you're talking about!! Two, I really didn't lie to you! Three, you're making trouble for no reason!" Qin Yu touched his pretty fingers, his voice was slender and gentle, and he seemed a little melancholy.

"Actually, men's hypocrisy and hypocrisy have almost the same meaning as women's needles in the bottom of their hearts."

Ye Yan: "I respect your sensitive thinking, but I'm afraid this means that you need evidence to prove it, or in other words, you can't even justify your motives."

Qin Yu: "Since you said that we are the same person, then I also respect your sensitive thinking - including the grasp of other people's emotional character, you know how important my mother is to my father and even me, kill the most A weak person can directly defeat the other two, and then my father will be weak, you can kill him, and then me."

Ye Yan: "I'm afraid I don't dare to be friends with you anymore, you think too much, and you're overconfident—you're so sure that I'm interested in you to this extent?"

Qin Yu: "Then it means you are interested in my grandpa or grandpa? Otherwise, what are you going to do with them?"

Deeper, the deeper you dig, the more terrifying you listen.

Ye Yan: "Maybe I should admit that I like you very much? Like a little boy."

Qin Yu: "No, I'd rather you admit like a man that you know the details of the inheritance law, such as if our family of three dies, who will inherit what our family owns, which you desperately want but can't really afford?" Things, from those two old men with low IQ and no knowledge, you only need to spend a few million to fulfill your wish."

At this moment, Ye Yan finally stopped talking.

The fingers are so beautiful, but no one can touch them. Only she can play with them, which is very similar to the edge she showed at this time, the careless scratching, sharp and piercing spear.

People can't get close, even though she is clearly sitting between them, but it seems to be very far away.

Also far away is Ye Weir.

He is like a Rakshasa half buried in hell, but his upper body is as beautiful as a man in heaven. His face is so fair and handsome, and his eyes are always cold and affectionate.

They must not be talking about each other.

The obscure Ye Yan and the sharp Qin Yu, they all half revealed their masks.

Until Ye Yan suddenly smiled, stood up suddenly, and stared at Qin Yu condescendingly.

"You said so much, do you just want to get my verbal acknowledgment?"

Qin Yu didn't even bother to look up, just leaned back and smiled: "Is it so obvious? I just want to prove that you lost."

"Verbal proof?"

"No, in fact, what I said before is nonsense."

Ye Yan's brows were tightly furrowed, and suddenly the brows were furrowed, "You're delaying time."

He turned to leave.

But there were already people at the entrance of the cafeteria. People from the Ye family were dressed in suits and leather shoes, and they were dressed in black. There were also two plainclothes policemen. Of course, others couldn't tell that they were policemen.

Ye Yan turned to look at Qin Yu, "What did you do?"

Qin Yu folded his hands and smiled: "Do you still remember the first sentence of these nonsense, you and I only met a few times, the earliest was in the third year of junior high school, the sports meeting, and later it was——"

She raised her hand and made a virtual movement with her left and right hands next to her eyes.

That was the movement of turning the binoculars—it happened to be the period of "black history" when Ye Yan was not the illegitimate son of the Ye family.

And what he did to get rid of this past is precisely the reason why the police came at this time.

It can be seen from a glimpse of the leopard in the tube, Ye Yan understood, lowered his eyes, stretched out his hand to pack the tableware and other things, and put the plate cleanly, and put it in the plastic bucket. The police and Ye's family surrounded him, but he didn't give him a single look. , just turned to look at Qin Yu.

Said a word.

"You are right, time is indeed important, but you are also wrong, what I want is not just the thing that is so expensive that I don't know its value."

He is like an angel with broken wings who fell into the mortal world, or like a fragile demon who came to the world of mortals alone from hell.

With a sense of mystery that people can't see through.

However, he suddenly said, "I'll be back, Qin Yu."

Then he smiled brightly.

It was so brilliant, it was the real smile that the whole high school, or Zhao Yan and others had never seen since they met him.

Innocent and brilliant.

The more gloomy and ferocious.

Anyway, Zhao Yan felt a little cold, subconsciously touched his arm, and subconsciously looked at Qin Yu.

Just saw her expressionless face.


After the person left, Qin Yu lowered his head, frowned slightly, and stirred the dishes on the plate with a spoon in a somewhat lax manner, then suddenly raised his head to look at Xue Li, "Don't look at me with such incomprehensible and hateful eyes, first, I don't care Your hatred, secondly, I don’t need your understanding. Thirdly, although I’m not a good person in my bones, I still have a good conscience, and I have a little sympathy for little girls who are lost and not ugly, so..."

She got up, and because she was tall and her waist was soft, she bent down easily.

Zhao Yan just happened to see her uncontrollable waist and outstretched wrists. Those hands were extremely slender, and the cuffs were empty, revealing the white jade flesh and protruding bones on the wrists.

The fingers were distinct and very slender, and they landed on Xue Li's neckline.

Some people were even worried that she would be rough, but they didn't think so. It was a very mysterious state—until she gently pinched her fingers around the button and the seam of the buckle.

"What do you like about him? Lust?"

"Do you know why your family doesn't let you get in touch with him again? As an illegitimate child? Or is it because it is difficult for him to get ahead as an illegitimate child, and he has to kill a group of Ye family brothers and sisters who are young and popular? No, because of your background It can help him infinitely weaken this disgraceful background. Since ancient times, heroes have never asked where they came from. In addition to his talent, it is a good choice to invest in him. In fact, there is only one reason - he must kill those brothers and brothers if he wants to succeed. This ability, but it also means that he will also have the ability to kill you in the future!"

"The desire for power is endless. When your family, you, and you stepping stones hinder him, you are no different from his older brothers and younger brothers."

she will die.

In fact, in Qin Yu's memory, the girl did die, and she died very naturally, as if by accident.

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