I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 448 Paying back one person

People seem to be fragile, but they are also strong when they are strong. Some people can survive with their lower body cut off, and some people can survive with a bullet in their head.

At this time, C had a strong desire to survive. He wanted to rush, but was stopped by Qin Yu's sweep of his legs.


He fell to the ground, the blood spurted out from his abdomen, and the ground was covered with blood. This time, he really couldn't get up.

Qin Yu held on to the door and panted heavily, looking at G, "You are stronger than I imagined."

G's face was pale, and he looked at her indifferently, "Our goals are different."

It's over, can the two women who survived the catastrophe calm down and summarize the results of the battle?

Including how they hooked up together?

Unlike the simple rural woman in the past, G at this time was covered in blood and held an axe. He actually looked like a Rakshasa, and looked at Qin Yu with indifference.

As for the purpose of what she said, Qin Yu's eyes moved slightly, and said, "Is it all resolved?"

G leaned against the wall, his voice was a little dry: "Four people, seduced, anesthetized, murdered, raped the corpse, sucked blood... When my daughter's body was found, only the mummified corpse was left, and the forensic doctor said that the corpse's blood was drained gone."

Qin Yu: "I won't say much about the rest. Blood-sucking may be a kind of psychological satisfaction from the spirit, or it may be a psychological desire caused by some kind of physical defect."

Her eyes wandered in this room, the needles in the corner, habits, tableware, mess.

"I think this room should not only be used for binding prey, but also for eating. This table... has been licked by a person many times with his tongue."

The table that Qin Yu was looking at had a smooth surface, which was strange because it was scarred and slashed with a knife, but the surface was smooth.

Maybe the human bones were chopped on it, and the flesh and blood splattered, and some people were greedy for blood, lying on it to suck blood.

G looked at the table, feeling a little pained, but heard Qin Yu say: "I didn't say this to make you suffer, but just to remind you of one thing - four people, three dead, that is, there is one more , that person is still here."

After the words fell, they all looked at one person.

A person standing up suddenly - she should have been unconscious.

Dressed in white, with disheveled hair, skinny and expressionless, even the numb eyeballs are rolled down, this is a ghostly woman—as long as she feels that there is no need to pretend to show her true appearance.

But she was laughing again, grinning.

"How do you see through me?" She played with her hands. The fingers are slender and beautiful, but it is scary to be thin to a certain extent, especially the nails are thin.

Qin Yu smiled: "At the beginning, I only knew that the dead had lost a lot of blood in all likelihood, and guessed that Officer Chen and C might have the habit of sucking blood. There is no special favorite, which means that there is another person in this gang - first of all, this is a woman, a woman who has been with Officer Chen all the year round, because of this, Officer Chen has some understanding of the cosmetics that have been replaced over the years. Or A woman who is very close to Shi Shi can leave a lip print on Shi Shi's neck, and the lip print is still stained with blood. Because of this blood print, I almost thought your son was the one who sucked blood. But the most revealing of your identity is this room , the food intake is seriously rusted, and it takes a lot of force to break it open, which means it has not been used for a long time, and you who have been locked up here seem to have been locked up for a long time, well, even if Officer Chen often opens the iron They come and go to feed you, but why? As far as I know, they never stay with any female victim for too long, and they will deal with it within a month. Why do they keep you for so long? They feed you every day? Combining the before and after shows that you are not Ordinary victims, you are Shitou's mother and the wife of Police Officer Chen. Since you are the wife of Police Officer Chen, it is worth considering your family background. Not bad, when you moved to this small town when you were young, your parents built this big house, and everything was fine until you were a young girl, people disappeared and died in nearby towns, and then suddenly stopped—because your parents passed away. At that time, both the police and the public suspected that your parents were related, because it was too coincidental, but the murder started again soon, which cleared up the suspicion of your parents, but they didn't know that this stage belonged to the beginning of C and Officer Chen. The previous stage was the era of your parents, because at that time you had already contacted police officer C and Chen, and induced them to amplify their inner demons and become your subordinates to lure and kill prey for you to suck blood. Later, you faked your death, I think there must be some You have to feign death for reasons not to appear in front of people."

The woman narrowed her eyes and smiled lightly: "I don't deny the previous one, but what you said makes sense, but the latter...did you calculate it by fortune-telling?"

The sarcasm is self-evident.

Qin Yu: "Then do you dare to deny that your parents specially built this murderous house for you to get blood to keep your life alive? There are many traps inside, and the secret passages and secret rooms are connected, just for you."

The woman was silent for a while, seeming to remember her parents' love, closed her eyes, and said lightly: "Before, you were not sure, so you have been testing me."

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows: "I think this kind of temptation goes both ways."

The woman and Officer Chen originally wanted to play a game, to test Qin Yu's details, to see if she really attracted some detectives to destroy their lair, if not, then it was purely for fun to play with Qin Yu, a little sheep, It's not that I haven't played it.

But the result is obvious. Ever since Qin Yu killed Officer Chen, the woman knew that things were not easy, so she continued to pretend—even if Qin Yu admitted that the detective was pretending by herself, she held back until she realized that C and G were coming. Help Qin Yu, and then pretend to be unconscious to test.

Sure enough, he saw Qin Yu's assistant G attacking C again.

C has a different intention, she can see it, when C killed old A with an ax but refused to leave fingerprints on the axe, she was more sensitive than Police Officer Chen, knowing that this person was frightened by the detective and wanted to get away completely—— Killing everyone is the best way, just like Officer Chen's own plan.

Oh, man.

She knew it, but she didn't panic, because C would come to her, and she was sure to kill him.

Even if he still has a helper.

But he didn't expect that this helper belonged to Qin Yu.

Ah, what a wonderful night.

"You didn't beat me, you just had an advantage that I couldn't reverse." She touched her hand, and the fingertip lingered on the nail for a while.

She knew where she was exposed.

The woman smiled lowly and lowered her head, as if muttering to herself: "Physical defects are a disease called porphyrin, also known as blood-sucking disease. There is no cure for this disease. It's also obvious that I can't live a normal life at all. For this reason, I have to hide in the room every day. My parents don't know how much they have broken their hearts because of this. They traveled around and killed for me, but in the end~~they died."

(I heard that Piowen.com couldn’t see what the author had to say, so I specially added a paragraph: Solve the puzzle? If you are satisfied, give me some encouragement~ In fact, the most difficult thing to write is this kind of plot with suspenseful reasoning. I am not smart. In fact, the thinking is not careful enough, but I don’t want to insult everyone’s IQ by writing about pediatrics, so some plots need to be thought over and over again, which is relatively dead brain cells. Originally, this copy was not intended to be written in detail. It’s very interesting, I just thought about these details temporarily, I hope I didn’t let everyone hope—although I know that many idiots are stupider than me, hahaha~~

Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve called for a genuine copy. Let’s call today. The current average is more than 2,590, which is probably far away from 3,000. My original estimate is that it will definitely not reach 3,000 before the end of the book, because it’s more difficult to reach the end, and it will increase by 3 every day. It’s not bad, but I still hope to appeal. After all, it is improving every day. It’s better if the editor recommends it. Maybe it will reach the high-quality goods earlier, and it will meet the hope of writing a book for six years. Please, don’t read pirated articles, come to the starting point girls Online genuine subscription. )

Puzzle? If you are satisfied, give some encouragement~ In fact, the most difficult thing to write is this kind of plot with suspenseful reasoning. I am not smart, and my thinking is not careful enough, but I don’t want to insult everyone’s IQ by writing about pediatrics, so some plots need to be thought about again. I thought, it’s a brain cell, I didn’t intend to write this copy in detail, but I’ve written it in a few strokes, and I’ve heard readers say that it’s interesting, so I thought about these details temporarily, I hope you don’t let everyone hope—although I know a lot of idiots Stupider than me, hahaha~~

Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve called for a genuine copy. Let’s call today. The current average is more than 2,590, which is probably far away from 3,000. My original estimate is that it will definitely not reach 3,000 before the end of the book, because it’s more difficult to reach the end, and it will increase by 3 every day. It’s not bad, but I still hope to appeal. After all, it is improving every day. It’s better if the editor recommends it. Maybe it will reach the high-quality goods earlier, and it will meet the hope of writing a book for six years. Please, don’t read pirated articles, come to the starting point girls Online genuine subscription.

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