I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 451 Life and death are bright

Qin Yu was a little surprised, fell silent for a while, and said, "I will."

G stopped talking, she was thinking about her daughter.

Qin Yu turned to look at the more silent stone. He still had blood on his body, but he was looking at her with strange eyes.

Because he was listening to their conversation.

"Do you know why I saved you?"

He didn't speak.

"First, you didn't kill anyone. Second, the bloody lip marks on your neck were made by you to remind me on purpose, not by her. Third, I think you are different from them."

When she mentioned the bloody lip marks to the crazy woman, she was obviously taken aback. She obviously didn't expect this, and Qin Yu noticed it.

But it was also because of this that the mad woman gave her son an axe.

The wounded stone was bleeding from a wound, but he ignored it, and Qin Yu ignored it, because he knew it was not a fatal injury, not to mention that the police car and ambulance had already arrived.

His expression was still dull, but compared to his previous status as a primary school student, he was obviously a little more obscure than adults ever had. He only said: "I just don't want to die. She raised me because she thinks that only the blood of my closest relatives can save me." She, like grandparents, like me."

Qin Yu was taken aback, she really didn't expect this, but she has observed this kid for a long time, and she can basically judge that this is a genius with a high IQ and a very high EQ, and what is even more frightening is that this genius has grown up in such an environment for a long time , There is another pair of parents like that, their minds are basically abnormal.

What to do with him is a hassle.

"So you used us to get rid of this life for you." Qin Yu didn't ask him, but affirmed it.

Stone: "Yes."

Jiaojiao was startled, shit, is this the person behind the scenes? No wonder Qin Yu later said that some of the clues came a bit strangely, as if someone was guiding him. Isn't that the kid behind the tricks?

I remembered Qin Yu looking at the shop on the street, observing the people on the street, and occasionally this kid passed by the shop with a schoolbag on his back like a piece of wood. I'm afraid neither he nor Qin Yu thought that he was planning these things behind his back—this is still a small child? And did he ever think that Qin Yu and the others would die?

Of course, there's no need to think about it, he is two perverted children, with cold blood hidden in his bones.

But fortunately, Qin Yu, a chicken thief, has not been seen through by her.

Jiaojiao fixed her eyes on the stone and showed her claws.

Qin Yu reached out and pressed his fat paw, rubbed it, and glanced at the stone, "What do you think I have to do with you?"

Stone stared at her sideways.

"kill me?"

"I don't like wasting effort in doing things, and I don't like regretting after wasting effort."

Stone suddenly understood, otherwise he would not have saved him.

But in this way. . . .

His face was expressionless: "But you are afraid that I will be like them when I grow up."

"Afraid? What's so scary, you didn't kill me." Qin Yu's tone was cold and indifferent, as if everyone in the world died and had nothing to do with me.

But Shitou's eyes slanted slightly, and he glanced at that G.

You don't care about the dead, but you still save people? Will you help others?

Jiaojiao also rolled her eyes, he knew that with Qin Yu's method, this dungeon could be done without G - it's not that she doesn't have the ability to modify some watches or something, poisoning will always happen, it can be regarded as self-defense.

She did it on purpose to drag G, but the reason why Shi Shi was saved was simply because she didn't want to get involved with the child.

"Then you are not afraid that I will go to you when I grow up?" Shitou's eyes are strange.

If he has experienced everything tonight and grows up, he will definitely go to Qin Yu.

Regardless of whether he can overcome the test of the inner demon, and whether he can resist the sinful blood flowing in his bones, Qin Yu is the most critical link in his remaining life.

If he wants to fall, she is the one he must kill.

"What do you want from me? Make a promise with your body? I don't like milk babies."


Jiaojiao covered her eyes with her fat paws, pretending she didn't hear anything.

Stoned to death, he never thought that the real side of Qin Yu, who has always been famous for his cuteness, purity, kindness and simplicity in the whole town, is like this, so he was a little dazed, but suddenly, he heard Qin Yu say, "Will you bet with me?"


"Bet on my fingertips, this day will be bright, and you won't be dark in the future."

At the flick of a finger, will the sky be bright? impossible!

Shitou frowned and didn't speak yet, Qin Yu said, "Don't speak? That's the default."

So she snapped her fingers.

a split second.

Stone turned his head suddenly, and saw that the small town below the mountain, which was originally as dark as a huge black hole, was lit up one after another at that time.

It was also at this time that the police car rounded the curve with its headlights shining directly in their direction.

The dark world suddenly lit up.

It is so bright that every pore in the whole body becomes blurred, as if quenched into the depths of the soul.

Shocked and dazed, he heard a clear and soft voice beside him.

"Some people die and some people live, it's actually not a big deal, no matter how they died or how they lived, the world is so big, and people are the most insignificant."

"Don't dwell on the past, because your past is over."

"By the way, your past wasn't all without bright spots—because she didn't kill you."

Shi Shi was stunned, and subconsciously touched the wound on his arm, remembering that when he was hiding in the secret passage, she suddenly rushed in and looked at him in the dark.

For so many years, she has looked at him with a deep and indifferent look countless times, but none of them can make him see through, only this time.

Still don't see through.

She just raised the ax and swept it across his arm.

Eyes closed, painful, when she opened her eyes, she passed by.

In his confusion, he seemed to remember something, and murmured: "Every time she sees me, she wipes her mouth and washes her hands."

Qin Yu: "Maybe she hopes you are different from her."

not sick.

Not physically, nor mentally.

But she's not doing well enough because she can't control herself.

Hearing this sentence, Shi Shi didn't answer, but felt a dull pain in the wound for the first time after escaping.

in pain.

"I don't know, but I know I'm different from other people," he said.

It can never be the same.

Qin Yu didn't say anything more about it, and was silent for a while.

when the police came.

She said, "She's gone."

Who is she?

Shi Shi turned his face and saw Qin Yu with a calm face, and G leaning on her lap.

She passed away with pale complexion, smooth wrinkles, and a smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she had never encountered pain in her life, and she left without regret.

Perhaps, this smile is also tolerant, so tolerant that it makes people feel distressed.

She was tired and didn't hate anymore.

So relieved.

In this life of purgatory, use the butcher's knife to cut off the fruits of karma. May the only daughter have an afterlife and enjoy peace and happiness.

She has no regrets.

This scene was a huge shock, even more so than the light that pushed back the darkness just for a moment.

For a moment, Shi Shi put down his hand covering the wound.

Birth, death, life should be clear.

I was moved by myself as I was writing, and I was also a little sad. I always felt that the affection between parents and children is always greater than any emotion in this world, because even if love leaves one person, there can be another person, but parental affection no.

May we all have peace and happiness with our parents.

By the way, please ask for a ticket~~O(∩——∩)O

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