I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 467 Stop Loss

Qin Yu was stunned, and the calmness on his face faded away, and he became calm. Such a Qin Yu was actually a little scary——she wasn't a high school girl, she came from hell, and she shouldn't blend into this crowd. world.

"What if I say, I'm really not a good person?"

Maybe even if the carload of children died in front of her eyes, she might not cry like ordinary people.

she won't.


Hearing this, Wen Xi stared at her for a while, then suddenly turned around, and walked forward, her voice wafted through the air.

"Then when I had an accident, my mother had hired international killers to kill each other for 30 million U.S. dollars. Later, I stopped her. At that time, I told her a word."

Qin Yu: "What are you talking about?"

Wen Xi turned around, walked backwards and slowly, and said with a smile: "Please don't let me worry about you for the rest of my life."

Qin Yu's heart tightened.

There are many people in this world who have suffered great grievances and great pain, but they can't vent it, they can only smile with the corners of their mouths, because there are two purposes.

1. Stop loss and prevent secondary damage.

2. Survive, desperate to survive.

She, Qin Yu, is the second type, and Wen Xi is the first type. She pretends to be a good child who is lighthearted and easy to forget, so that the family can feel at ease, and when all the turbulent waves return to calm, she pretends that she is fine.

That kind of pain, that kind of humiliation is no less than not being anesthetized and not making a sound - being naked and skinned.

After being silent for a while, Qin Yu said: "Actually, when I first saw you, I wanted to give a girl with everything beautiful to wash away the filth in my heart. The peace that I can't get by myself may be found in you." See you."

Wen Xi smiled: "Now I find that I am not so beautiful, do you regret it?"

Qin Yu has already stepped forward, "Yes, I regret it."

Wen Xi lowered his eyes, his eyes were slightly dark, but there was an extra hand on his head.

Qin Yu hugged Jiaojiao with one hand, and stretched out the other to rub her head.

"I could still be your friend before."

"What now?"

"I can only be friends who can't be separated for the rest of my life. Otherwise, where can I find someone who is as unlucky as me. After all, in this world, a relationship that is difficult to achieve is stronger than sharing. This is human nature."

What a stark reality.

Wen Xi smiled, and stretched out his hand, putting her on her shoulders like Qin Yu put on her shoulders before.

The two are about the same height, and this kind of behavior really echoes the wanton and lively of normal girls and girlfriends.

"Well, then it's agreed to be friends for the rest of my life and not separate."

The leaves are still rustling overhead, and everything looks beautiful, except. . . .

Jiaojiao: "How the hell did I walk with you all the way without a single line? How angry!"

No, you didn't go, you were held all the time.


Jiaojiao's angry state lasted for a long time.

Qin Yu sent Wen Xi away, and went to meet Li Yuan and the two of them. The county also had a play plan, but Li Yuan and Li Yuan were not together because it was impossible for Qin Yu to mix with a group of people.

She picked up the two of them, took them to eat delicious food, and played around for a while. In the evening, she sent the two of them back to the school group, the train station, and they were going back.

The college entrance examination is just around the corner, and this time I came out to relax and let the students experience a wider world.

Originally, they could have stayed for one more day, but the two of them didn't want to live with Qin Yu. Take out a bag of things.

"Take it, be careful on the road, and call me if you need something."

Just a word, Li Yuan and Li Xiaoyun's eyes were a little red, and I don't know how long it will take to say goodbye. . .

Qin Yu: "I'm here to see you off, why do you make it look like you're attending my funeral~~"

The two of them turned black immediately, and wanted to beat her, but they heard Qin Yu say, "You've been kicked by a donkey in the head, and the college entrance examination will be in two or three months, when the time comes, pack up your things and come to my house for two months." "

Huh? Seems right!

The two were happy again.

The teachers in the county knew Qin Yu, and knew that this guy's grades were abnormal and he was a bit lawless in the second middle school, so he was very polite. Of course, he also knew that Qin Yu was still in contact with the principal of the county.

He took a deep look at Li Yuan and the two of them. These two little ones probably didn't know three things in their life.

1. Why Li Yuan was taken care of in the county.

2. Why is the county willing to bring Li Xiaoyun along this time?

3. Why did the county get the quota to come to H city this time?

4. Why do you have to spend so much money to come to H City? You have to drive all the way back and forth, you live in a four-star hotel, you eat in good restaurants, and you even get a 500 per person travel allowance.

They are all high school students, the gap is too big.


After getting into the car, the car drove out. Li Yuan and the others opened the bag and saw a notebook of notes inside, a total of ten books. They were stunned for a moment, and then fell silent for a long time.

If before coming to City H, it was the excitement of seeing Qin Yu and the awe of the city, but when they actually arrived there, their hearts were empty.

The gap, the huge gap.

Humility, great humility.

I don't want to stay longer, I just want to go back early and work hard, because the college entrance examination is really here!

This is the only chance to change fate.

Qin Yu knew, so he didn't fight day and night, only giving help.

"Little fish..." Li Xiaoyun grabbed the window of the high-speed train, because it was a high-speed train lane, and there was no way for people to stand on both sides, but Qin Yu was under the glass window of the waiting hall.

Qin Yu smiled.

Then drive away.


Qin Yu returned to his car, started the car, and saw Jiaojiao sitting on the back seat with her back to her, arms crossed, looking sullen.

"What's the matter, still angry~"

"Bah! You are not important!"

"Oh, that's right, that unimportant person treats you to a Michelin-starred meal for supper, shall we go?"

"Hey, do you think that I, Jiaojiao, are so greedy that I can be bought with food?"

"Then... two meals? Plus one tomorrow?"


Are there any conflicts that cannot be resolved with a big meal?

If so, then two meals.

If two meals are not enough, then three meals, and so on.

Jiaojiao knocked on Qin Yu's seven Michelin meals before turning around contentedly. Ge You was lying there, just like Lafayette, but she also said, "Although I'm not angry with you anymore, you have to tell me the truth." , or I'll still be angry!"

Qin Yu drove the car and smiled: "Mei Qingji, Lin Chengxu, Xue Li, Bai Fenghua?"

Jiaojiao pursed her lips, "Yes, there are other bullshit men and women, don't beat around the bush, just say it! I don't want to think hard!"

Qin Yu: "Isn't it because you don't have enough brain power, so you really can't think of it?"

Jiaojiao: "Be serious!"

Well, our Fat Jiaojiao is still very bluffing when she is angry.

Qin Yu smiled and said: "Then let me start with the three people behind. Lin Chengxu is from H City, Xue Li is his cousin, and he has always loved this cousin very much. Because of Ye Yan's death, Xue Li couldn't find out on the surface. After all, it was Ye Yan, and the traces were handled so tightly that Lin Chengxu, who was personally in charge of the investigation at the time, couldn't find any clues. Until he returned to Beijing to report on his work, a few years later, he met Ye Yan again, who was already in power and in charge of BJ. Yan, it was probably at that time that he became suspicious, and investigated again, this time his breakthrough was me and Bai Fenghua."

Jiaojiao: "Who is Bai Fenghua? Why are you dating her again?"

"Same as me, mistress."


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