I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 475: Parallel Importers

"Ah, why!"

"People who are good at supernatural powers don't use swords, otherwise the cart will put the cart before the horse. People in the ninth quarter don't have that long to master swords and skills at the same time, so it's not Xuan, nor the ink name of the sword, it can only be the third Hu Siyu , and, I also know that he is not only Hu Siyu, but also the boss of Baibao Pavilion who likes empty-handed white wolves."

Jiaojiao: "Why?"

He asked why several times.

Qin Yu continued to smile: "Because he killed people without violating the rules. At the transfer station, only the active beating and passive defenders of both sides have the right to do so. But it was me who was attacked. Where did he come from for passive defense? Unless the store is He, making trouble in front of his store, one of the rules of the Golden House plane store is that the store owner has the right to kill."

Although she knew that Qin Yu's scheming and reasoning were awesome, Jiaojiao was still taken aback, and then said: "You don't usually look at people so carefully and analyze each other, don't you just want to show that they are good-looking—even though they wear a mask?" .”

"It's not important. What's important is that the task completion of the top three people is only average and excellent."

Jiaojiao nodded, a little proud, "Yes, they are not as good as you. Your current task completion is basically perfect, and there is one more complete."

"The average calculation of task completion is the addition and division of the number of tasks. To put it bluntly, the tasks will definitely become more and more difficult in the later stage, and the evaluation will also become more and more difficult. The degree of completion is top-notch, which means that the previous tasks must also have a perfect level, but the later tasks can't even be mixed with top-level excellence."

what does that mean?

"It means that as high-level chosen ones, it is difficult for them to achieve high-level excellence when facing CB-level tasks, let alone perfection."

Qin Yu has a sense of urgency, and at this moment he suddenly feels that the situation of his next task is not good.

Of course, people still have to be optimistic, Jiaojiao comforted Qin Yu, "Be happy, people have to look forward."

"Well, you'll have to eat two loads of cucumbers, I'm happy just thinking about it."



After Qin Yu went back, he put the sword on the table. He said it was cheap, but it was actually calculated based on Qin Yu's consumption level. Basically, the ones in Baibao Pavilion are good things. The ones sold by Lao Zhu are not so expensive, and they are worth fifty stars.

And the sword in front of him. . . .

"Looking at the shape, it seems to be one of the top ten famous swordsmen." Qin Yu searched some information before buying a weapon, and combined with her own physical fitness to determine that she is suitable for using a thin sword. When she saw this sword, she thought elected.

"Thinking too much, Ganjiang is the sixth famous sword among the top ten famous swords in Chinese history, how could it only sell for 100 stars, and it is not available for sale at the eighteenth transfer station shop, you can check the Golden House system to know that it is How much should it be sold for? This one of yours was made by someone in the shape of a general, and it looks like a godless weapon, so it can only be regarded as a general sharp weapon."

Qin Yu flicked Jiaojiao's forehead, annoyed: "Of course it's fake, you think I'm stupid, I also know the price of the gold house, the ancient famous sword is unique, and there is no market for it, now its purchase page is It’s black. I’ve checked the information, and the Golden House weapon system is divided into two categories, one is human magic weapons, and the top one is the top ten ancient famous swords. Although they are made by humans, they are full of will, have become famous over the years, and have extraordinary power. , are rarer and more powerful than most spirit swords. There is also the Immortal Family Divine Weapon, and there are also ten divine weapons. Each of these twenty swords is unique, and each appearance will cause a huge impact, and it is only available in gold The Golden House System has appeared. Not to mention the generals, even the tenth-ranked Cheng Ying appeared in the Golden House System 300 years ago and auctioned 15,888 stars."

This is why the higher the level of the chosen one, the less money he can save—the stronger he is, the less he can be weaker than others, he must be fully equipped in all aspects, and must spend money in all aspects.

As for Qin Yu, who didn't spend half a dime on equipment for himself now, it is a miracle that he can survive till now.

"However, weapons are the most important ability. They are almost the most important ability of the chosen one after superpowers. It is normal for them to be expensive." Qin Yu is not complaining, and knows that from the next mission onwards, she will absolutely To enter the "burning money" stage.

This 100-star "piracy go-getter" is the beginning.

Jiaojiao: "You started with a 2000-star hexagram."

——You start with a hexagram of 2000 stars.

One cat and one wall went online at the same time, and at the same time they started to hate Qin Yu.

So you really slept through it!

Didn't I just spend some money to buy a six mans, as for that?

In fact, Jiaojiao and Jinbi are not to be blamed, because Liumang is so special, basically ordinary humans buy it for nothing.

Qin Yu didn't care, she bought it after careful consideration, and that's why she thought about it.

"By the way, I would like to ask, since the sword, which has been artificially shaped, cannot be brought to other small planes, how can I take this sword?"

——If it is a non-original substance, it must bear the brand of the store exit of the transfer station plane, and it cannot be carried directly, but it can only be revealed within three days after entering the small plane of the mission.

Qin Yu was stunned, "Reveal, how do you reveal it? Born out of thin air? Or is the golden house directly conjured up for me?"

——When you buy it, it belongs to you. When you enter the small plane, it will be automatically included in your body. The reason why it takes three days to reveal it is because it needs to be in your body to adapt to the small task of your body. The space rules of the plane. However, if you are killed by other chosen ones within these three days, the treasures in your body will automatically leave your body and be directly handed over as spoils of war by the other party.

After Huang Jinbi said this, Qin Yu fell into deep thought.

After a long time, she said, "Then what, the owner of the golden house, oh, that is, the masters of the two families of immortals and Buddhas also play games?"

--what for?

Qin Yu smiled: "Eating chicken, falling into a box, full of evil fun~~ Now I am most afraid that you have played the glory of the king."

Two teams of kings, four teammates and three elementary school students in a game, Qin Yu has such an awareness!

Because that's her luck! what! rotten!

Huang Jinbi might also be speechless to Qin Yu, but it still replied.

——In the firmament universe, three thousand planes, how many people are not other people's game?

This is the truth.

Qin Yu smiled, and changed the topic, the General B is an external carry item, while the six-pointed is an internal super energy seed, but after Qin Yu thought about it, he still didn't use it directly.


"Afraid of a ghost!" Qin Yu sneered, "You think I'm stupid. If I use it now, what if the next mission is not my body to enter? If it is the body of that small plane world, I will buy Liumang to have a ghost usefulness!"


Jiaojiao thinks so.

Depend on! Can you say anything positive about me?

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