I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 786 Maid (Not in good condition, I slept during the day, try to be normal)


Qin Yu was dressed neatly. After putting on the red hijab, she was helped out by someone. Fortunately, the medicine only affected her physical strength and did not affect her five senses. She heard the voices of many people.

With the transmission of these voices, she can judge the distance, and even judge the size of Zhuangzi—this Zhuangzi is very big, which proves that the power of the martial arts leader is not low.

There were many people who came to congratulate, and there were many sounds of weapons, presumably people from the martial arts came to participate.

In addition, she also heard the voices of many apprentices of the martial arts lord.

Back and forth, she tried hard to identify the identities and personalities of these people, but when she was forced into the sedan chair by half soft and half hard, she suddenly understood—whether she can come back alive or not, there is a way to identify these people. Ghost use.

However, I got three pieces of information.

1. This is the marriage between Wulin and Chaotang, and the cooperation between Lin Heng and Qin Lin, the leader of Wulin.

2. Lin Heng is a truly ruthless person with cruel methods.

3. In this marriage itself, the bride is the least important. In short, Qin Lin has already given up on this daughter.

She was the only one in the sedan chair, seemingly undefended, but there were people outside, and she could hear a large number of horseshoes and armor colliding outside.

There was no one around, so she directly pulled off the red hijab, secretly opened the sedan chair curtain to look out, and suddenly saw a pair of cold eyes.

"Miss San, don't be rude." This face is generous, but only one pair of eyes is as cold as an eagle of prey.

Qin Yu glanced at him, and she judged from this part of the memory that the original owner was a gentle and kind person, and he was a little timid.

So Qin Yu paled resolutely, and put down the curtain as if frightened.

The butler, Xifeng, was used to this, but he didn't know that Qin Yu was lowering the curtain here, so he went to the other side and opened the curtain - there are two curtains on both sides of the sedan chair, and you can't change one side, that's how babies are.

One side is a member of the Qin family, the leader of the martial arts alliance, but the other side is not, because it is the marriage itself, and the water thrown by the married daughter, even if it is protection on the road, will not let Qin Too many people from the family followed, so what Qin Yu saw when he opened the curtain was a majestic army.

That's right, the team sending off the relatives was not festive at all. They were all black armored guards with knives, walking in unison, sonorous and cold.

Qin Yu: "..."

Is this a wedding or a funeral?

"Can I ask what the main thread is?"

— not out yet.

"It didn't come out? That's strange. There used to be a front line that came out long ago~~ Is there any branch line?"

—Save your life.

Qin Yu: "..."

Thank you Golden House for your consistent perseverance in the matter of killing and protecting my life.

But since there is a line of troops escorting her outside and people from the Qin family protecting her, could it be that someone attacked her on the road?

Qin Yu thought it was unlikely, but after a day, she was not sure.

Because it hasn't been delivered yet!

How far is this f---ing Qin family from Lin Heng's Xiangye's mansion?

About five days away.

Because the Qin family is in Qinghuang Mountain, and Lin Heng's Xiangye Mansion is in Tiandu, the capital of the Daheng Empire.

Accidents will happen over time, this is almost a constant law.

On the first day and the first night, Qin Yu went up to the second floor of the inn with the help of the maid.

As soon as he entered the inn, Qin Yu noticed something was wrong - the place was not cleared.

As the wife of the prime minister who is about to marry, the first inn where she stayed on the way to her relatives did not have a private room, and there were other people waiting for accommodation. Isn't this an infinitely expanding probability of being attacked?

Did Xiangfu not expect it?

No, it can only be said that they didn't pay much attention to Qin Yu, or ~~ deliberately used Qin Yu as bait.

Qin Yu covered her red hijab and entered the house under the leadership of the guards and maids. She heard the discussions of many people in the inn.

Undoubtedly, it is to ask where is the bride from, or to say~~

The bride is so beautiful!

This made Qin Yu's depressed mood a little better. The ancient people's vision is pretty good.

"Do you know if it's pretty? Who knows what it looks like wearing a red hijab."

"You can tell by looking at your figure."

There were more and more conversations at the corner table, and they didn't seem to deliberately suppress the voice. It might be some people from the Jianghu, or ordinary people. Fan Qinyu didn't care about the foul language of these people, but when she stepped on the stairs At that time, she heard the sound of a knife being drawn.

In the next second, the smell of blood came out.

was killed.

The bustling inn suddenly fell silent.

Qin Yu suddenly understood what kind of rivers and lakes and what kind of empire this was.

No wonder Jinbi told him to save his life.


After entering the room, Qin Yu tore off the red hijab again, and was about to take off the bridal attire when the servant girl held Qin Yu's hand directly from behind.

"Miss San, don't take off your clothes yet."

Qin Yu turned to look at her, her beautiful eyebrows should be frivolous and sharp, but at this moment she was gentle and timid, "Then... when will you take it off?"

The tall and indifferent maid stepped forward and stretched out her hand to pull back the outer veil she had just torn off. This pull pulled the already weak Qin Yu a few steps forward.

close at hand.

Qin Yu also clearly saw the maid's ordinary facial features and eyes.

Such strange eyes, dull and lifeless, as if shrouded in a layer of mist, making it difficult to see clearly, but upon closer inspection, it seems very ordinary.

An ordinary maid?

"Miss San will soon be Lin Xiangye's official wife, so it's better to remember some etiquette."

"Um, is it forbidden to take off clothes in etiquette?" She asked timidly.

"of course not."

She was a little taller than Qin Yu, pulling Qin Yu's veil as if she was holding her, like playing with a child.

"Your husband has to take off your clothes by himself."

"You are not allowed to move."

Qin Yu: "..."

What kind of maid is this, with an imposing manner of 2.8 meters!

Blind cowardice will reveal her secrets, and this maid must have a secret identity.

Qin Yu thought about it, his face became paler, and with a little unwillingness, he mustered up his courage and pulled the maid's hand away, took a step back, and said coldly: "You are not Lin Heng, I can't get rid of you." What are you doing!"

The servant girl smiled lightly, but didn't say anything, she just helped to pack things.

Qin Yu sat on the side and didn't speak. Looking at the back of the maid packing her things, she couldn't help being suspicious——this maid is in good shape.

"Is Miss Qin looking at me?"

The servant girl suddenly turned to look at her.

"No, no, I'll see what you do, and you're not good-looking." Qin Yu turned his face away and looked out the window.

It's getting dark outside.

At night, when Qin Yu asked to take a bath, he couldn't help but run into this maid again.

"You watch what I do."

"Is it because I can't take off my clothes in the shower?"

The servant girl glanced at her, "There is no water in the bath, is Miss San going to wash out of thin air? If so, then you can take it off."

This girl is a dick.

"Are you my maidservant of the Qin family?"

Qin Yu felt that her strength and content of words seemed to be working for that Prime Minister.

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