Of course, some people said that the Tiance Pavilion was a righteous one, and even opened the Secret Volume Pavilion for martial arts people to see, but this kind of statement was overwhelmed by two arguments.

"What is righteousness? I understand now. The Xuanyu Banner has been snatched away by Tiance Pavilion every year. Why? Because the powerful masters are attracted by it with the secret scroll pavilion, which makes them Easy to get."

"Secondly, there are only a few people who can enter the Secret Scroll Pavilion, and we have nothing to do with the benefits anyway."

I can't eat the two benefits in my own mouth, so why don't I say a few more words?

The human heart is so bad that it is difficult to control.

But in just two days, news came out from the Tiance Pavilion—the king of the Xuanyu Banner was captured, or he was captured alive, and he wanted to pick a good day to sacrifice to heaven and enjoy it. We sincerely invite heroes and celebrities from all corners of the world to come over taste.

As soon as the news came out, those who broke their mouths became as quiet as chickens, because they invited martial arts masters and celebrities from all corners of the country, and they gave these people benefits. In the future, no one will be wronged if he falls to his death in the gutter.

Therefore, the reputation of Tiance Pavilion has been preserved, and it has been improved to a higher level.

"The Xuanyu Banner King is so good?"

"Okay, of course! I heard that eating it can prolong your life! Do you know why the grand master is in such good health? It was because he was lucky enough to eat the meat of Xuanyu Banner bestowed by Emperor Taizong when he was young. Yuqi King Meat is older than the current one, and it is also twice the size, but this one is also amazing, it is very beneficial to the body, otherwise why do you think these martial arts masters are so caring?"

There was only one fish, but there were so many people, some people ate more while others ate less, so this move by Tiance Pavilion made it impossible for Man Wulin to find any problems.

"Since that's the case, isn't there a lot of thieves going there?"

"Multiple farts, they were invited by Tiance Pavilion themselves, no matter how many are too many, no matter how little is too little."

There is a deep meaning in this statement, and those who are not up to the IQ standard cannot understand it.

Qin Yu understood, but it's a pity that she has already arrived at Tiance Pavilion. She didn't come to eat fish, she came to read books.


Eating and drinking are just the desires of the tongue. In this world, one should restrain oneself and observe etiquette, and study hard.

It was with such a righteous and progressive thought that Qin Yu found the location of Tiance Pavilion - Mount Qiwang.

It is at the foot of the mountain, but you can see the majestic and upright demeanor from a distance.

The grandeur of the building lies in its pattern and model. Seriously, this Tiance Pavilion is worthy of being a martial arts organization backed by the royal family and the imperial court. Qin Yu has learned Feng Shui, and he can see at a glance that this mountain range is full of vigor and is a place to raise people.

——If you have already started practicing qi refining, you will see more.

"You can tell me more."



Qin Yu hated this golden wall the most, so he should talk more, not talk more.

How cheap.

While cursing at the golden wall, Qin Yu also heard the movement ahead, starting a fight?


It's normal to fight, because there are two days before the opening of the secret scroll building of Tiance Pavilion, and people go there every day to try their luck to see if they can meet the conditions to enter the first view-eating Xuanyu Banner Royal Meat is a default decision, this But the secret scroll can give it a go.

So there is a queue for "exams" at the top.

At this time, in front of the Xuantian Jianlou of Tiance Pavilion, there is a market with two points of Tai Chi, Yin and Yang. Outside the market, there are dozens of hundreds of martial arts heroes watching the battle, and on the other side are people from Tiance Pavilion. .

The middle-aged man in the plate is from Tiance Pavilion, you can tell just by looking at the clothes, the other is dressed as a martial arts knight in gray iron-colored clothes, and uses kicks and palms. There is no shortage of strength and speed.

Looking at it with the naked eye, Qin Yu could clearly see the internal force emanating from the palms, legs, and elbows. Every time he hits, the air will increase once or twice. Much more aggressive.

However, the martial arts mentality used by the people in Tiance Pavilion is naturally superior, and he still fights with one hand. His left hand is behind his back, and his right hand comes forward to block. , he only blocks and does not attack, and the defense is airtight, and after every defense, the knight will be blocked by him and retreated.

Vigorous shock?

The knight could not even touch the corner of his clothes.


"What kind of kung fu is this?"

"You don't know this, you are really ignorant! Who doesn't know that there are seven masters in Tiance Pavilion, the boxer Lu Yuan has made a great reputation in the world with "Di He Palm", and among the martial arts masters, the "Di He Palm" just Few people can resist fierce and domineering, but because there are also shortcomings, so he did not become famous in the past few years, but after he mastered "Dihe Palm", Lu Yuan actually worked hard on body skills and leg skills. On the one hand, it is equivalent to making up for the lack of flexibility after the excess of rigidity, defeating many martial arts masters one by one, and this is one of the seven masters of the Sky Strategy Pavilion."

The most important thing is that this "Dihe Palm" is one of Tiance Pavilion's top boxing secret volumes.

And this Lu Yuan was cultivated by Tiance Pavilion.

But so far, this Lu Yuan has not really made a move, at least "Dihe Palm" has not been revealed yet.

The person who challenged Lu Yuan was well-known in the world.

Kuaishou He Wen has a remarkable record. To put it bluntly, people like Mr. Yu are ranked below the opponent.

"The gap is too big, I think he is about to lose."

Perhaps realizing that it was not good for him to be suppressed all the time, He Wen's eyes flashed, and he showed a flaw. When Lu Yuan raised his foot and threw the whip, he bent down and dodged it with a very tricky kung fu. With this kick, two trick needles were thrown out from the hidden buckles of the boots while the body twisted in the air, and shot towards Lu Yuan.

This angle was too tricky and too fast, everyone was surprised, Lu Yuan's expression changed, but it became——smiled?

That's right, Lu Yuan smiled, and with a flick of his foot, two afterimages of his figure joined hands, passing the two trick needles one by one, and then firmly met He Wen's slap in the face.

The heart of the palm is moving, the internal force is magnificent, attached between the palm and the heel, it seems like the thick and thick air of loess, and the palms face each other.


Qin Yu suddenly understood why it was called "Dihe Palm", because when the palm exploded, there was a Buddhist Dihe copper bell.

In an instant, He Wen's arm was torn and torn by the vigor of the agitation and shooting, and then the whole person flew out. After landing, half of the arm was shattered.

The bloody wound was torn apart, trembling together with the bones.

It's not a serious injury, but it's not a minor injury either.

Although he was defeated, He Wen still had a look of anticipation on his face. Qin Yu wondered whether he could go in or not, depending on the evaluation of the people in Tiance Pavilion. It may not be necessary to win—generally, he would not be able to win, after all, it was a martial arts master who made the move. How many people can compete with it?

When He Wen was still looking forward to it, Zhang Chunheng, the deputy head of Tiance Pavilion, didn't move his eyelids, and asked directly: "Who is next?"

The Qi Yi on his face died instantly, He Wen's expression was ugly, but he didn't dare to say anything. Seeing that he was defeated, the others thought they were not strong enough, so no one showed up for a while.

Seeing this, Tiance Pavilion was about to end today's test and was about to disperse.

"Let me try it."

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