I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 822 On Conscience


The fish to be eaten is dying, does this affect much?

It's very big, at least from the reactions of these people, Qin Yu can see that the freshness of this Xuanyu Banner King is related to the benefits these people get from eating it.

Whether it is fresh or not is related to the ingredients themselves, which are flesh and blood.

Fish flesh?

"Could it be a natural treasure similar to Ganoderma lucidum? I think that glacier has a long history, and the things frozen inside are naturally very spiritual, and this live fish grows in a spiritual treasure~~ Is this a martial arts copy or a fairy tale?" copy?"

Qin Yu was indeed sensitive, but Huang Jinbi told her that the truth was not that exaggerated.

——Of course it’s a martial arts dungeon, but even the technology dungeon has the protection of body enhancement like ganoderma lucidum. Your previous dungeons also have natural treasures that exceed a certain level. The martial arts dungeon is second only to the Xianxia cultivation dungeon, and there are some enhanced treasures Not surprising either.

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows, "So eating its meat can increase your internal strength or prolong your life."

If Jinbi didn't answer, it was the default.

Damn, no wonder these people care so much.

Of course everyone cares, especially the people in Tiance Pavilion, because the people in Tiance Pavilion eat a lot of fish today, so the benefits are naturally to be maximized.

After some rescue, King Xuanyuqi was finally relieved, and the white fish's belly didn't turn over, only bubbling and bubbling.

"After all, it came down from the glacier and adapted to the ice water. If it doesn't add some ice cubes, it probably won't survive for long."

But there are not many ice cubes in the icehouse, so let's eat it as soon as possible, but the person hasn't come yet.

After everyone's palpitations calmed down, some people suddenly regained their senses, and suddenly their faces became strange.

"That bloody thief!" Seeing that the flower picker Xiao Yu had found a place to sit in the corner under the tree, Zhao Rong, a martial arts heroine, stared at her bright eyes, wishing she could draw a sword and poke a few holes in Qin Yu's body Come.

However, the latter is not only thick-skinned but also wearing a mask, what can you do to her?

Qin Yu really didn't want to fight with this group of people. Although she didn't want to climb up to these mobs with average IQ and EQ, it was easy to attract others' attention, right?

Facing Gu Ye's indifferent gaze, Qin Yu touched his mask, looked away from him noncommittally, and paid attention to the expressions and conversations of Tian Cege and others.

There are important people yet to come, and more than one.

But it didn't take long for someone to come.

A group of people came, in fact, only two people were important, and the rest were guards.

It wasn't long before Qin Yu first arrived, and he was locked up for more than half of the time, so he didn't see many people, but if you want to know the identity of the person, you can tell from the guards.

Clothes, imposing manner, badges, weapons, the number of people and so on, Qin Yu can tell who this man and woman are from with just a glance.

Of course, other people's whispers can also be eavesdropped.

The man is Jiang Muchen, the son of the General's Mansion in West Chu County. Because he belongs to the General's Mansion, he has practiced martial arts since he was a child and was sent to the rivers and lakes to hone his skills, so he has a lot of connections with the Jianghu. He also broke out the name of a night master.

The so-called Ye Muzi is dressed in a black strong suit, his body is like a sword, he is very cold and noble, especially the long sword on his waist, it is not ordinary at first glance, it looks like a famous sword.

This time, without waiting for Qin Yu to ask, Huang Jinbi took the initiative to inform.

——It is worth about 500 stars in the system, and it is considered a famous sword in this world.

Oh, so expensive!

The native aborigines who were born with a golden spoon in their mouths.

When Qin Yu was feeling emotional, he heard that other people paid less attention to this Jiang Muchen than to the sword on his waist.

"One of the fourteen famous martial arts weapons, the Chishan Sword, I heard that it was in the General's Mansion of Western Chu before, and later it was passed to the hands of Young Master Jiang Muchen."

"Being born with fourteen famous weapons in the world, the real person is more popular than the dead."

In fact, Jiang Muchen can already be regarded as a young talent, and his talent in martial arts is also good. In his early years, he was sent to the Misty Sect, the number one sect in the martial arts. It's like the hero chooses.

——Originally, your status in the martial arts is higher than his. After all, the general's mansion is only a half-martial arts.

"Is there any way, I have never been born into a good family."

--you sure?

"Uh, well, 2222 counts. Both parents are fine, and so is that little idiot Qin Gou."

Qin Yu felt warm when he thought of Wen Qixin and his wife, but felt sad when he thought of Qin Gou.

——Don't be sad, look up at the beauty.

Oh beauty? She knew there were beautiful women, and the one who came with Jiang Muchen was a beautiful woman, but Qin Yu judged that she was an official beauty.

How to judge? listen~

"Wow! It's Shangwen Lingyun!"

The granddaughter of the grand master, Shangwen Lingyun, who is famous for her talent and beauty, is the nobleman of the aristocratic family in the imperial capital.

Wearing a bamboo hat and tulle, and a misty and light silk skirt, when she came, it seemed that she automatically made people think-the reeds are green, and the white dew is frost. The so-called Yiren is on the side of the water.

When Qin Yu saw him, he couldn't help but roll his eyes when he thought of the young master Yu coveting this woman.

Silly, see the line of guards behind her, they are all third-rate experts, the real masters are hidden outside.

She dared to bet that these seemingly third-rate guards must have bodyguards at the martial arts master level.

With Mr. Xiao Yu's skills, his leg was chopped off before he reached out his hand.

However, these two people's identities are indeed good, but they are only valuable because of their backgrounds. One official and one general are in line with the principle of inseparable relationship between Tiance Pavilion and court, but there is still something missing.

Qin Yu knew that Tian Cege was not waiting for these two young people, that was~~

"I've heard about it from the top, it's better to see it than to be famous, and Qin Shaoyu in the lower Qinghuang Mountain."

If Qin Shaoyu came to greet Jiang Muchen, due to the corresponding attributes of both backgrounds, he could also get diplomatic effects, but who is Wen Lingyun? The Qin family corresponds.

Especially when the Qin family got married to the Xiangfu again.

Well, although the married Miss Qin San fed the fish.

So Shangwen Lingyun just nodded politely and didn't respond. Qin Shaoyu approached, and he could see the beautiful outline of this aristocratic daughter through the veil. What's more, her voice was as fluent as Zhilan, elegant and clear as autumn rain, which made her feel more beautiful. People hear it upside down.

"Miss Shangwen is here today..."

He was a little obsessed, and wanted to go forward to chat, but was interrupted by Jiang Muchen directly, "Second Master Qin, have you found Lingmei's body?"

Qin Shaoyu narrowed his eyes, and said lightly: "Thank you, Mr. Jiang, for your concern. My sister's life is poor, and she has suffered bad luck. Poor her body is still unknown..."

Then why are you here to eat fish?

The frail Qin Yu secretly rolled his eyes under the mask, and the Shangwen Lingyun naturally knew about the death of the Xiangfu's wife who was making a fuss in the imperial capital recently, so he glanced at Qin Shaoyu and Zhang Minglou, noncommittal.

However, it turns out that there are too many heartless people in this world.

for example. . . .

"Master Xiang is here..."

The disciples of Tiance Pavilion came to spread the word, and everyone looked at it together.

Oh, and there are dead wives who come to eat fish.

In this world, one mountain is still higher?

Or is the fish particularly delicious?


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