I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 827 Reckless (second update, third update later)

Well done! Zhang Chunheng's eyes flashed, and he secretly thought that although Jiang Muchen's retreat was a sign of weakness, it also reduced the advantage of this little fish boy - the longer the distance, the longer he would have time to exert his internal strength.

Qin Yu also sighed secretly, this kid is really not a fuel-efficient lamp, he has a good brain.

but. . . . She had expected it.


Qin Yu took off the scabbard on his waist with one hand and threw it out!

The scabbard flew out, Jiang Muchen frowned, and slashed down with the hooked sword, and the scabbard was cut off as soon as the internal force came out.

But the scabbard that was cut off had earthy yellow powder scattered out.

What is this fine powder?

Jiang Muchen's face changed, and he retracted his sword at random to dodge, but he didn't expect the little fish boy to attack from the scattered powder.

This sword, Jiang Muchen still did not expect it.

Still can only respond temporarily.

Gu Ye lowered his eyes, and in terms of temporary reaction, it is estimated that none of these young men can match this little Yugongzi. Could it be that they practiced by sneaking around?

Just when everyone thought that Jiang Muchen was going to suffer a big loss, Jiang Muchen's eyes were fixed, and he was about to draw his sword.

"Shameless, you still use poison!"

brush! Someone at the side made a sudden move, it was Qin Shaoyu!

This man's strength was slightly inferior to Jiang Muchen's, but under the sneak attack with all his strength, Qin Yu's sideways to him was regarded as a flaw, and he stabbed the side of the chest with his sword.

Qin Yu's eyes flashed, but with a little step, he quickly backed away.

Jiang Muchen's expression turned ugly, "Qin Shaoyu, step back!"

But Qin Shaoyu said: "Brother Jiang, this person has no regard for morality and secretly poisoned him. He is a man of evil ways. If you can't take him down, then let me do it."

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about Jiang Muchen, and chased and killed Qin Yu on his own.

Jiang Muchen scolded Qin Shaoyu treacherously in his heart, he can't deal with this little fish boy, he just needs to take a step back and draw his sword, or distance himself from the opponent's attacking rhythm, but Qin Shaoyu intervenes rashly, leaving him no chance to show off, On the contrary, it seems that Jiang Muchen's strength is not as good as Qin Shaoyu's, and he still has to be rescued by Qin Shaoyu.

Because he saw through Qin Shaoyu's methods, Jiang Muchen refused to give in, and chased Qin Yu with Qin Shaoyu.

Anyway, whoever wins the little Yugong first wins! Also prevent the other party from taking her down!

Qin Yu was under a lot of pressure, but she knew how to use the gap between the two of them to forcibly turn the two-person fight into a three-person fight, so as to get a balance.

However, Jiang Muchen couldn't hold it back anymore, and his inner strength burst forth wildly. When Qin Yu's sword tip pierced Chishan's scabbard, he couldn't move him a bit.

Sure enough, the gap is still too big.

The scabbard was not scratched at all, Jiang Muchen didn't take a half step back, but the scabbard turned over and twirled in his hand, and the scabbard hit Qin Yu's neck vigorously.

Qin Shaoyu's sword also came.

Clang clang clang clang.

brush! Qin Yu swept back, Jiang Muchen and Qin Shaoyu caught up, and the three of them turned into two, three and four afterimages respectively.

Those with more afterimages were faster, Jiang Muchen caught up with Qin Yu the fastest, and his inner strength came out majesticly.

Bang! The sword was finally pulled out, and the red sword was full of sword energy, and a red mark was cut in the air.

coming soon!

It can't be stopped, even if the inner strength doubled for her, it can't be stopped, unless there are generals.

Unless~~Qin Yu flashed behind the rushing Qin Shaoyu like a ghost.

Just at this time, Jiang Muchen threw out a sword, and the sword energy was stretched, straight in front of him.

Qin Shaoyu's face changed, and he could only block it with his sword.

boom! Even the man and the sword were knocked out, and hit the trunk of the pines, the leaves trembled, and a bird was startled from the branch. By the way, it seemed to be the original bird!

Little bastard, why didn't he fly away and stayed to watch the show?

Jiang Muchen also saw this bird, and sneered, this little Yugong made him such a big embarrassment, if he couldn't take her down completely, how could he walk in the rivers and lakes in the future, so he also moved.

With light work, both of them equaled the flying bird,

The internal force swept into a flow, the bird sensed it, and was inexplicably terrified, so it could only be trapped in this internal flow.

The same is true of birds, and so is Qin Yu.

This is the power of superior exercises? Qin Yu vaguely heard someone in the crowd mentioning that this is one of the superior mental methods of the Misty Sect——"Vertical Flow Heaven Art"

Bang! ! ! Chishan hit Qin Yu's sword with one end and blocked it!

There was only a bang, and the sword in Qin Yu's hand trembled under the powerful internal force.

Internal force vs. internal force, thick vs. weak, if you calculate the magnitude of internal force, it is about the difference between 100 and 10.

What's more, the difference between the famous sword Chishan and Xiaoyugongzi's broken sword is more than 100 and 10.

The gap is too big.

Then with a clang, it broke!

Broken Sword was defeated.

Everyone judged so instantly, but Gu Ye suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Because of the broken sword, Qin Yu's eyebrows and eyes moved slightly, and the two broken swords were swished out.

Jiang Muchen split them open with Chishan, but Qin Yu caught up with the bird and was about to catch it. . . .

This little broken bird is treacherous, it squeaked in mid-air, and then swooped out!

The place where it rushed over was where Lin Heng was!

Jiang Muchen and Qin Shaoyu, who were chasing after them, suddenly changed their expressions, and they all stopped.

Only Qin Yu, she wanted to stop when she saw the bird flying towards her, but she suddenly met Lin Heng who gave her a cold, heartless, sinister look.

Her mind suddenly moved - if she can't catch this bird, this person will definitely not let her eat fish, and it doesn't matter if she can't eat fish, as long as she loses some benefits and star ratings, this person will kill her .

don't like her.

Very unhappy.

Since he doesn't like it, with his strength, even Jiang Wangye can't do anything about him, so what's the point of killing a little Yugongzi?

The desire to survive has come.

Then how to survive? This person can even be used as a bait for the wife that the media is marrying, let alone her?

unless. . . Let him see his worth.

Qin Yu lowered his eyes, and did a backflip, the real lone goose, his robe fluttering, and his afterimage flashed instantly.

The people in Tiance Pavilion were startled when they saw this scene of Yan Ying's movement, and even Gu was slightly taken aback.

"The Lone Wild Goose" has achieved great success?

How many days has this kid been studying? ! ! !

Bang! There are guards behind Lin Heng, and they are already on guard when they see someone coming, Qi Qi wanted to draw their swords, but they were not strong enough, so Yu Qing, the man in gray, was about to make a move, but Lin Heng raised his hand to stop it.

He watched the brat approach with cold eyes.

He knew that she didn't dare to do anything, she just wanted to catch a bird. Such a sneaky thing is so courageous, how can he be afraid of her?

So Lin Heng watched with cold eyes, and Yu Qing was sure to kill the opponent instantly if there was any misbehavior.

Until they saw a solitary figure, a piece of flapping clothes, and the palm that lightly grabbed the bird and tucked it into the sleeve.

She comes, she goes.

It was just a moment, crisp and unexpected, but this move was too beautiful to be true.

In the fluttering robes, there was a piece of elegant and light fragrance left on his nose, like a prodigal who seduces those little girls to do evil after taking a bath and burning incense.

And he grabbed the little bird and bowed to him to apologize.

"I'm rude and rude, please don't blame me, Mr. Xiang."

False, pretentious.

Lin Heng suddenly determined her sex, after all, a person like Mr. Yu should have such a temperament.

It can't be said whether he likes it or not, because there are basically no people who can make him like it.

But he looked at this person with deep eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

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