I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 835 Assault (Third update, please subscribe)

"This person hid the food on purpose and didn't take it out, making us starve for so many days in vain. Besides, such a flower picker, don't you want to waste food on her?"

Qin Shaoyu felt that what he said made sense, Zhao Rong and the others heard a chuckle behind them before they could say anything.

"I really did it on purpose."

"But are you sure you want to eat it in the first three days?"

There was something in Qin Yu's words, and everyone understood it as soon as they heard it. Not to mention that the food shortage made them save food, even the grain reaction after eating food was enough to embarrass them.

Especially the two daughters of Zhao Rong, they understood Qin Yu's meaning, and immediately felt uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Qin Yu didn't mention them.

"I don't care about these things, but I'm grateful that Mr. Yu can generously provide these foods. Even a single sorbet can last for another day or two. I'm afraid there will be no future."

Luo Xueyun, who had always been reticent, sighed, as if helpless and troubled.

Qin Yu glanced at him, and didn't respond to such words, because she was impatient to comfort others, not to mention that at his age, how many dangers he had encountered in the world, did he still need her comfort? It was nothing more than trying to test if she had any other means.

Qin Shaoyu saw that no one else responded. Although he really wanted to kill Qin Yu, he still withdrew his sword.

A group of people divided all the Yamanashi, one for each, and three more.

Qin Yu directly gave Zhao Rong two daughters and an unknown old man.

The three of them were a little surprised, and Zhao Rong subconsciously wondered if the other party was. . .

"Elderly women take one more."


Zhao Rong and Yu Jingxiu, who were only in their early twenties, had such ever-changing expressions that they almost put Qin Yuling to death.

Qin Yu ignored them, took a bite of the pear, and saw that she ate it, and everyone ate it, because they chose the pears themselves, and if they were all poisonous, Qin Yu would not dare to eat them. If some of them were poisonous, it wouldn't just be Qin Yu's turn to leave the non-poisonous ones, so once Qin Yu ate them, they knew the sorbets were clean.

Qin Yu has a clear understanding of these people's thoughts, so it doesn't matter, she just thinks that now that she has taken out pears to fill the lives of these people, it will make these people even more unable to hold back their shit, which probably disrupts the situation to a certain extent. If the other party's plan is violated, will the other party continue to detain them, or release them in advance?

The first three days are the limit of their patience, if it exceeds three days, they will die. They can't really let them shit and pee in here, after all, it is their patriarchal forbidden land.

This will definitely not be the case in Tiance Pavilion, so ~~ there will be changes tonight.

After Qin Yu made up his mind, he continued to observe the painting wall by himself. The rest of the people filled a small pear. In fact, they were still hungry, but it was another kind of physiological impulse that was stronger. It was just that no one was willing to do it before others were embarrassed Be the first one, if you escape and the other party spreads the news, wouldn't it be embarrassing, especially Jiang Qin's two sons and Zhao Rong's two daughters, they just have to hold back.

It's night after holding back.

In fact, trapped here with an oil lamp to get light, and I don't know the day and night, and only Qin Yu still counts the time, because she doesn't need much time to sleep, so even if most of the others sat down to sleep, she can't pretend Asleep, but actually the avatar is still rehearsing in the golden house.

As time passed by, Qin Yu in the golden room suddenly stopped writing.

There is movement.


There was no movement, but on the oil lamp, the oil of the oil lamp was almost exhausted, Qin Yu lifted his eyelids slightly, and saw that the light was starting to weaken.

The rest of the oil lamps are similar, so they will be extinguished later, and after they are extinguished, people can explode.

Qin Yu's eyelids dropped again.

Who will be the first to strike.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5. . . .

When Qin Yu counted to 96, there was a whoosh, and all the lights went out.

At that moment, a name jumped out of her mind.

As soon as the name came out, there was a thud, blood splashed on the ground, everyone reacted in unison, there was the sound of swords and swords, and then there was the sound of palms hitting the skull when the sword entered and the sword came out.

The killing is still going on, and someone is preparing to clear the scene.

There are still people who are struggling to resist, forcing all their housekeeping efforts, in this darkness.

It was impossible for Qin Yu to sit on the sidelines, because someone had already attacked him by then!

Bang! The curved sword trembled, in the dark, toward Qin Yu's throat. . .

On the side of Qin Yu's head, the sword pierced the wall, and then slashed hard, towards the side where Qin Yu's head was deflected.

But Qin Yu disappeared, and a lone shadow flashed. He listened to the voice in the dark and determined the position of Qin Shaoyu and Zhang Minglou who had joined forces to assassinate him. Throat, Karma wipe! After the larynx was crushed, the light in Zhang Minglou's eyes quickly dimmed, and the sword in his hand was taken away by Qin Yu. On the other side, Qin Shaoyu was shocked when he heard the movement, and he dodged vigilantly, and swung his sword to block~~

After all, he was a disciple of a famous family, and this Qin Shaoyu blocked his sword accurately, but he was a little staggered and panicked. After he blocked his sword, he wanted to retreat and dodge, but he heard the sound of an attack from behind.

Oh, it's a mess.

In the chaos, Qin Yu's purpose was not to kill, but to avoid. Because of the real attack, she lost many people. In the darkness, she had an absolute advantage, but even in the darkness, she didn't want people to die too much. More, because - the other party will close the market early.

There were about a dozen breaths, and sometimes there was the sound of blood and flesh splattering, but no one yelled angrily, because if they made a sound, they would expose their position and they would die.

She heard the woman's screams, she raised her eyebrows, but didn't care.

After about a dozen breaths.


A projectile-sized object fell to the ground, creaking and burning and glowing.

Only then did everyone see the surrounding situation clearly.

Five people were lying on the ground.

Zhao Rong, Lin Dongbai, He Wen, the Green Forest Swordsman and the unknown old man.

Of course, there is also Zhang Minglou.

Five people died like this, and no one who survived asked who killed them, because if they really broke up, they would anger the other party and make the direction of the vendetta clear, which would not be conducive to stopping the killing.

But they were also thinking in their hearts, who can kill the Green Forest Swordsman and the unknown old man? Only Jiang Muchen and Luo Xueyun could do it.

Not necessarily, if someone realizes something in the past three days, it would not be surprising if someone came up with a unique move in the dark, counterattacked and killed someone who was much stronger than him, just like Qin Yu easily killed himself who was not much weaker than her Zhang Minglou.

This is a terrible combat environment, and no one knows whether they can survive.

Yu Jingxiu's face was pale and her lips trembled. The others were not particularly excited about the death of her companion, including Li Zimo who was walking with the unknown old man. He held his sword and stared at the others.

The smell of blood became a little stronger, and the brightness of the burning projectiles on the ground also began to dim rapidly.

When darkness falls, everyone is a devil.

Qin Yu's eyes flickered as the light gradually went out, until the next second.

Pfft, darkness comes again.

Who will die? Who will continue to kill? who will~~


The next second, everyone suddenly saw the light again. This time everyone was shocked, and there was no time to put away their weapons.

As for the light source—Master Xiao Yu, she held up a lamp, and the light flickered, making the silver mask on her face extraordinarily handsome, and adding a bit of treachery.

It was a lamp she had brought in earlier, but no one noticed that she extinguished it quickly afterwards, saving the oil.

Is it a coincidence? Same as that Yamanashi?

She seemed to be quite at ease.

Everyone had strange expressions, and for a moment they felt that all the sharp edges they had exposed were exposed under this person's nose, as if——she had already expected that they were making a fool of themselves on purpose.

This made them a little upset, especially Jiang Muchen and Qin Shaoyu, the latter had a hint of cruelty in his eyes, but they suddenly saw Qin Yu's palm move.

She has a sword in her hand, Zhang Minglou's sword.

Sword pointed.

Everyone was shocked!

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