I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 840 Killing

Qin Yu: "How does that compare to the sword technique of the Misty Sect?"

Jiang Muchen: "In terms of swordsmanship, although my Misty Sect is top-notch, I have the Chishan Sword, and the Chishan swordsmanship I use at home is the most appropriate, but the mentality I practice is better than his."

He didn't say how good he was, because Qin Yu was only an ally to him at the moment.

Qin Yu didn't ask any more questions, thought for a moment, and said, "Then the two of us may not be opponents together, because you are too weak."

What? Jiang Muchen wanted to say that Qin Yu was too weak, but he didn't expect this guy to be shameless and beat him up.

"I'm weak? Oh! What about you?"

"Me? It's not up to you, it has nothing to do with me."


This is shameless.

Jiang Muchen had nothing to say, "Then what should we do? If you and I are not opponents, even if we kill Qin Shaoyu, it will be of no avail. How about running away?"

I don't know if I can escape.

Qin Yu approached him, lowered his voice and said softly: "The foundation is not enough, so let's deepen the means."

Jiang Muchen: "What means?"

Qin Yu said slowly: "You will know when the time comes, as long as there are loopholes and opportunities, keep him and kill him with one blow."

Her demeanor reminded Jiang Muchen of some people, such as Lin Heng.

No matter what the situation, the other party is always calm and confident.

That's because it's strong enough.

Jiang Muchen's heart suddenly settled.


Qin Yu's estimate was good, Qin Shaoyu was indeed wary of Luo Xueyun, but the latter didn't care much about him, and his attitude remained amiable - if Qin Shaoyu wasn't suspicious by nature, he might not be so cautious.

"I didn't expect Jiang Muchen to be so vigilant, and he ran away after a few days. It stands to reason that he should be unable to move after being injured..."

Qin Shaoyu was very annoyed at not being able to find each other for so many days.

"Looking at the bonfire and the traces of the utensils, there should be two people, and one of them must be helping him." Luo Xueyun was not in a hurry, "This hole is huge, but the Tiance Pavilion can trap us and let it out on purpose. They won’t let us go out easily, I guess this is just another cage, now they are cornered by us, and they will be killed sooner or later.”

Qin Shaoyu nodded. They stayed away from each other when they were resting, but before resting, they all went to a hidden cave one after another, and there were groans that made people blush and heartbeat, and it took half an hour for each of them to come out.

In fact, Qin Yu also underestimated the degree of Qin Shaoyu's fear of Luo Xueyun, the distance to rest was not only five feet away, but seven or eight feet away, only a bonfire was lit, and then both of them fell asleep with their swords in their arms.

The bonfire was crackling and burning, and the small cave was also a little quiet.

I don't know how long it took, when the fire was almost extinguished, Luo Xueyun suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were sharp and cold, and he glanced at Qin Shaoyu, there was no movement at that end, only the light of the bonfire that was about to extinguish, slowly, he turned his face, and looked towards Qin Shaoyu. Look over the stream.

It was pitch black, with only the faint glow of the ore. The man seemed to think that it was a good idea to ambush him, but Luo Xueyun still noticed some movement.

Want to surprise him?

He wanted to wake up Qin Shaoyu, but suddenly found that the other party had a sword in his hand, which looked very similar to it - the Chishan Sword.

Jiang Muchen?

Luo Xueyun is cunning and cautious, otherwise with his strength, he wouldn't deliberately go with Qin Shaoyu to ensure security. At this time, as soon as he realized that it was Jiang Muchen, he expected that there was another person on the other side.

United besieging and killing him? No, he didn't realize that there was another person on the opposite side, but someone approached Qin Shaoyu.

Qin Yu intentionally made Luo Xueyun aware that he was close to Qin Shaoyu, in order to be sure of Luo Xueyun's choice.

Sure enough, Luo Xueyun pretended not to know, because his plan was - he killed Jiang Muchen in the past and got the Chishan Sword, and the other person helped him kill Qin Shaoyu, so as to save him extra effort. fear this person.

Borrowing a knife to kill someone and then killing him again, three of the four will die, and one of them alone is enough!

After making such calculations, Luo Xueyun closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep, letting Jiang Muchen approach quietly.

Time passed quickly, until Jiang Muchen was a foot away from Luo Xueyun, he quietly drew his sword, the sword came out silently, Luo Xueyun suddenly opened his eyes, and pulled out the Misty Rain Autumn Sword.


When the two swords slammed together, the sword sound popped out, and Qin Shaoyu woke up suddenly, and his first reaction was to raise the sword.

But when he touched the sword, he suddenly felt a chill behind him.

not good!

Bang! Qin Yu's sword was on the scabbard, and the bonfire had already been extinguished. He opened his eyes suddenly, but his eyes could not adapt to the darkness. Qin Shaoyu didn't see the person clearly for a while, but was knocked back two steps by the sword, and quickly drew his sword to attack, but The ghostly body of the opponent seemed to be understood at night, and the dodging and dodging was terrible. He used three swords and couldn't touch the opponent. Even after adapting to the darkness, he saw that there was a mask on the opponent's face.

"Who are you!"

Qin Shaoyu didn't have time to call out the opponent's name, but when he saw Qin Yu attacking quickly, his nerves froze and he sneered.

When he, Qin Shaoyu, is really muddy?

Luo Xueyun didn't kill him all this time, so she was afraid.

He is the son of the Qin family in Qinghuang Mountain!

Hey, the sword comes out, the phantom, the blue light flowing above the blade, comes in an instant, kills in an instant.

This sword move is very powerful, absolutely no less than Jiang Muchen's Chishan sword technique.

Qinghuang Mountain's Qinghuang swordsmanship, legend has it that Lianyin made his name in the rivers and lakes with this swordsmanship.

But Qin Shaoyu has never used it, and others thought he couldn't - even when he was fighting Qin Yu with Jiang Muchen, it didn't work, it was just a secret method.

Now he used it to kill Qin Yu with one sword.

However, this Qinghuang sees the phantom, and the phantom produces Qingbi, his sword move is very good, so why~~


Qin Yu avoided it, and even pierced his chest with a sword.

This, this is impossible!

How could she see through this sword!


"I...I am the son of Qinghuang Qin Lin, you..." Qin Shaoyu couldn't believe it when he was dying.

Holding the sword pierced into his chest, Qin Yu pressed him against the stone wall and whispered in his ear.

"My dear brother, I am also the daughter of Qinghuang Qinlin."

What! ! ! Qin Shaoyu's pupils trembled violently, and his left hand, which was poking towards his chest, also trembled, but he still poked inward to grab something~~ His wrist was suddenly pinched.

Karma smashed the bones of his hand with a rubbing sound.

"Luo Xueyun doesn't dare to touch you easily, what is afraid of is not Qinghuang swordsmanship, but this."

Qin Yu probed in and took out an exquisite hidden weapon hidden in Qin Shaoyu's clothes. It was shaped like an oval spiral lotus flower with a hidden button at the bottom. It was obviously an amazingly powerful hidden weapon.

Qin Yu searched the memory of the original owner. The original owner grew up in Qinghuang, even though he had never practiced martial arts, he had seen Qinghuang swordsmanship. Qin Yu relied on this memory to see through some evasion flaws, so he avoided the sword, but the opponent Don't know what this is.

Probably Qin Lin didn't let this daughter see this secret hidden weapon to protect herself.

So Qin Yu couldn't recognize this thing, but she was smart and had a keen insight. She knew where the mechanism was hidden by just looking at it and touching it.

Hearing Jiang Muchen's sword strike, Qin Yu quickly put it away.

Then Jiang Muchen couldn't hold it anymore.

This idiot, if he is far from being the opponent of Luo Xueyun, how long has it been!

What else are you talking about in terms of similar strength, bah!

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